HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/30/1930 At a meeting of the Board of Fire Cv~ssioners of
the Mattituck Fire District, Town of Southold, Suffolk County,
New York, held at the firehouse in the village of Mattituck,
Suffolk County, New York, at ~ o'clock P.M. on the 30th day
of July, 1930.
Present were Messrs.:
J. Wood Wickham
William M. Hudson
George L. Penny
constituting the Board of Fire C~mm~ssioners of said district
The meeting was presided over by J. Wood Wickham
as chairman and George L. Penny as secretary.
Upon motion of William M. Hudson, duly carried,
it was "resolved that, whereas at a meeting of the qualified
voters of the Mattituck Fire District on July 29, 1930 at
Mattituck in said fire district, said voters voted almost
unanimously in favor of the raising of Twenty Thousand
($20,000) Dollars for the erection of a new firehouse by
issuing bonds therefore,
THAT a notice of bond sale be posted and publishe~
in the manner required by law in the following form:
Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals
will be received by the Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire
District in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York,
at the office of the Mattituck Watchman, in the village of
Mattituck, Suffolk County, New York, at 3 o'clock P.M.
Eastern Standard Time, on the 13th of October, 1930, for the
purchase of any or all of the bonds of an issue in the sum
of $20,000, issued pursuant to the proposition duly voted
at a meeting of the resident taxpayers ( and a meeting of
the) du~ qualified voters of the Mattituck Fire ~strict,
held in said ~strict on July 29th, 1930, for the erection of a
fire-proof building for a fire house ~ said ~strict. ~e
said issue will consist of twenty bonds for $1000.00 each,
all dated August 1st, 1930 Md cart In~erest at a rate not
exceeding 4~, payable se~-annual~ on ~e first day of
Feb~a~ and Au~st, ~til retired.
Said bonds will be n~bered fr~ one (1) to twenty
(20) inclusive, md th~ ~11 matte in n~erical order;
n~ber one on the first day of Au~st, 1~1, ~ there~ter,
one bond of said issue on the first ~y of Au~st iu each
year to ~d inclu~ng Au~st 1st, 19§0.
Proposals shall be endorsed "Proposals for Matti-
tuck Fire District Bonds" md ad~essed to ~. Wood Wic~,
chairman of the Board of Fire Co~ssioners, Mattituok, N. Y.
Said bon~ and interest will be payable at the MattX-
tuck National Bank and T~st Comply ~ Mattituck, New York.
Ail bids ~st be in ~iting, and sealed and ~e
n~ber of bonds bidder will 4~ohase stated, Md ~st be
accompa~ed ~ a certified check for 2% of the par value of
the n~ber of bonds bid for. No bonds will be sold for less
th~ p~. Interest will be ~arged purchaser from Au~st lst~
19~0 to date of deliver. ~e ri~t is reserved to reject ~
and all bids and to sell the bonds to the ~est bider at
public auction at the t~e above specified.
~ted ~eptember 26, 1930~, ~j~.'. ~/c~z~c~~.~ ~-~ ·
Fire ~o~-...~ssioners of ghe Magti-
tuck Fire ~atrict, Southold
To~, New Yo~k.~"
The meeting then adJoumned.
~&~man ~o£ Meeting.
Secreta~ of eet~ng.~