HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/05/1930 At a meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners
~ the Mattituck Fire District, Town of Southold, Suffolk
County, New York, held at the Law 0ffice~ of Bishop & 0~Keeffe
at Mattituck, New York on the fifth day of July, 1930 at
2 o~clock P. M.,
Present were Messrs.:
Jo Wood Wickham
William M. Hudson
George L. Penny
constituting the Board of Fire Commissioners of said district.
The meeting was presided over by J. Wood Wickham
as chairman and George L. Penny as secretary
Upon motion of WilliamM. Hudson, duly carried,
it wam
"Resolved, that an ~pplication be sent to Joseph
N. Hallock, Town Clerk of Southold Town, Suffolk County, New!
York, wherein the Mattituck Fire District is situate, re-
questing him to call a special meeting of the qualified vote~
of the Mattituck Fire District to be held at the Mattituck
Fire House, Mattituck, New York, on the 29th day of July,
1930 between the hours of V o'clock P. M. and 9 o'clock P. M~
Eastern Daylight Saving Time, the polls to remain open for a
period of two hours from V 0tclock P. M. to 9 o'clock P. M.
for the purpose of voting on the following proposition:
'Shall the Fire Commissioners of said Mattituck
Fire District, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, be
authorized, empowered and directed to expend the sum of TwenSy
Thousand Dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary to
erect upon a site located in said district, a suitable firep:~oof
building for a fire house to house the fire apparatus of sai,
district and to provide ~eeting rooms and other facilities
require~ in connection therewith and shall the sum of Twenty
Thousand Dollars be raised by the levy of a tax by installments,
said tax to be sufficient for the payment of bonds hereinafter
described and the interest thereon when the same shall be
payable and shall bonds in the suE of twenty Thousand Dollars
be issued and payable as followm: Twenty bonds to be in the
denomination of One Thousand Dollars each, the first of which
shall be due and payable on the 1st day of August, 1931, and
one bond shall be due and payable on the 1st day of August ia
each succeeding year until said bonds have been fully paid,
said bonds to bear interest at the rate of Four and Three-
Quarters (~) per cent, to be paid semi-annually on. the 1st
day of Februar~y and August in each year when it shall become
due?~ "
And upon the motion of William M. Hudson, duly
carried, it was
"Resolved, that the following form be adopted as
the ballot to be used at said meeting:
"Shall the Fire Commissioners of said Mattituck
Fire District, Southold Town, Suffolk County, New York, be
authorized, empowered and directed to expend the sum of
Twenty Thousand Dollarm or so much thereof as may be necessary
to erect upon a site located in said district, a suitable
fireproof building for a fire house to house the fire apparatus
of said district and to provide meeting rooms and other faci~
lities required in connection therewith and shall the sum
of Twenty Thousand Dollars be raised by the levy of a tax
by installments, said tax to be sufficient for th? payment
of bonds hereinafter described and the interest thereon
when the same shall be payable and shall bonds in the sum
of Twenty Thousand Dollars be issued and payable am follows:
Twenty bonds to be in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars
each, the first of which shall be due and payable on August ~st,
1931, and one bond shall be due and payable on the 1st ds~
of August in each succeeding year until said bonds have been.
fully paid, said bonds to bear interest at the rate of Four
and Three-Quarters (44%) per cent, to be paid semi-annually
on the 1st day of February and August in each year when it
shall become due?"
The meeting then adjourned.
Secretary of ~eetin~