HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/1930RETURN OF ~"2ING OF RESIDENT TAXPA'fERS OF THE NATTITUC~ FIRE DISTRICT, SOUTHOLD TOWN, SUFFOLK COUNTY, ~ YO~K, held on the 9th day of June, 1930. We, the undersigned, the Clmir~an, Inspector and Clerk duly appointed to act at the meeting of the resident tax- payers of the Mattituok Fire District in the Town of 5Outhol~ Suffolk County, New York, held at the Fire House in the village of Matti~uok, in said district, on the 9th day of · une, 1930, do hereby make the following return of maid meet- lng: - The meeting was open from ?:00 to ~:00 o'clock (daylight savin~ time) as stated in the call of said meeting and the names of all persons voting thereat were recorded; that printed ballots were used and samples thereof provided for free and confidential ex-mtnation by all persons attend- ing maid meeting; that t~ge locked box was used in which ballots were placed as voted; that maid box was not opened until the close of the meeting, and when opened the ~allots were counted and it was found that ~ ballets had been vote~ The canvass of maid ballots was as follows:- On the question, eShall the proposition as follows ~Sta$~ the Fire Cc~--tseloners be authorized and empowered to raise the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars for purchasing a Fire House mite on the northwest co~ner of Pike Street and Wickham Avenue (85 feet on Pike Street and 100 feet on Wickham Avenue and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in maid district?' voted on and carted in the affirmative at the meeting of the qualified voters of the Mattituck Fire Distric on April 22, 1930 be withdrawn and rescinded. On the question "Shall the fire oow,,~ssioners of said Mattituok Fire District of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York, be authorized, empowered and directed to acquire for a fire house site the "Xelsey property", so called, described as follows: All that parcel of land situate at Matti~uck, Suffolk County, New York, bounded as follows: Northerly by Pike Street; Easterly by land of M. A. Kelsey; Southerly by land of Alex X and Jessica Brown and Westerly by land of Frank ¢. Barker, the boundaries of said parcel being 60 feet in length on the North and South bounds thereof and 199.2 feet in length on the East and West bounds thereof, and to raise by tax the sum of $1800 for the puroh~e of said property and to levy a tax therefor on the property in said district?t Ms No SLAW[ taxable On the question "Shall ~he fire commissioners of said Matti~uok Fire District of the ~uffolk, State of New York, be directed to acquire for a fire property" so called, described Town of 3outhold, County of authorized, empowered and house site the "Fischer as follows: All that parcel of land situate at Mattltuck, Suffolk County, New York, bounded as follows: Northerly by Pike Street; Easterly by land of C2~il Coleman; Southerly byReeve and Hall and Westerly by land of Alice G. Fischer, the boundaries of said parcel being 60 feet in length on the North and South bounds thereof and 90 feet in length on the East and West bounds thereof, and to raise the sum of $6600 for the purchase of said property by the levy of a tax by installments, said tax to be sufficient for the payment of bonds hereinafter describe and the interest thereon when said bonds and interest shall be payable, and shall bonds in the s~a of $6600 be issued and payable as follows: six(6) bonds to be ia the denomin- ation of $1000 each and one (1) bond to be in the denomin- ation of $600, the first of which shall be ~e and payable on the 1st day of August, 1951, and one bond shall be due and payable on the 1st day of August in each succeeding yea~ until said bonds have been fully paid. Siad bonds to bear interest at the rate of 4 3/4% per annum to be paid semi- n~ually on the 1st day of Febm~y and August in each year when it shall become due. $ On the question "Shall the fire commissioners of said Mattituok ~Flre District of the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York be authorized, empowered and dAreoted to acquire for a fire house site the "lic~b~m property" so called, described as follows: Ail that parcel of land at Matti~Ack, Suffolk County, New York, bounded as follows; Northerly and Eaaterly by land of Cedric H. Wickham, Southerly by Pike Street and Westerly by Wickha~ Avenue, the boundaries of said parcel being 100 feet in length on the North and South bounds thereof, and 50 feet in length on the East and lest bounds thereof, at no cost to the District, this site having been offs?ed g~atis by M~. Wic~o~. Dated, June 10, 1~0 That thereupon, we si~a~d ~is retuA-n in duplicate and delivered one to the Town Clerk of Southold Town, N.Y., together with the said ballots and the list of the names of the persons voting at said meeting; a~d the other we delivex ed to the Fire Oow~saloners of said Fire District. Chairman