HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/18/2010ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE, RMC, CMC TOWN CLERK REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS MARRIAGE OFFICER RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER Rr~C~IV~D NOV - 1 2010 Town Hail, 53095 Ivlain Road P.O. Box 1179 .. ~. ~ Soul~i~t~, NewYork 11971 0~'~0~ ~OW~I ~a~%l [631) 765-6145 Telephone (631) 765-1800 southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ANTI-BIAS TASK FORCE Minutes of the October 18, 2010 ATTENDANCE: Task force members present: Peter Bell, Michael Domino, Palricia Fulford, Jean LePre, Eleanor Lingo, Carolyn Peabody and Cynthia Smith. Guests are Heal,her Domino and Philip Beltz There are no minutes from the September meeting as there was not a quorum present, bm a review of items discussed that day are: picnic- discouraged about lack of press coverage, but it did not seem to affect the numbers of people coming as we had over 200 guests. Sister Margaret told members that she feels the lack of attendance of the Spanish community was due to them baying to work. Marjode asks for support for the work that Peconic Land Trust does re: affordable housing. Reverand Heyward met someone who has a program re; fixing up homes. He notes two very poorly maintained homes he is aware of in Greenport There is a question raised about targeting Hispanic population, police asking for Id's? October meeting: Picnic The fourth Saturday of August (August 27, 2011) has been reserved for the second annual ABTF picnic. Peter went to the Board meeting to thank all for their cooperation at our 1st picnic. Mike has an inventory of the items leftover from the picnic. Thanks to all members who helped to make this event a success! Next year we will concentrate on making our invitation more inclusive particularly to the Latino and Indian community. Sch°°l;eltz reports that an event Anti-Bias Education Day (October 9, 20 ! 0)sponsored Philip by Youth Bureau who had met with a survivor of the HolocansL All schools participated. They provided a 5 hour presentation and the subject matter covered Bullying. The speaker stated that he hoped that if the kids only got one message from the presentation he hoped it would be" that by saying nothing; you cooperate with HATE". Carolyn Peabody reports that in November 2010, Greenport and Maltituck schools will be participating in the ABTF Survey. Parental consents will be mailed in the next two weeks. Parents have to sign a consent. The town will have access. Only the schools themselves will have the actual scores. Southold has chosen to do their own. Carolyn reviews the questionnaire, which covers bias, bullying, tolerance, attitudes, feelings of cohesion and alienation. Ultimately the ABTF goal is to help find ways for kids to feel safe. Mattituck/Cutehogue E. may be hiring minorities. (teacher assistant) Membership Ellie will check with Linda (Town) re: openings on the ABTF. We also have members who have been unable to attend for some time. There is a motion made by Mike, seconded by Pete to have Pat Fulford be the chairperson of the picnic committee for 2011. All are in favor. MLK CELEBRATION January I6, 2011- We will approach SC Peters Lutheran Church in Greenport to host as they had indicated that they would do so if we gave them adequate lime to plan when we asked them to host last year. Back up will be First Baptist or AME Zion~ We will not exclude any church in our consideration. Carolyn makes a motion and Mike seconds to ask Rev Sam (Pat's husband) to be our speaker. NEW BUSINESS Jeanne Merkel resignation letter is read and accepted: Heather reports there is a national Day of Silence. It was held on April 16, 2010. It represents the Gay/Straight Alliance and they believe that bullying and harassment must end. Should ABTF look into this as a possible activity to be involved April day of Silence at all schools to acknowledge equality? There is motion made by Carolyn, seconded by Jean to cheek with the Superintendants to formulate a plan. Heather also suggests A Battle of the Bands and that the winner could have free recording time at her studio. Heather is willing to reach out into the community for advertising and she will seek more information about howto become a member of our ABTF. There will be a Marcelo Lucero vigil held a t6 pm in Patchogue on November 8, 2010 Carolyn is unable to continue to serve as vice chair and nominates Pat to serve in this capacity. All are in Favor. Respectfully Submitted