HomeMy WebLinkAboutBriarcliff Landscape12/84/2886 14:12 7656641 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PAGE 81 James F. King, President Jill M. Doherty, Viee-Pr6sident. Peggy A. Dickerson Dave Bergen John Holzap£el Town Hall 53096 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 $outhold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Office Use Only Coastal Erosion Permit Application ~Wetland Permit Application ~Amendmen~fr~$ fer/Ext~nsion ~Rec~ivzd Applica~on: Received Fee:$~ __Comploted Application ~Ineomplete __SEQI~, Classification: Type I, Type II Unlisted,__ Coordinatiom(d~-te sent)__.__ LWRP Conslsteney Assessment Form CAC Referral Sent: __Date of Inspection: ,__ __Receipt of CAC Report:__ ,_ __Lead Agency Determination: Technical Review', ~Pubtic Hearing Held: __Resolution; Admin/~t~ative permit Suffolk County Tax Map Number: I000 - (provide LILCO Pole ~, distance to ~oss s~ets, and location) (If applicable) Ad~s: 12/04/2806 14:i2 7656641 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bo&r~ of Tru~tee~ A1~Pl~cat~-°n GEI~ERAL DATA Axea Zor~g:~ previous use of property:~~--~ -"----- ' Intended use of propertY:----~eslA~-rnt~ i ~~ PAGE 02 prior permits/approvals for site improvements: D ate No prior pcrmitslapprovals for site improvements, Has any permit/approval ever been revoked or suspended by a governmental agency? .,~ No Yes l£)'es~ provide ex?lanation:_ Project Description (use attachments if necessary): ~-X 4~rt~ [~ von PART II. IMPACT ASSE-~-,MENT 0'0 be com. pleled by Le~_~ Agency) ., "~ ~;S A~QN ~GEED ANy ~p; l ~ESHOLD I~ 6 ~CRR, PA~ 617,47 ~ yes. ~lnate t~ ~ew p~ss and u=e ~e FULL ~. B, WILL ACT}ON ~EIV~ COO~DI~A~D R~I~ A8 p~OVIDED FO~ UNUSED AGTION~ ~N ~ ~C~R, PART 617,6? ff No, a de~tata~on ~ay~ ~upe~ded by ano~er i~vo~ ~ge~, ~Yes ~No C. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ~ ADVERSE EFFE~S ASSOC~D W~TH THE FOLLOWING: (Answers may be han~wHEen, ie legible) Ct. ~lsting air quall~, suda~ Or gmu~ater quali~ ~ quanU~, noise levels. ~isflng ~ffic paffem, solid waste p~ucflon or disposal. ~mn~a f~ erosion, drainage er fl~lng problems? ~plain briery: C2, Ae.the~, agrlcul~ml, archaeol~l~l, hlo~dg, or other natural or cultural ms.roes; or mmmun ~ or ne~ghb~h~d chamcte~ ~plaiq I ' - '" C L. J .... ~ :_.~ ........ ~ ..... C5. GmS, ~'~uent deve~p~'~t, or rela~ activities likely lo be indued by ~e proposed a~tion? Explain O. ~LL THE PRDJE~ ~VE AN IMPACT ON ~E ~NVIRONMENTAk CHARACTERISTICS T~T CAUSED ~E ESTABLISHMENT OF A CRITICAL E~ RONMENTAL AR~ {C~?, (If yes explain E. IS THERE. OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE. CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTE~IAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS?' If PART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (To be completed by Agency) INSTI~UC"rlOIN$; F~ each adverse effect identified above, determine wl~etl~er It is sabsLant~al, large, ~mportant or otrrerw~se s~gn~h~nL ~-ecn effect should be assessed ti1 connection with its (a) setting (La. urbeo or rural); (b) probability of occurring; (c) dumt. ion; (d) irreva~ibility; , g.eographi¢ soope; and (~) magnitude. If necessary, adcl attachments or reterence supporting materials. Ensure that explanations contaifl e~Jfl~cAeNt detail to show that all relevant adverse, impac, ts have been identttied and adequately addressed. If question d of part ii was che~l(e(:l ¥ es.rLbe, deter mina Ue~q e f =!g ~ ~c= ~-'...34a=~et evelua~ L~,= pc ',~. 2. ~c.~ !,mp=etefths prepesee'-act~c,~, o,'~-~,; c.~.'~r-eflmental-ohamcte~. ~;c.. ~,;'~,e CF.A. Check this box if you have identified 0~e or more potentially ts~ge or significant adveme impacfs which MAY o~rr. jr. Then proceed clire ~ly b~ Ule FUL EAF and/or prepsre a positt~e deeleratton. WILL NOT result In any significant sever'se environmental ImpacL~ AND provide, on attachments es necessary, the reasons supporting detelwtinstion, Name of Lead Agency Print 0¢ Type Name of Responsible r.~llcef In LearJ Agency Eil!tnature of Responsible ~t in Leati Agenu"J Oat~ Title of Responsible Officer signature et Preparer (it air. rent Item responsible omoer) 12/84/2886 14:12 '7656641 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PAGE Board of Trustees ApplicatiOn County of Suffolk State of N~w York ~ q~ ~-(~,'~i,~ BEmGDU,YSWO~ DEPOSES ~ AFFIRMS T}:iAT lIE/SHE IS T~ffi ~PLIC~T FOR T~ ~O~ D~SCm~D.V~mmS) ~D ~T ~[ ST~mS CO~D maEm ~ TR~ TO ~ BEST OF ~S~R ~O~EDOE A~ BEL~F, AND ~T ~L WORK ~L BE DO~ ~ ~ ~R SET FORTH ~ T~S ~PLICATION ~ AS MAY BE ~PROVED BY T~ SOUTHOLD TO~ BOARD OF TRUSSES. ~ ~PLICANT AG~ES TO HOLD ~ TO~ OF SOUTHOLD A~ ~ TO~ ~US~S ~ESS ~ ~E ~OM ANY ~ ALL D~AOES ~ CL~S ~S~G ~DER OR BY ~ OF S~ PE~T(S), ~ Oll~D. ~ CO~LET~G ~S ~PLICATiON, I ~BY AU~ORIZE T~ ~US~ES, ~IEI_R AGENT(S) OR REP~SE~ATI~S(S), TO E~R O~O ~ PROPERTY TO ~SPEC . T~ P~MISES ~ CONJ~CTION ~TH ~VIEW OF ~S APPLICATION. -~ ~ ~ Signature Notary Public, State of New York No. 4863757 Qualified ?,,Suffolk Goun~ .~ Comrrlission Expires.October 20,. ~ 12/84/2886 14:12 7656641 BOARD OF TRUSTEES PAGE APPLICA_NT/AGENT/REPRES~A~ TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE, FORM 0B The ?ov~ of Southold'~ Code ofEthlc~ nrohthtts conflLc~ of lnte~ on tM ~ of m~ offi~m ~d emo]o~ ~ ~m of ~o~ h m p~de info~ation which c~ alcn ~ ~wn of ~ible ~fli~ o~ ~ ~d ~low it to ~e ~st~ ~ion Is (L~ n~e, fi~ n~o, ~ dd o initial, ~less yo~u ~ ~plying i~ ~e ~a,i~o or ~meO~ :lse or ~er enfi% such ~ a ~mp~y. If so, indi:am ~.v~er NAME OF APFLICA~ON: (Ch:ck all ~at apply,) " Tax griev~n~c Building Verianve Changc of Zon~ ~ , Coastal Erosion " Approval of plat Mooring F. xamption ~TOm plat or otllcial map . Planoing O~hcr Do you p~r~oally (or through your compmsy~ s poo_~,e, s[blin&, par~L or child) havc a relationship ~vi~ any el~icer or cmployce of'the Town o[ ~o~thold? "Relat]onsh¥' ~noludes by blood, man,age, or bu~incs.s int.=resL ~'~usine~ interest'~ ~ ~ busine~ including a p~melshi~, in which th~ tow~ o ~r or employ~ h~ even ~ panial owlmmhip or (or cmploymcnt by) a ~om~on in which the t~n o~ or omploy~: own~ more g~ 5% or~c lryou ~wc~d "YES", complete ~h~ balan~ or ~(s fo~ ~d d~te ~d si~ wl~ i~dicut~d. N~e of ~on employed by ~e Tox~ Of ~uthold Titlc Vr ~sition orthat ~n ~ ~scH~ the ~lation~hip ~tw~;m you.ll (the appli~ag~nC~pm~n~tlve) ~d the town o.ffi~r thc appropriate lin~ A) through D) ~d/or dcscd~ i~ thc sp~ pm~i&d. ~e m~ o~cer or cmploy~ or his or her s~u~, siblin~ pamn~ or child is (~h~ck all that ~pply): _A) tho owner ofgmat~ fl~ 5% orthe sh~ms of~c ~m~ stock of~v apPlicont (whon the applicant is a m~tion); ~B) t~ Icg~ or ~mficial own~ of~ inlem~ in a non-co.rote emi~ (wh~ ~ a~licnnt is not ~ co.ration); ' ~) an offi~r, di~or, p~, o~ ~ploy~ of~ appli~ng or __.D) ~ s~ual eppll~nt DE$CR,IPTION OF RELATIONSHIP Form T~ 1 Submi'ttod this .... day of ,, 200 Signature Print Name A T ORIENT TOWN OF .SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY; N Y. ,.~ ,~,~ Scale, I" Mar. 27, 1997 ~¢ " ~ EI~ t997 (adoltions) 11/20/2006 1B:i9 B31?B50015 BRIARCLIE PAGE 01 www.brlar¢llfflnfld$oalme.com ~oo,p~dd -'}-6yin "T'ru. s4ees.., Olde: 1~&31) 71S-12~0 PO lox _~. Pecont:, NY 11tH hx: {&31} 7&S-001S ~ Route'~,~ 11/28/2006 15:41 6317650015 BRIARCLIE PAGE 01 I c~ b,~,~3 ~l pbr~ ~h~. oZ-fic~ ~,tci, Office.' A~,l 7~5-1220 -~>~-~ I o-f ~ PO Sox ~ Peconlc, NY 119Jll fax: &31 -~'~ . ~UFFOLK COUNTY, N Y. ~ c3 ~' . ~, TOWN OF-$OUTHOLD ' .,,~' ~c~e, 1" =. 80' M~ 2~ ~97 1998 ( . ~ ~.