HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12057 P 902'I'H)~ iNU~N'i'URE, md~ Ih~ 19thduY of' June . 2000, IIl.:'rwf;f:N ~UDOL~ CAG~IANO and DOROTHY CAOGIANO both residi,g at 1230 Critters ~ane Southol~ ~w York 11971 purly o1' ibC 13r.,,[ p~rt, ~illd RICHARD L. CAGGIANO and SUSAN CAGGIANO both residing at 7410 Main Bayvtew Road Southold, New York 11971 pa~y of the ~c~ond Furl, AL~ that ce=rain plot, piece o~ pa=cel o~ land, situate, lying and being a~ Bayvtew, in the To~n o~ Southold, Coun=y of Suffolk and BEGINNING at a potn~ on t~e southerly line of ~ain Bayview Road, distant 127.97 test ~=om along said southerly side of Main Bayview Road with the easterly aide of Corey Creek Road, said point beginning being the northeasterly corner of Land now o~ formerly of HaUl from said point of beginning running along said sou:belly line of Main ~ayvie~ Road; R~NZNG THENCE South 5~ degrees 22 minutes 10 seconds east 100.0o feet; THENCE South 35 degrees 06 minutes west 39.0 fee:; THENCE South 23 degrees os minu:es wes: 31.0 feet; THENCE Sou~h 1~ degree~ S0 ainu:em we~: 134.12 fee:; THENCE Nort~ 64 degreei 03 minu~em 10 eeoondi wea~ 102 to a poin~ marked by a mon~en~ and land of Aleph; THENCE North 25 degtees 16 minu~el lo seconds east 222.61 ~eet to the point place og BEGINNZNG. SAID premises being known am Hain Ba~tew Road, Southold, New York. u~tmu a.d ti~hl~ uf Ihs p~fl)' (rf Ih~' I~r~l ~rl il~ and lo ~lid pr~mi~e~: TO ~iAV~ AND 1'O ii()I.D AND ihs p~rly of the ITr~t puff s, oi'~nunl.~ lhul Ihs pfltly al' Ihs I~r~ p~lrt h~t~ nul duil~ ur ~ul't'~'red altyihin8 whereby fir~l p~rl will res, etw' Ih~ ~,~n~d~allon for i~i~ conveyance .~d will h~td Itl~ rigJ~l un~ ulh~r purpu,v. Ti)e wur~ "parly" ~hull he ~un~irued a, Ii' IL ruud "parlic.s' whe,ewr the ~en~e o1' ihi~ iltd~l~lufe ~) r~quir~. wriLlun, 12057 902 A(=kftowlldllsmenl leken in Now York 91ale State o! Now YorX. County el QueeTTB On IhS 19tit d~y o{ June in Ihs year2000, biters me, the undersigned, pe~sonatly po.~onarly known lo me (am) lublcribed to the within Instrument and a~no~edoed lo capacHy(ieB}, and Ihat by hlslfler/thelr signature(l} on the i~d~idual(e) ,n,ltumenl, ,,e acled, lbo i~ividual[e) ~a~l~g~nt York 81Oil et New ~rk. Coonly of , On the tiny o! , in tho year . before mo, the underslgneO, personolty appeamcl tho aubscdbln9 wllness lo t~o ~otogolng IneYumont, wilh whom I am personally acquainl,)d, who being by mo duly sworn, did depose and say, l~al helehetlh~ reside(s)in lo be Ihs ~ndi~d~l detached i~ and who execul~ ~o~e~lng i~Iru~l; [hat said aubsc~tbin9 pre,ertl a~d ~ Sub~ri0ed hi~et/lheit name(s} as a witness lhe~elo. T/lie No.' ....... TO Aoknowledgemenl liken ih NewYork Stale Slate of New York. County o! , On Ihs day of , In Ihs year , bolero me, Ihs undarilgned, personally appeared perlonally known lo me or p/eyed lo me on Ihs baals el (am) lublcdbed I0 {he within iniltumenl and acknowledged 1o eaoacily(lell, end Ihll by hll/flefllhelf llg~slure(~) on l~e I~slmme~l, tho Ind~Idual(I) or ihs ~mon upon ~holt ihs IfldlviduaJ(I) acfed, ex~ulod Ihs ' 61ale oF , Courtly, of , es: Foreign Counlw{ On IhS day of , in Ihs year , pe~so~ally known Io me et proved io me on the sallsla~lory evlden~e Io be Ihs indtvidua~(,) whose name(s) mo tha~ ho/she/they execuled Ihs slime in htalherllheir capactly(iea), ihat by hi~/he~llheir slgnalure(e) imeltumenl, the I~ivtduat(s) o~ ihs person upon ~ehalf of wh~ the Indlvidualis) acted, exu~uted II~e instrument, and thai such (add the city or political subdivision an~ the elate or country or olher piace ihs eoknowledgemenl was liken). SECTION 78 BLOCK 0 LOT COUNTY ~ .I~TIJFI# BY MAIk TO: Flu3hing~ New York 1135B Zip No. i," Number of' pa&es J ;. TORRENS .~ il Serial $t ........ Certificate # ........ Prior Ct{', At ..... Deed I Mortgage Instrument Pa&e t Filth8 Fee . Handlin$ ,.,~'""" TP.$84 , Notnlton . . _ =-" S0365 .... Deed/Mortgase Tax Stamp ~ . m ........... "' ' L~'_._! mmm FEES },5_, , EA-5217 (State) ILP,T,S.A. Comm. or Ed, Amdavit Ceriifled Copy ReS, Copy Other SubTotal L/,~"" GRAND TOTAL _ Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Dist, Section El lock Lot {?'o-o ca"}g:, c,O o "), ~ o,~'~, mo 'RECORDE O0 JUL 2h'PM 12' h? EDNARD P, ROHAINE CLER~ OF SUFFOLK COUNTY mm II Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2, Additional Tax Sub Total Spec,lAssit, Or Spec, ladd, .. : __._. TOT, MTO, TAX Duat Town ..... Dual Cour~ty_..~= ideld for Apportionment , Tranlfer 'Fax , , Mnnsion Tax The properly covera~iby lib"is n~o~gnlle i; or will be improved by a one or two Family dwelling only. YES or NO.........._. If NO, .see apptopria~-e tax clause on page · or this Instrument, .......... Commun Preservution Fund Consideration Amount $ C PI: Tax Due $ Improved initials Satisfactions/Discharge~/ReleMes List Property Owners Maitin8 RECORD & RETURN TO: 2 4 2000 COMMUNITY PRESERVATION ant Lnttd Co, Namu Title tt Suffolk County Reco.r..,.di_n_g & Endorsement Page ................. This pag~ forms part of the attached 'T"~~ (SPEC{FY TYPE OF · , lhe premises herein is siluated in . TO ............ made by: BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PR[NIED IN BLACK iNK ONLY PR[OR TO RECORDING OR FILING, ............... -- _J ....... L iji i tnVFRt SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In th~ Towml'dp of ~"~.~~.0., In the VILLAGE or FLA~dLET or