HomeMy WebLinkAbout1950-1959PumiCe ~O~¢t'~1 Bond INDENLNI NY Glens Falls. New York- KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE A ~TOGK~OMP~NY BOND NO. ~96758 Mattituck, Long Island New York of ................................................. S~te of ........... as Principal, and the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with its home office in the City of Glens Falls, in the said State, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of. Mattituck~ Long Island ., State of_ New York as Obligee, in the sum of.~--~d-o_~__TH___o..u.~A__I~.__F_I__I~_____~ED _.A___NI~?__O_ ~0/_~-0-0__ '__~__-_____'._Dollars ($ 2, ~00.00 ) for the payment whereof to the 0bligee the Principal binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Sig~ed, sealed, and dated this .... ]:__2___~___h_ ........ day of. January ,19 ~1 WHEREAS, the above-named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of ......... TREASURER of the MATTITUCK FIRE DEPARTt~EIqT ., State of_ NEW YORK for the term of office beginning on the__1St _ __day of-- ..... __J__anuary_ ........ ,19~.0 , and ending on the 5~$~ __ day of DO cember -, NOW, THEREFORE, TH~ CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over, according to law, all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the said term, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in force. Donald R. ~-dersleeve, P~inc~pal GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY ~ Attorney Acknowledgment of Principal's Signature } On this ................. day of_ _, 19_ , before me personally came DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. PUBLIC: OFFICIAL BOND Official ............................... Amoun~ of bond .............................................. Date of bond No. Please Read Your Bond INDENkNITY CO/~PANY Glens Falls. New York. Form 8066~1~--10-50 A ~OC~ COMPANY INDEN~NITY C0,~PANY Glens Folls. Nezv ~ork- FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTME~4T FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF JUNE 30, 1930 ASSETS Cash a.nd Bank Deposits ............... $ 1,913,650.20 Government Bonds ................. 20,259,828.94 Other Bonds ................... Stocks ..................... Mortgage Loans .................. Premiums in Course of Collection (Not over 90 days due) ...... Accrued Interest .................. Other Assets ................... 6,532,265.94 2,685,710.00 28,556.25 3,977,127.43 102,283.53 678,205.05 T~r~ ADMX~rr~ Ass~rs ............ $36,177,627.34 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ............. $10,585,240.35 Reserve for Losses ................. 13,593,509.89 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses ........... 325,146.00 Reserve for Commissions, Expenses, Etc ........... 1,377,173.38 Reserve for Taxes ................. 625,140.63 Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance ........... 39,705.48 Reserve for Contingencies (Voluntary) ....... $ 493,081.56 Capital ............... 1,000,000.00 Surplus ................ 8,138,630.05 Surplus to Policyholders ................ 9,631,711.61 T(rr~,L ................. $36,177,627.34 For June 30, 1950 Market on Bonds add $82,697.12 to Assets and Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Vice President of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company to the bes~ of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 30th day of June, 1950. Subscribed and sworn to before me this __~_2~___~_ ...... day of_____._~__a~.._~_a~J' ...... ,19___-q~_. Notary Public DOROTHY A. MACK, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF NR~V YOn~. Form 8214--K--4-50 Vice Presiden~ DUPLICATE ORIGINAL INDEMNITY COMPANY Glens Fails. New York ·now all men by the e re ertl : That the Glens Fftlls Indemnity Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New Vork, and havieg its principal oflaee in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute ami its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as stupefy, bonds, undertakings, st,ipula~ions, consents and all eontrae[s of suretyship and to attach its eorpora~ scm to such obligations in favor of proxided tb8~ the liability of [be Company as surety under tiffs authority, in no one instance shall exceed SUI2 Of ~ thousand tollars, and reserving [o i~self full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with ihe Resolul.ion :Mopted by the Board of Directorg of the Glens Falls indemnity Company at ~ meeting held on lhe 15th day of May, 1940. "~.ESOLVED, Tha~ ghe Presideng or any Vice-Presiden[ of ii,is Company, when :~tgested by a Seere~ ry or Assi~k~ng Secretary, be and they hereby are authorized [o execute Powers of Atgomey qmdifying ghe Attorne .' selec;ed lo [c[ under such Power of Atton~ey ~o execute on behMf of the Glens FMIs Indemnity Company bonds, undertakings stipulations, consents and all contra ets of sureiyship, and to at~aeh the Corporate Seal thereto. PROVIDED, That nothing herein eoniMned shall affect ~he validity of my ac~ or thing dorm by any ofiacer named in resolutioxs heretofore passed and who no longer is :mthorlzed to exeeu[e Powers of A~orney by reason of resigna~iorr or o~herwise.' In Wigness Whereof, [he Glens Falls IndemniW Company has caused these presents ~o be signed and its Corpor- ate Seal ~o be affixed by i~s proper o~eers, duly au[horized by ~he above resolution a~ ~he City of Glens Falls. New York, this .~ day of 19_~ . GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY STATE OF NEW YORK i -, w~ COUNTY 0F WARREN } On this ~ day of 10 ~, before me appeared E. B. GILL and C. S. WILLMO2~F to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say ~ha~ they are Vice-President and Assistan~ Secretary respectively of the Glens Falls Indemni[y Company, tim corporation described in, and on whose behMf they executed the above instrument, tha~ the seal affixed [o said instrument is ~he Corporate Seal of said Corpora- tion and was thereto affLxed by order of its Board of Directors and said E. B. GILL and C. S. WILLMO~ acknowledged said instrumen~ to be the free ae[ and deed of said Corporation. Affiants did fresher depose and say 0mt [hey sigmed the above instmmen~ in accordance with authority granted them by said resolution ~ci~d in the ins~rmnent proper and tha~ said resolution is a t~me and eorrec[ copy of [he original duly passed at a meeting of ~he Board of Directors held al ~he office of ~he Company a~ Glens Falls, New York, on the 15th day of May, 1040. I ~'* ~ - Vice-President of t.he Glens Falls Indemnity Company do hereby certify that I have compared the power of attorney granted herein and the resolution recited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal office of said Cmnpany, and that the same u'e correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of [he said originals, and amendments thereto, and that said power of attmmey has not been revoked but is s~ill in full force and effect. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Vice-President and affixed the seal of the Glens Falls Indemni~;y Company this ~'~_h_ day of ...... 5_am!_a?_y. ....... 19. (This part below to be completed when the person granted power o~ attorney is required to acknowledge the execution of the bond.) State of IqE't4 '~OP~ ] . Cotmty ~i' ~I~ ~9~ ~ S~: On this ~g day of ~an~r7 105[, before me personally came J°s~h~ C! Ca~5~- ~ ~o me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, tlm~ he resides in queBns ~!.g_[e ~. }!? ~ tha~ he is the &~.X of ~he GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPA~~, the Corporation described in and which executed the bond at~aehed; tha~ be knows ~he seal of said Corporation; ~ha[ the Seal a~xed to said bond is such cm~orate seal; thak i~ wa¢,~ed by vir[ue of ~he power of a~[orney issued to him as more part.ieularly appears above, and tha~ he s~[ga~¢~6h~ by reason of ~he autboriW granted ~herein by the Board of Directors of said Corporation; and g!m~.~$~}~0mpany has received frmn ~he Superin[endent of Insurance of ~he S~ate of New York a certificate of u~h~kt~ o~i~a.suffici~cy as sureW or mtaran~or under snhnm, a~ranh ~ seetmn 327, Ar[role 4, Chapter 28 of the ~onsahda~ed Laws q~&h~tate of New York md tha~ such certificate has not been revoked e :~ '¢ - Form 8107 (Duplicate Original) k INDEA&NITY CO/gsPAN Y Gens Falls,New Yorl~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS O'l' MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT Amount of bond: Annual premium: Date of bond: ~a_n~2a~___~_~.~ ~ ~ , 19 _~0_ INDEA~.NITY C0/~PANY Glens Falls Form 8065~K---949 IN1)L4~ITY COMPANY KNOW ALL ].~T~N BY THESE PRESENTS: That DONALD R.' GILDERSLEEVE of P~ttituck~ L.I.~ State of New York~ as Principals and the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANYs a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York~ with its home office in the City of Glens Fallss in the said State~ as Suretys are held and firmly bound unto MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of Mattituck~ Long Island~ State of New York, as 0bligee~ in the Sum of ~0 THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND O0/lO0 ~$2,%00.00) DOLLARS for the payment whereof to the Oblmgee the Principal binds himself~ his heirs, executors, administrators~ and assigns~ and the Surety binds itself~ its successors and assigns_~ jointly and severally, firmly by these preoents. Signeds sealed and dated this l~*th day of January~ 19%2. ~REAS, the above-named principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the Mattituck Fire Districts State of Ne~? York for the term of office beginning on the 1st day of January, 19%2, and ending on the 31st day of December~ 1955. NOW, TP~REFOHEs THE'CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATION IS SUCH that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall pro~ptly account for any pay over, according to law~ all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the period beginning on the 1st day of January 1952 and ending on the 31st day of December 1952, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in force. Donald R. Gildersleeve GLENS FALLS INDEI~Z~ITY COMPANY On this /~-~day of-, ~.~.~ , 19~, before me personally c~e DONALD R. GILDERSI~EVE~ to ~ kno~m and known to me to be the individual described in and ~ho executed the foregoing instrument~ and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. I~IDE.~NITY CO,~PANY 61ens Falls. Ne~v Yorl~ F~DELITY AND SURETY D£PARTMENT A STOCK COMP. i,~NY , FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1950 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ................... $ 2,017,534.29 Government Bonds ..................... 20,220,968.82 Other Bonds ....................... 6,957,525.98 Stocks ......................... 3,734,617.40 Mortgage Loans ..................... 27,131.25 Premiums in Course of Collection (Not over 90 days due) ....... 2,829,074.82 Accrued Interest ...................... 108,578.68 Other Assets ....................... 840,934.90 TOTAL ADMIrI-I'mO Assets ............... $36,736,366.14 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ................ $10,643,819.79 Reserve for Losses ..................... 11,954,707.71 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses ............. 2,064,904.00 Reserve for Expenses, Ete ................... 652,376.02 Reserve for Taxes ..................... 962,996.01 Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance .............. 24,634.19 Reserve for Contingencies (Voluntary) ........ $ 790,877.87 Capita] .................... 1,500,000.00 Surplus .................... 8,142,050.55 Surplus to Policyholders ................... 10,432,928.42 TOTAL ..................... $36,736,366.14 For December 31, 1950 Market on Bonds deduct $74,799.98 from Assets and Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Vice President of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1950. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........ ~ ~ .......... day of____ --_ .... ~ .... ,19_~--. (/ Notary Public .......... ~ ' Vice President DOROTHY A. MACK, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Res[ding in Warren County, Warren County Clerk's No. 267. Certificatgs Filed in Form 8214 ower of hese re eu s: That the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, a corporation organized and existing u~der the laws of the State of New york, and having its principal office in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute and appoint ..................... ~.eae. ph._q~ .0.~;~$ of New York~ New York ............................................................................................................................... its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of .................................... Mj...~.b.l .i.g.e...e..~ .............................................................................................................. provided that the liability of the Company as sure~y under ~his authority, m no one instance shall exceed the sum of .......... ~:~-.~t~. ~;~.~.Y-..---..?.?-~ ................................................................................ thousand dollars and reserving to ~tself full power of subst~tutmn and revoca~ n. This Power o~ Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the l~e~oiution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Palls Indemnity Company at a meeting held on the 15th day of :~ay~ 1940. · I~ESOLVED q~hat zhe Pre,dent or any Vice-President of tiffs Compa~ y, wben attested by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary be ~nd they hereby~ are auth~rlzed to execute Powers Attorney to execute on behaL~ o~ ~he Glens Falls Indemnity Company bends, audertakings~ stipulatlons~ consents and all contracts of suretyship~ and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. PROVIDED~ That nothing herein contained shall affect the validity of any act or thing done by any officer named in resolutions heretofore passed and who no longer is authorized ~o execute Powers o:~ Attorney by reason of resignation or otherwise. ' ' In ~Vitness Whereof, the Glons Falls Indemnity Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Cor- porate Seat to be affixed by its proper ofiicers, duly a~tharized by the above resolution at the City of GIens Falls, Ne v York. ........ .day of ............................. Attest: GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY By SECRETARY SS: by me of the ~e appeared E. B. GILL and C. S. WILLSIOTT ~ that they are Vice-President and i, n described in, and on whose behalf is the Corporate Seal of said Corpora- GILL and C. S. WILLMOTT Affiants did further depose and say ' said resolution recited in the original duly passed at a meeting of the Falls, New York, on the 15th day o~ Ma~, 1940. Dorothy A. Mack ....... er~ ~ ~ce-rre~ident of the G]cus Falls Indemmt Company do hereby certify that I have compared the power of atiorney ~anted herein and the resolution recited ~ercin with the origin~s and amendments thereto now on file ~ the principal o~ce of said Company~ and, that the same are correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said originals, and ~.endmcnts the~et0, and that said power of attorney has not been revoked but is still in f~l ~orce and effect. In Testimony Wher~f, I have hereunto subscribed my name as such officer and affixed the seal of the Glens Folk Indemnity Company t~s.....:2 ........... day of ................. :.]:.,,L. .................. 19 ( ~ his part below to be completed when the p~son grante~ pow~ of attorney is req~ired County of....2:~.::~....:.:.i,-.::.~ SS: On this..__...:Lday of...:..~..i:~,.--:2: ........... 19..,.J., before me personally came__:...:: ~o me known, who. being by me duly ~o~, did depose and say, that he resides ~_., COMPAq, the seal of said Corporation; that Please Read Your Boad DONALD ~TTITUCK Fi~ DISTRICT ,~ o~ bond: ,~. 2 ~ ~00 . O0 Dat~otbOnd: J~u~ry 1st ,~9___5_2_. INDEMNITY CO,~PANY 0/~ f~/s. Ne~ York. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF COUNTY OF ~~ } ss.: On this ~.. / ~¢ day of_______i___~____~___~_~2___~______, 19~-before me personally came ....... -~- ~--~-:~ ..................................................................... , to me ~o~ and known ~ me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. ~onn 801~A~l 1-$0 INDEA~NITY COMPANY Olens .~lls. N~ FIDELITY AND SURETY DIVISION BOND #6277~1 KNOW ALL ~N BY THESE PRESENTS: That we DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE, of Mattituck, L.I., New York, as Principal, and the GLENS FALLS I~EMNITY CO~PA~, a ~ew York corpora- tion having an office at 161 William Street~ New York-38~ Few York, as Surety~ are held and firmly bound unto the ~TTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of ~rattituck, Long Island, State of New York~ as 0bligee, in the sum of ~0 THOUSAND AND OO/1OO (~2~OOO.OO) DOLLAP. S~ for the payment whereof to the Obligee the Principal binds himself, his heirs, ex- ecutors: administrators and assigns~ and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns: jointly and severally~ firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 7th day of November~ 19~2. WHEREAS, the above named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the ~attituck Fire District, State of New York for the term of office beginning on the 1st day of January~ 19~2 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1951+. NOW~ T}~EREFORE~ the condition of the foregoing obligation is such~ that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over, according to law, all moneys or property received by him in his official caoacity during the period beginning on the 1st day of ~anuary, 1953 and ending on the 31st day of December, 19%3, then this obligation shall be void~ otherwise it shall re~ain in full force and effect. 'Donald R. Gildersleeve, Princ'ipal GLENS FALLS I~E}~NI~ ~/Josepb c. camire, Attorney DUPLICATE' ORIGINAL INDEA~,NITY COA~kPANY Glens Falls. New York. lower of Attorney now all meu hese resenls: That the Glens FaLls Indemnity Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal office in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, eonstitute and appoint ............................. J.o.seph...S.,...C4mlr. a..of...~e~...York ,...Ne~...Yo~k .................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................ its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of ................................................................... A.LL.o.b:~lgeas .................................................................................................... provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the stun of ........... . ,~....O....~..~.I~.~.~......~,..~...~.~...:..-.Z,'.. ................................................................................... thousand dollars, and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. Tiffs Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company at a meeting held on the 15th day of May, 1940. ' ~RESOLVED, Tbot the President or any ¥iee-President of this Company, when attested by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary~ be and they hereby are authorized to execute Po~vers of Attorney qualifying the Attorney selected to act under such Power of Attorney to execute on behalf of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. PROVIDED, That nothing herein contained shall affect the validity of any act or thing done by any officer named in resolutions heretofore passed and who no longer is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney by reason of resignation or otherwise." In Witness Whereof, the Glens Falls Indemnity Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Cor- porate Seal to be affixed by its proper officers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of Glens Falls, New York, this.......]-..9..t.~.....day of ........................ ~.~..~. ........................ 19....~..~... GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY Attest: STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WARREN l SS: By On this~...~...~..........day of ............. ~ .......... 19.~.~.., before me appeared E. B. GILL and C. S. WILL~IOTT to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that they are Vies-President and Secretary respectively of the Glens Fails Indemnity Company, the corporation described in, and on whose behalf they executed the above instrument, that the s~al affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corpora- tion and was thereto affixed by order of its Board of Directors and said E. B. GILL and C. S. WILLMOTT acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Affiants did further depose andsay that they signed the above instrument in aeeordanee with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the instrument proper and that said resolution is a true and correct copy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the office of the Company at Glens Falls, New York, on the 15th day of May, 1940. I ........ ~.....B...~l.Lle~. ............................................. (.......~.~s-P.~.e~..) of the Gle~ F~s Inde~ty Comply do he.by ce~y that I have compared the power of atto~ey grated here~ ~d the ~lufion recited herein wi~ the o~g~als ~d ~endments thereto now on ~e ~ the p~eipal office of ~id Comply, ~d that the s~e a~ co.est tr~e~p~ therdrom and of the whole of the s~d originS, and amendm~ts thereto, and that said power of at~ruey has not b~n revoked but is still in f~l fore and effect. In Test~ony ~ereof, I have here~to ~bsoHbed my n~e ~ such officer and .m~ed the seal of the Glens Falls Inde~ity Company t~s ............ .~.day of...~?~.~ ...................... 19....~.. ~ ~. ~ . ~ (Th~ part below to be completed when the ~son granted p~ of atto~ ~ re~ed to ~~ of the bo~.) ~e~ York State of .... ~ ) Count of ~'~'''YS'~''''' ~ SS: Y ..... ~ .............. ~ove~ber ~2 , 3oseph C. Ca, ire On this...., ........ day of .................................. 19 .......... , ~ore me pe~on~y ~e .......................................................... W me ~o~, who, being by me d~y ~o~, did depose and ~y, that he ~sid~ in....~.~.~.~.~...~]..~:.~.~.2...~.~.Y' that he is the ............... ~.~.~. ....................................... of the GLENS FALLS I~E~TY C0~, the Corporation deathbed ~ and which executed the bond attached; that he ~ows the se~ of said Co~oration; that ~e Seal ~ed to ~id bond h such co,orate sod; that.~ so a~xed by ~ue of the power of atWrneyi~ued to him ~ more particularly appea~ above,.~'~said~bond by ~n of the au~ority ~ted the~in by the Board of Directors of said Co~o~;~a~ ~aid Company h~ r~eived from the Superint~dent of I~uran~ of the State of New Yorka~a~o~~of its ~cieney ~ aunty or ~Wr ~der subpara~aph 2 section 327 A~icle 4 Ch~'.~-~idated La~ of the State of New York ~d that such ce~ficate has not been ~voked. ~,:...~ ~ ~/~. a ~..~(~-~ _ ,~ ~ ~- ~,~ ~. ..............................~~~ A STOCK COM'PANf ' INDEA~.NITY CO.~PANY Glens Falls. Ne~ ¥orL FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1951 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits .................. $ 2,3]9,269.08 Government Bonds .................... 17,036,208.75 Other Bonds ...................... Stocks ......................... Mortgage Loans ..................... Premiums in Course of Collection (Not over 90 days due) ....... Accrued Interest ..................... Other Assets ....................... 7,339,589.28 5,820,941.00 20,981.25 3,283,907.89 112,785.15 1,046,167.98 TOTAL ADM~TT~V Assm's ............. $36,979,850.38 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums .............. $15,359,414.83 Reserve for Losses .................... 8,441,644.25 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses ............. 1,051,386.00 Reserve for Expenses, Ere .................. 492,846.18 Reserve for Taxes ..................... 632,471.33 Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance ............. 40,530.96 Reserve for Contingencies (Voluntary) ....... $ 974,198.15 Capital .................. 1,500,000.00 Surplus .................. 8,487,358.68 Surplus to Policyholders .................. 10,961,556.83 TOTAL ................... $36,979,850.38 For December 31, 1951 Market on Bonds deduct $565,669.02 from Assets antl Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Vice President of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct stat{,mcnt of the financial condition of said compaa~y on thc 31st day of December, 1951. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...7 ~1 day of _~_~._v_.e~_b_e~___, 19.~2.. Notary Public ~ Dorothy A, Mack, Notary Public for the State of New York · ° Vice President Reziding in Warren County, Certificat~ Filed in Albany, Form 8214 Amount o! bond: Premium: lJa e o] oona.*______:__:::___~::.L~:~~:_~-:'-:L.'.:~ Please Read Yom. ir Bond INDE.,~NITY CO.M. PANY . Glens Falls. New York. // Form 8065 . INSUI~NC~ FIDELITY AND SURETY DIVISION To be attached to and form part of Bon~ No. 517736, issued by the GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY, on behalf of DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE, in favor of MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT, effective the 1st day of January, In consideration of the premium charged for the attached bond it is hereby understood and agreed that the amount of the attached bond be corrected from TWO THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($2,000.00) DOLLARS, to TWO THOUSAND FIFE HUNDRED AND 00/100 ($2,500.00) DOLLARS. In no event shall the liability of the Surety hereunder exceed the amount of TWO THOUSAND FIFE HUNDRED AND 00/100 ($2,500.00) DOLT.A~S. The attached bond shall be subject to all its terms, agree- ~ents~ limitations and conditions except as herein expressly modified. This rider shall become effective as of the 1st day of January, 19~+. Signed, sealed and dated this 6th day of January, 19~+. GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ~ ~ ss.: COUNTY OF On this ............ ~ ........ ~~ f~.~.- .day of __~__~ ............. , 19~ bcforc me personally to me known and known to mc to be ~hc individual described io and who cxecutcd the forcgoi~lg instrument, and acknowledged to mc that he cxecu~d the same. INSURANCE COM'PANY FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTME~4T BoI~ 1~o. 7J-7736 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS'. That we, DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE, of Mattituck, L.I., New Yor.k., as. P?incipal,_ and the GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY, a mew ~orK corpora tion having an office at 161 William Street, New York 38, New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of Mattituck, Long Islard, ~tate of New York, as 0.bligee, in the sum of TWO THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($2t000.00) DOLLARS, for the payment whereof to the Obligee the Principal binds himself, his heirs, ex- ecutors, administrators and assigns, and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 9th day of October, 19~3 · WHEREAS, the above ~amed Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the Mattituck Fire District, State of New Yonk for the term of office beginning on the 1st day of January, 19%2 and ending on the 31st day of DecemDer, 19%+. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the foregoing obligation is such, that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over, according to law, all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity d~ring the period beginning on the 1st day of J~nuary, 19%+ and ending on the 31st day of December, 19~+, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in.full force and effect. Donald R. Gildersleeve, Principal GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY DUPLICATE ~,]~I GINAL INSUBANCE COMPANY Glens Falls, N. Y. ower of Attorney Know ail lhese reeems: That the Glens Falls Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal office in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute and C. W. Butt of New ¥ork New Ye k appoint .............................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................................. its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts oil suretyshin and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of Ail oblfgeem provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the Hundred .... sum of .............................................................................................................................................................. thousand dollars, and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the I~esolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Pails Insurance Company at a meeting held on the 2nd day of ~[areh, 1951. "RESOLVED, That the President or say Vice-President of this Company, when attested by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, be and they hereby are authorized to execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the Attorney selected to act under such Power of Attorney to execute on behalf of the Glens Falls Insurance Company bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. PROVIDED, That nothing herein contained shail affect the validity of any act or thlng done by any officer named in re~ointions heretofore passed and who no longer is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney by reason of resignation or otherwise." In Witness Whereof, the Glens Falls Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Cor- porate Seal to be affixed by its proper officers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of Glens Falls, l th of December New York~ this ........................ day .................................................................. Attest: GLENS FALLS I~I)E~TY COMPANY SECRETARY VICE-PRESIDeNT STATE OF NEW YORK [ COUNTY OF WARREN / SS: On of ........... bofore mc appeared SmPSON and G. EARLE FOX to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that they are Vice-President and Secretary respectively of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, the corporation described in, and on whose behalf they executed the above instrument, that the seal af~xed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corpora- tion and was thereto affixed by order of its Board of Directors and said 1I. M. SIMPSON and G. EARLE FOX acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Affiants did further depose and say that they signed the above instrument in accordance with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the instrument proper and that said resolution is a true and ecrreet ecpy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the office of the Company at Glens Falls, New York, on the 2nd day of March, 1951. I ................................................................................ Viec-Pres~dant of the Glens Falls Insuranec Company do hereby ecrtlfy that I have compared the power of attorney granted herein and the resolution recited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal ofec of said Company, and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said originals, and amendments thereto, and that said power of attorney has not been revoked but is still in full force and eft'set. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Viec~President and affixed the seal of the Glens Falls Insurance Company this .......... ~..~...h.......day of ............... .0...~..~...o...~...e.~ ............. 19....~.. (This part betow to be aompleteel whe~ the person gro~ted power of attorney is required to acknowledge the e~eo~tio~ of the bond.) State of ........... ~.e...~.....~...o...r...~ ~~ co=ty On this ....?..~...h......day of ......... .O...c...t.-°...b..e..~.19.~., before me personally eame.......C..:....W..:....~..t.. ...................... to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in......N..e...~......Y..~..k..~.....~..:..~...~ ......... · h Attorney that he m t e ................................................................................ of the GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPA/~-F, the Corporation describod in and which executed the bond attached; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the Seal ~wed to said bond is such e~rDp_ratc sc~!; that it was so afxed by virtue of the power of attorney issued to Mm a~ more pa_.rt, icularly appe!~s~.~l~~said bond by reason of the authority granted therein by the Board of D~rectors of said'C~'~pst~t/~ii]~_~oa}~t~t~/~id1~Id~npany has received from the Superintendent of Form 15§93 (Duphcate Orlgmai) ~k~ lO INSUBANCE COI~PANY FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1952 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits .................. $ 6,334,159.29 Government Bonds .................... 17,092,611.79 Other Bonds ...................... 12,636,663.83 Stocks ......................... 26,759,049.32 Mortgage Loans ..................... 11,000.00 Real Estate ....................... 1,023,612.28 Premiums Receivable and Assets of Branches ........... 12,863,446.84 Accrued Interest ..................... 150,124.98 Other Assets ...................... 476,912.58 TOTAL ADMITTED Assm's ............. $77,347,580.91 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ............... $26,882,807.85 Reserve for Losses .................... 14,739,721.36 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses ............. 1,693,668.35 Reserve for Commissions, Expenses, Etc ............. 2,945,625.74 Reserve for Taxes ..................... 1,438,876.72 Reserved for Dividends Declared and Unpaid ........... 325,000.00 Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance ............. 640,945A0 Reserve for Contingencies (Voluntary) ...... $ 6,462,482.92 Capital ................. 3,250,000.00 Surplus ................. 18,968,452.87 Surplus to Policyholders .................. 28,680,935.79 TOTAL ................... $77,347,580.91 For December 31, 1952 Market on Bonds Deduc~ $781,938.00 from Assets and Surphls. I, S. B. Miller, Vice President of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, do hereby certify that tim foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Insurance Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1952. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........ 9~b_______day of ..... 0ctpber ........ ,19__~. ~ Notary Public ~ Dorothy A. Mack, Notary Public for the State of New York Vice President Resid'mg in Warren County, Certificates Filed in Albany Clinton E~ex Franklin Fulton New York, Renzselaer St. Lawzence, Saratoga Schenectady and Wash ngton Count es. Commi~ on exp res March $0, 1954. Form 15214 INSURANCE COMPANY ~, / Glens Falls, N. Y. INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STArr~ O~~ ~ ) On this .............. ~0~_..~_..~ ................. day of ........ ~-~.~ ...... , 19~-.--~, beforc me personally to me known and known to me ~ be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he execu~d the mme. Form 8013 FIDELITY AND SURETY DIVISION KNOW ALL MEN BY T~F~E PRESENTS~ That we,DONALD R. GILDERSr.~VE, of Mattituck, L.I., New York, as Principal,. and the GLENS FALIS I~CE COMPANY, a New York corpor_a tion having an offioe at 161 William Street, New York 38, New York, as Surety, 'are held and firmly bound unto the MATTITUCE FIRE DISTRICT of Mattituck, Long Island,State of New York, as. Obligee, in the sum of TWO T~0US~ND FIVE HUNDRED AND 00/100 ($2,700.00) DOLLARS, for the payment whereof to the Obligee, the Principal binds himself, his heirs~ ex . eeutors, administrators and assigns, and the Surety binds itself its successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, fir~l~'b~ these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this 1st day of December, 19~+ · W~EREAS, the above na~ed Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the offioe of Treasurer of the Mattituek Fire District, State of New York for the term of office beginning en the 1st day of January, 19%% and ending on the 31st day of December, 19%?. NOW, THEREFO,P~, the condition of the foregoing obligation is such: ~at if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over, according to law~ all moneys or property received by hi~ in his official capacity during the period beginning on the 1st d~y of.~nuaF~, 19%% and ending on the 31st d~y of December, ~, then tht~ obligation shall be void, otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Donald R. Gildersleeve~ Prinoipal GLENS FALI~ I~SURAI~E COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY DUPLICATE ORIGINAL Attest: ~~J~.d,J,& By State of New York } County of WarrenJ ss: On thi~,~.~h.......day of.~[~lfi~l~btl~. .......... 19.~.I~.., befo~ me appea~d E. B. GILL and C. S. WILLMOTT to me per- sena~y ~o~, who, beMg by me d~y sworn, ~d depo~ ~d say that ~ey a~ Vice P~sident ~d Sse~ta~ r~pectively of the Glens F~ Insurance Comply, the corporation d~cribed str~ent, that the ~ ~ed to ~id ~str~ent ~ the Co~orato Se~ of said Co~oration and w~ the~to ~ffi~ed by order of its Board of Directo~ and said E. B. G~L ~d C. S. WILLMOTT ac~owledged ~id i~t~ent to be the free act and deed of said Co~oration. A~nts did fu~her depose and ~y that they si~ed ~e above inst~ent in accordance with antho~ty ~anted them by ~id ~intion ~cited ~ the instr~ent proper and that ~id resolution is a true ~d eo~ct copy of the o~al d~y p~d at a meet~g of the Board of Directom held at the o~ce of the Com- ply at Glens F~M, New York, on the 2nd day of Ma~h, 1951. .................. ............................ I ........... ......................... sst. Secret of the Glens Fans Instance Company do hereby certify tha~ I have compared the power ~ atto~ey ~ted herein and the ~sointion r~ited he~ with the ori~nals and amendments ~ere~ now on ~e ~ the prlnsipal office of said Comply, and that the same are cor~ct tmnscripM therefrom ~d of the whole of the ~id ori~als, ~d amen~ents thereto, and that said power of atto~ey h~ not been revoked but is still in f~ fore and effect. In T~t~ony ~er~f, I have hereto sub~fibed my name ~ such officer and ~ed the seal of the Glens Falls Insurance Company th~.~ .......... ~y of....~.~.~.....19...~ State of ...... .~...~9.~. ........... County of ...]e~...~ ........... ~ On this......~.....day of...~h~....19....~ before me pemonally came ............... ~.8~h..~.,...~.~ ................. to me ~o~, who, ~ing by me tidy sworn, did depose ~~ides in .............. ~.~.,.~.~. ....................... that he is the Attorney of the Glens Falls Imp~ ~a~,i~Qorporation described in and whleh exeeufed the bond attached; that he ~ows the seal of ~id ~ ~V.t~eal a~xed to said bond in such eo~orate se~; that it w~ so a~ed by ~ue of the power of~.~ ]~'~=~,pa~ieularly appeam above; and that said Company has meelved from the Superintendent sufficiency as surety or ~arantor and that ~ [~'~revoked. I3I$III~I. lgC_~ COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Glens Falls Insurunce Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal office in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute and appoint ..................................... Jcaaph...0. k k ................................................................... its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertak- ings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of all obligees provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the sum of .............. ~....H..u~....d..~'..e...d......F.~.f...t..~.....'..'...-..'. ................................................................................... thousand dollars, and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the Re~olution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Falls Insurance Company at a meeting held on the 2nd day of March, 1951. "~ESOLVED, That the President~ or any Vice President of this Company, be and hereby is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, which, when duly attested by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, qualify individuals specified therein to act on behalf of tho Glens Falls Insurance Company as surety in exocuting bonds, undert, ld.gs, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto." In Witnsss Whereof, the Glens Falls Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Corporate Seal to be affixed by its proper officers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of Glens Falls, New York, this......l~.th......day of ............... ~¢~111]~1~ ................ 19~ .... GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY INSUI~ANC. F, COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1953 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits .................. $ 6,800,107.38 Government Bonds .................... 17,237,371.61 Other Bonds ...................... 13,636,463.87 Stocks ......................... 27,189,464.45 Real Estate ....................... 1,019,612.28 Premiums Receivable and Assets of Branches ........... 13,456,229.98 Accrued Interest ..................... 162,601.52 Other Assets ...................... 1,452,011.09 TO?Ab AO~TEO ASSETS ............ $80,953,862.18 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ............... $28,447,586.46 Reserve for Losses .................... 15,556,175.43 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses ............. 2,024,414.70 Reserve for Commissions, Expenses, Ete ............. 3,075,354.65 Reserve for Taxes .................... 1,727,121.09 Reserve for Dividends Declared and Unpaid ........... 325,000.00 Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance ............. 893,174.32 Reserve for Contingencies (Voluntary) ...... $ 6,018,269.46 Capital ................. 3,250,000.00 Surplus ................. 19,636,766.07 Surplus to Policyholders .................. 28,905,035.53 To?~ ................... $80,953,862.18 For December 31, 1953 Market on Bonds Deduct $923,424.00 from Assets and Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Vice President of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Insurance Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1953. Subscribed and sworn to before me ,his... !s.. .... ...... , Dorothy A. Mack, Notary Public got the State of New York * * Vice President Resldm in Warren County Certificate~ Filed in Albany, Form 15065 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT Obligee: ............................................................................................. Amount o! bond: $ ......... .~.50..0.,....~_.. ............ Annual premium: $. ........... ~_~_ ..... Date of §ond:-....'~-.A~-.~..--.~--~.......~-! ........... , 1~. ...... INSURANCE COMPANY Glen~ FolI~, N. Y. '~," INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COUNTY OF ~~._~ v - j On this ........... .~. ........................... s2., ---:.-: ............................................ , ........ , ~'- Y to ~ne known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same, . · -.~ INSU~NCE COMPANY FIDELITY AND SURETY DIVISION BOUD NO. 700113 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we~ DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE~ of Mattituck~ L.I., New York~ ~ Principal~ and the GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY~ a New York corpora- tion having an office at 161 William Street~ New York New ¥ork~ as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of Mattituck~ Loog Island~ State of New York~ as 0hligee~ in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND AND OO/100 (~!~000.00) DOLIARS~ for the payment whereof to the 0bligee~ the Principal binds hi~self~ his heirs~ ex- ecutors~ administrators and assigns~ and the Surety binds itself~ its successors and assigns, jointly and severally~ firmly by these presents. Signed~ sea]ed and dated this 28th day of November~ 1955. WHEREAS~ the above named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the Mattituck Fire District~ State of New York for the term of office beginning on the 1st day of January~ 1955 and ending on the 31st day of December 19~7. NOW, THEREFORE~ the condition of the foregoing obligation is such: that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over~ according to law~ all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the period beginning on the 1st day of January~ 1956 and ending on the 31st day of December~ 19~6, ~en this obligation to be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Donald R. Gildersleeve ~ Principal GLEVS FALLS I±~SUP~i1. CE COMPANY ¥. C. W. Butt~ Attorney POWER OF ATTORNEY INSU~NCE COMPANY '~ ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the (]lens Falls Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal office in the City of (]lens Falls, in said State, does hereb7 make, constitute and appoint C. W. Butt of New York~ New York its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertak- ings, stipulations, consents and ali contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of ali obligees provided that the liability of the Company sa surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the sum of TW~ Hlllldrod ....... thousand dollars, and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Falls Insurance Company at a meeting held on the 2nd day of March, 1951. ~ ~ BESOLVED, That the President, or any Vice President of this Company, be and hereby is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, which, when duly at~estod by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, qualify individuals specified therein to act on behalf of the Glens l~ulls Insunmc~ Company as surety in executing bends, undertn~-gs, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship, and to attach the Corporato ~ thereto." In Witness Whereof, the Glens F.I]. Insuranee Company has eensed these presents to be signed and its Corporate Seal to be affixed by its proper officers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of (]lens Falls, New York, this l~oember 1~ 19~2 GLENS FALLS INSUBANCE COMPANY (This p~rt below to be ~ompleted when the person granted power of att~y ~ re~ed to ~g~wledge the ~e~t~n of the bo~.) S+~,~ ~ New York ~ to me ~o~, who, ~g by me duly ~o~, did depo~ ~d say, that be ~id~ ~.' ................................................................... ~hat be is tbe Atto~ey of the Gle~ Fal~ Insur~ee Oompany, the Co~oration described in and whieh executed bond attached; that he ~ows the seal of said Co.option; that the Se~ a~ed to ~id bond ~ such eo~orato seal; tha~ it was so ~ed by ~ue of the power of atto~ey i~ed to h~ ~ more panic.aMy appeam above; ~d that ~id Oomp~y h~ ~eeiv~ from the ~upe~tendent of I~ee of the ~tate of New York a ee~oa~ of qu~on of ~eisuey ~ ~ or ~tor ~d ~t ~ ~fl~ h~ not ~ ~voked. J. HE~Y O'DOHEKTY ~ ' ~ I 5 · B. Ntller ( Vico-Pros~d®n% ) Of the Glens Falls Insuranee Company do hereby certify that ! have compared the power of attorney granted herein and the resolution recited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal office of said Company, and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said originals, and amendments thereto, and that said power of attorney has not been revoked but is still in full force and effect. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as such officer and -M-ed the seal of the (]lens Falls Insurance Company this .......... ,2...8...t...h...,..d...a..¥......°...f.....~.°..?.'..e..?...b...e..~.L....19 ~ ~~ State of New York ? County of Warren ~es: On December 1~ 19~2 , before me appeared M. M. SIMPSON and G. EARLE FOX to me per- senally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that they are Vice President and Secretary respectively of the (]lens Falls Insurance Company, the corporation described in, and on whose behalf they executed the above in- strument, that the seal -~ed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation and was thereto affixed by order of its Board of Directors and said M. M. SIMPSON and G. EARLE FOX acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Affiants did further depose and say that they signed the above instrument in accordance with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the instrument proper and that said resolution is a true and correct eepy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the offiee of the Com- pany at (]lens Falls, New York, on the 2nd day of March, 1951. Dorothy A. Mack J~rSU~NCE COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AB OF DECEMBER ~1, 1954 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits .................. $ 6,376,431.34 Government Bonds ................... Other Bonds ...................... Stocks ........................ Real Estate Premiums Receivable and Assets of Branches .......... Aeerned Interest .................... Other Assets ...................... 14,726,843.74 17,545,483.06 35,290,688.06 1,015,612.28 13,851,172.13 228,807.78 1,617,096.46 TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS ............ $90,652,134.85 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums .............. $28,705~306.94 Reserve for Losses .................... Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses ............ Reseiwe for Commissions, Expenses, Ete ............ Reserve for Taxes .................... Reserve for Dividends Declared and Unpaid .......... Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance ............ Reserve for Contingencies (Voluntary) ...... $12,850,709.81 Capital ................. 3,250,000.00 Surplus ................. 21,116,720.55 16,422,758.62 2,142,924.30 3,311,334.01 1,771,643.06 325,000.00 755,737.56 Surplus to Policyholders .................. 37,217,430.36 TOT~Z. ................... $90,652,134.85 For December 31, 1954 Market on Bon~s Deduct $215,215.00 from Assets and Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Vice President of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Insurance Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1954. Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... 28.th .day of .... ~lo.v. eabe~. .... ,19. Notary Public Vice President Bond Amount: Date: ~ iesse Re{~d 5?eur Bend GLENS FALLS INSUlta~ICE COMPANY GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY Glens Falls, New York Form 15965 FIDEUTY AND SURETY DIVISION BOND NO. 70161~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we~ DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE, of Mattituck, L. I., New York, as Principal, and the GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corpor~ tion having an office at 161 William Street, New York 38, New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of Mattituck~ Long Island~ State of New York, as 0bligee~ in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($4~000.00) DOI, LARS~ for the payment whereof to the 0bligee, the Principal binds bimself~ his heirs~ ex- ecutors~ administrators and assigns~ and the Surety binds itself~ its successors and assigns~ jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed~ sealed and dated this 8th day of November~ la 56. WHEREAS~ the above named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the Mattituck Fire District, State of New York, for the term of office beginning on the 1st day of January~ 1955 and ending on the 31st day of December~ 1957. NOW, THEREFORE~ the condition of the foregoing obligation is such: that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his ~fice and shall promptly account for and pay over~ according to law~ all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the period beginning on the !st day of January, 1957 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1957~ then this obligation to be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Donald R. Gildersleeve, Principal GLENS FALLS IN~UtL&NCE COMPANY S. E'. St~rtnger~ Attorney. ~DIV~U~ A~NOWLE~EME~ STATE OF COUNTY OF On this ................... ..... day of ..... -'~'-~--~ ............ , 19-~ before me personally ~ me ~o~ and ~o~ ~ me to be the indi~dual describ~ in and who execu~d the foregoing ~t~ment, and acknowledged to me that he execu~d the sine. ~ ~blle In tho 8t~ of ~ew ~ ....... ~--~-~~ .................. Suffolk ~un~ ~ Fo~ ~I~AIll~ ~m~on E~ M~ ~. ~ INSU~AI~CE COMPARY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1955 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ................. $ 5,668,631.86 Government Bonds .................... Other Bonds ...................... Stocks ........................ Real Estate ...................... Premiums Receivable and Assets of Branehea .......... Accrued Interest ............. Other Assets ...................... 13,416,646.40 20,576,882.55 40,143,741.59 1,015,612.28 13,910,111.14 224,365.07 1,840,224.87 Tor~z~ Av'~r~-r~o Assm~ ............ $96,796,215.76 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ............... $29,274,128.86 Reserve for Losses .................... 17,296,199.38 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses ............ 2,327,214.45 Reserve for Commissions, Expenses, Ete ............. 3,702,102.13 Reserve for Taxes .................... 1,202,780.52 Reserve for Dividends Declared and Unpaid .......... 325,000.00 Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance ............ 694,376.94 Reserve for Contingencies (Voluntary) ...... $16,460,415.31 Capital .................. 3,250,000.00 Surplus .................. 22,263,998.17 Surplus to Polieyholdere .................. 41,974,413.48 TOT.~-L ................... $96,796,215.76 For December 31, 1955 Market on Bonds Deduct $1,215,248.95 from Assets and Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Vice President of the Glens Palls Insurance Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Insurance Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the ~naneial condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1955. Subscribed and sworn to before me ..... day .r ...... ,19. Notary Pul)lie · * Vice President DD'PLIC*A~B POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW Al,I. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Glens Falls Insurance Company, a. corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its prineip.al office in .the Cxty of Glens Fall% in said State, does hereby make, constitute and appoint 8. E. 8t~'~.ng®~ of New ¥o~,k, N®w Zo~k its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, placo and stead to exseute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertak. ings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to sueh obligations in favor of all obligees provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instanee AhRll exceed the sum of lp~.f~~. ....... · , .. thousand dollars, and reserving to itself ~ull Power of substitution aha revcoauon. This Power of Attorney is made and ~xeeuted in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Gle~s Falls Insurance Company at a meeting held an the 2nd day of March, 1951. '~RESOLVED, That the President, or any Vice President of thi.s. Co .mp..an~r, be and h.ereby is au. thorized to execute Powers of Attorney, Insurance Company as surety in executing bonds, undertsl~gs, stipmafions, eo~sen~s aua an eon~rae~s oz Corporate Seal thereto." In Witness Whereof, the Glens Falls Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Corporate Seal. to be affixed by its !oroper .gfllcers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of Glens Falls, New York, this ]~o~mb~l' l~v )-9~ . GIveNS F?,I.T.S INSURANCE COMPANY State of New York } County Of Warren / ss: On Deo®mb®x' l~s 19~2 , before me appeared M. M. SIMPSON and O. EARLE FOX to me per- senally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that they are Vice President and Sseretary respoetively of the Glens Falls Insurance COmpany, the corporation described in, and on whose behalf they executed the above in- strument, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation and was thereto nl~ed by order of its Board of Directors and said M. M. SIMPSON and G. EARLE FOX acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Affiants did further depose and say that they signed the above instrument in accordance with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the instrument proper and that said resolution is a true and correct copy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the office of the Com- pany at Glens Falls, New York, on the 2nd day of March, ~951. Do~ th~ I ]~. P. Hutohinson .( Asst,8eex.~taxnJ of the Glens Falls Insurance Company.do hereby certify that I have compared the power of attorney granted herein and the resolution rceited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal office of said Company, and that the same are cerrcet transcripts therefrom and of the whole o£ the said originals, and amendments thereto, and that said power of attorney has not been revoked but is still in full force and effset. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as such officer and affixed the seal of the Glens l~alls Insuranee Company this ............... ..N..Q..v...~.E.~..~.~....~.,.....~..~..~...~. ................. .~..~ (Th4~ pa~t b~[ow ~o be ~ompleted wh~ ihs perzo~ gra~te5 power of attorn~J ~s r~qu~r~ to a~knowl~g~ tbs ~xdo~t~o~ of th~ bow3) State of New York Count .......... ss: On .................... .............. , before me pe onany came ......... .............................. to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in.....N..~..w......Y..O..r...k..s...~.~.:..Y.... ......................... that he is the Attorney of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, the Corporation described in and which executed the bond attached; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the Seal affixed to said bond is such corporate seal; that it was so ni~ed by virtue of the power of attorney issued to him as more particularly appears above; and that said Company has received from the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York a certificate of qualification of its suffielsney as surety or guarantor and that such certificate has not been revoked. Bond A~noum: GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY GLENS F31I.~ INDEMNITY COMPANY Glens F~II$, N~v York Fotm 15009 ? INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE Oi,' '~ ~)~~~ ] ss'.. On this ............ ~ __~ .......... day. of .... ~ ........................ , 19 ~._fl, bet m p y to me known and known lo mc t~ be {he individual described in and who executed the mrcgoing instalment, ann acknowledged t~ me that he executed the same. .~ ~ Suffolk Count ~ ~ml~ioa ~ir~ March ~. INSUBANCE COMPANY FIDELITy AND SURETY DIVISION BOND NO. 751128 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, DONA~R. GILDEBSLEEVE. of Mattituck. L.I., New York, as Principal, and the GL~N~ FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corpora- tion having an office at 161 William Street, New York 38, New York. as Surety. are held and firmly bound unto the MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of Mattituck, Long Island__State of New York__as 0bligee, in the sum of FOUR THOUSANDAND 00/100 ($%000.00) DOLLAr, S, for the payment whereof to the Obligee, the Principal binds himself, his heirs, ex- emutors, administrators, and assigns, and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed and dated this lOth day of October, 19 ?. WHEREAS, the above named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the Mattituck Fire District, State of New York, for the term of office beginning on the 1st day of January, 1958 and ending on the Blst day of December, 1960. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the foregoing obligation is such: that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over, according to law, all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the period beginning on the 1st day of January, 1958 and ending on the 31st day of December, 19~, then this obligation to be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Donald R. Gildersleeve, Principal GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY ~./~os~ph ~C. CaTmire, Attorney POWER OF ATTORNEY , KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Glens Fails Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its prineipai office in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Joseph C. Camire of New Yox, k, New York its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertak- ings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of ail obllgees provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the sum of Tk.'O Hundred Fifty ....... thousand dollars, and reserving to ~tself full power of sul~stitution and revoeatlom This Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Falls Insurance Company at a meeting held on the 2nd day of March, 1951. ~ ~ RESOLVED, That the President, or any Vice President of this Company, be and hereby is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, which, when duly attested by a Secretary' or Assistant Secretary qualify individuals specified therein to act on behalf of the Glens Falls Insurance C~mpauy as surety n executing bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto." In Witness Whereof, the Glens Falls Insurance Company has caUSed these presents to be signed and its Corporate Seal to be affixed by its proper officers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of Glens Falls, New York, this December 15~ ].c)52 GLENS FALLS INS~CE COMPANY Attest: By State of New York ~ County of Warren~ es: On December 1Ss 19~2 , before me appeared E. B. GILL and C. S. WILLMOTT to me per- sonaily known, who, being b~; me duly sworn, did depose and say that they are Vice President and Seeretaryrespsetively of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, the corporation described in, and on whose behalf they executed the above in- strument, that the seal ~ffi~ed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation and was thereto affixed by order of its Board of Directors and said E. B. GILL and C. S. WILLMOTT aeknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Affiants did further depeae and say that they signed the above instrument in accordance with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the instrument proper and that said resolution is a true and correct copy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the office of the Com- pany at Glens Fails, New York, on the 2nd day of March, 1951. Dorothy A. Mack No~r~ I E_ P. Hutchinson ( ~ Secre tar_~. ) of the Glens Falls Insurance Company do hereby certify t~at I have eempareu me power o~ attorney grantc~d herein and the resolution recited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal offiea of said Company, and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said ~riginals, and amendments thereto, and that said power of attorney has not been revoked but is still in full force and effect. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as such officer and affixed the seal of the Glens Falls Insurance C°mpanY thia'"""]:'"0' t"h'"' d'"a'iY'""°"f'"' 0'~'~'0"'b"e"'r'"" '1'~ '~'~ ~..~..~ (This pa~ belo~ to be completed whmt the pe~so~ granted ~ower o! utterly is ~eq~4'ed to acl~owtedge the e~eo~tio~ of the bead.) State of ~le~ York ~ Count ........ 'f se: On ...~..0...~..~i~.~'.~.'.~iii~iiii~i~.'i .~.?.. ......................... , before me persenally came ........... ..J...o...s.~.~....?......~...a~_.~.~l',.? .................... to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in ............. ~.~.,O.~.?.....~..2.~.o ' that he is the Attorney of the Glens Fails Insurance Company, the Corporation described in and which executed the bond attached; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the Seal affixed to said bond in such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by virtue of the power of attorney issued to him as more particularly appears above; and that said Company has reeeived from the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York a certificate of qualification of its and that such certificate has not been revoked. sufficiency as surety or guarantor x Form 15592 (Duplicate Or~glnul) Rev. 7-55 ""-'" ~ualified in Kings County "' ~a~mission l~xpire~ March 30, 195~ The Witt~in Bond Accepted and Approved on (Date) T~pe oi Bo~d:._.....k.I~BLIG.....OF.'E..If,.IAL ............. Bo.d Zlo.: ..................... 7k~_~.2..~ .............................................. Principal: ...................... D.~ N..Pt.~_..~A _..P.~.~ .1~-. -.~. Bond Amount:........_~.~.~.O.Q~).~..O.~. ................................... Effective Date:....... J..~P~-~. ....-!.~..~..t....~.~.5.8-- Please Read Your Bond P~ev. 8-55 GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY Glens Falls, New York INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF ~(,j~4~a ~ COUNTY OF K ~-~ x } ss.: On thi~ ......................... ..~_~__.___._:.. day of .............. ~ ~ ............... i_, 19~_...~, before me personally came ................................. ?-.-° --(\CO-.-~ ~ ---- ~-.:--. -(-'--L-~ .~- ~'--(q. &--6:--E .C---v'--~ ............................................................. , to me known and known to me to be the individual de~erlbed in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and ~ 15013 ~IDEUTY AND SURETY DIVISION BOND N0. 7~1128(a) KNO~ ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, DONALD R. GILDEBSLEEVE, of Mattituck, L.I.~ New York, as Principal, and the GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corporation, having an office at 161 William Street, New York 38. New York, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of Mattituck, Long Island, State of New York, as 0bligee in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($~,000'00) DOLLAr:for the payment whereof to the 0bligee, the Principal binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, Jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. 1958. Signed, sealed and dated this 6th day of October, WHERFAS the above named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the Mattituck Fire District, State of New York, for the term of office beginning on the 1st day of January, 19%8 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1960. N0~, THEREFORE, the condition of the foregoing obligation is such: that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over, according to law, all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the period beginning on the 1st day of January, 1959 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1959, then this obligation to be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Donald R. Gildersleeve. Principal GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OF ATTORNEY Orig~n~! on File at Home Office of the Company KNOW ~ .~MF~N BY TI-~-~F, PRESENTS: That the Glens Falls Insurance Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal offios in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute and appoint Norman Seastedt of New York, New York its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertak- ings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of all obi]gees l~rovid¢~l that th~ liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the sum of ~'~o ~unarea ....... thousand dollars, and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Falls Insurance Company at a meetimg held on the 2nd day of March, 1951. ~RESOLVED, That the Presidemt, or any Vice President of this Company, be and hereby is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, which, when duly attested by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, qualify individuals specified therein to act on behalf of the Glens Falls ~usurance Company as surety in executing bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship, and to attac~ the Corporate Seal thereto." In Witness Whereof, the Glens Falls Insurance Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Corporate Attest: G. Earle Fox State of New York ~ Co t f Warre ss: O?$~Yb~lal~y ~, 1958 , before me appeared O. I~. Coughlan By ~. R. Coughlan and G. Earle Fox to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say that they are Vice President and Secretary respectively of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, the corporation described in, and on whose behalf they executed the above instrmnent, that the seal ,.~B~ed to said ~.tr~.en~ ,t~ ~orate Seal of ~C. or~ a~as thereto ~xed by order of its Board of Directors and said · · aeknowiedged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Affiants did further deposo and say that they signed the above instrument in accordance with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the instrument proper and that said resolution is a true and correct copy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the office of the Company at Glens Falls, New York, on the 2nd day of March, 1951. Dorothy M. Collins I E. P. Hutchinson , ( Secretary ) of the Glens Fails Insurance Company do hereby certify that I have compared the power of atterneye granted herein and the resolution recited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal office of said Company, and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said originals, and amendments thereto, and that said power of attorney has not been revoked but is still in full force and effect. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as such officer and affixed the seal of the Glens Falls Insur- anceCompanytb~ 6th dav of October lg~8. Secretary State of Ne~ York County of Ne~ York~ ss: 0- 0crotch, ~, ~lg~ , before me personally came Norman Seastedt to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in Valley Stream~ N.Y. that he is the Attorney of the Glens Falls Insurance Company, the Corporation described in and which executed the bond attached; that he knows the seal of said Corporation; that the Seal affixed to said bond is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by virtue of the power of attorney issued to him as more particularly appears above; and that said Company has received from the Superintendent of Insurance of the Stat~. of~l~W ~'~ficate of qualification of its sufficiency as surety or guarantor and that such certificate has no~ ~ke~lthe No. 24-2940400 ~ ..... ~ ! ! X · Form 15106 Rev. 6-58 * Unlin~ted as to charsct~r but lin~ted as to amoun~h The WRhin Bond Accepted and Approved on (Date) Bond No Principal Effective Date .Rev. 5.-57 INSURANCE COMPANY Glens Falls, Ar, y, // · INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGEMEN.T e~ ..i _D..O__N..AL_.~._.~_,_ :~.I.~.n.'.~S__L.EE__..V!;.. ................................................................... , tome Imewn and known to me to be the individual described in end who exeeuted the foregoing instrument, ~nd aeknowtedged ~to me that he ex~eutl~,b~e~al~01v~ BOND NO. 751128 (b) KNDW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE, of Mattituck, L. I., New York, as Principal, and the GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY, a New York corporation. having an office at 161 William Street, New York 38. New as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto the MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT of Mattituck, Long Island, State of New York, as Obligee, in the sum of FOUR THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($~,O00.00) DOLLARS, for · the payment whereof to the 0bligee, the Principal binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators and as£1gns, and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. 1959. Signed, sealed and dated this 9th .day of October, WHEREAS, the above named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of Treasurer of the Mattituck Fire District, State of New York, for the term of office beginning on the 1st day of January, 1958 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1960. NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of the foregoing obli- gation is such: that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the d-ties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over, according to law, all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the period beginning on the 1st day of January, 1960 and ending on the 31st day of December, 1960, then this obligation to be void; otherwise it shall remain in full force and effect. Donald R. Gildersleeve, Principal GLENS FALLS INSURANCE COMPANY Butt, CERTIFIED COPY' OF 'POWER OF ATTORNEY Original on File at Home Office of the Company · KNOW 3I.l. MEN BY THE~E PI~ESENTS: That t~e Glens Fa~s Insurance Company, a eorporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal office in the City'of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute and appoint C. W. Butt of New Yo/'k, New Yo/'k ~ ~ its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertak- ings, stipulations, consents and all contracts' of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of all obligees provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the sum of TwoHund/'ed --- thousand dollars, and reserving to ~tself full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is made and executed ia accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Falls Insurance Company at a meeting held on the 2nd day of March, 1951. · "RESOLVED~ That the Presideat, or any Vice President of this Company, be and hereby is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney, wklch, whea duly attested by a. Secreta~ or Assistant Secret. ary, qualify individuals speci~ed therein to act on behalf of the Glens Falls Insurance Company as surety m executing bends, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto." In Witneas ~?herecf, the Glens Falls Insurance Company has caused these presents to be Signed and its Corporate Seal to he affixed by its proper officers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of GIeus Falls, New York, this Ap/'il 16, 1958 GLENSF31.I-qlNSURANCECOMPANY Attest: E. P. Hutc~i~ By E.B. Gill State of New York ) COunty of Warren~ss: On A~ril,~, 1958 , before me appearedE.B.GAll and E. P, Hutchinson to me personaay ~nown, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and~say that they are Vice Premdent and~eeretary respectively of the Glens Falls Insuranee Company, the corporation described in, and on whose behalf they executed the above instrument, that the seal ~f~ed to said iustrumenf is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation and was thereto . affLxed by order of its Board of Direetore and said E. B, Q$~ antsanddi~IE fuf'ther P' HutchinaOndepose a~a say aeknowledged said instrument to be the free act and d-e~d of soa~ ~orporation. Affi ' that they signed the above instrument in accordance with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the instrument proper and that said resolution is a true and correct copy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the offiee of the Company at Glens Falls, New York, on the 2nd day of Mareh, 1951. Dorothy M, Collins I C.S. Willmott ' , ( Vice .Pre ~ ~,d~nt ) of the Glens Falls Insurance Company do hereby certify that I have compared the power of attorney- gran~ea hereto and the resolution reeited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal office of said Company, and that the same are cerreet transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said originals, and amendments thereto, and that said power of attorney has not been revok~still in full ~oree and effect. In TeStimony Wboreof, I have hereunto subscribed myname as eneh offieer and affixed the seal of the Glens Falls Iusur- aneeOompanythi,~ 13th day of October 19~9 ~ ~J~ ]'~ .Lo~4~ Vic~P/'esident (~his part belo~v to be co~npl~te~ ~vhen the p~rson gra~ted power o! attorae~ is req~recl to aok~o~vledge the e~xeo~tioa o! tl~ bond.) State of N~w Yo~-k } County of Naw Y~,W I ss: O- Ootah~- 1 3~ 19~9 , before me pem~naHy came C. W~. Butt berg by me d~y sworn, ~d depose ~d say, that he resid~ i~ Naw York. N. Y. t~ of ~e Gle~ Fal~ In~rance Comply, the Co~tion d~ ~ ~d w~eh' executed~e b ~o~ the ~ of ~id Co~oration; that the Se~ a~xed W s~d bond ~ ~ch co~ora~ se~t~ ~ue of the power of atto~ey i~ed ~ Mm ~ ~ pa~i~arly appea~ above; ~d that ~ from the Supe~tendent of I~u~ce of the State of New York a cer~cate of q~l~eatjon ~ or ~arantor ~d that ~eh ce~ifieate h~ not b~n revoked. ~~~~ R~. 6-58 * U~mlted as to ch~cter but H~ted cunt. to me known, who, ~js the Attorney t.a.t"l~ohed; that he ~'~. ~ceived The WiChin Bond Accepted and Approved on / (Date) Please Read Your Bol~d I;'or m 15065 Rev, 5-57 Type of Bond . Bond No ~_ [.: L2..[:. 6 ~.:.: Principal . L; ! 'ii. Bond AmounL Effeciive D INSURAN NY ' '5:"-