HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/19/1927 At the A~,~ meeting of Mattituoh Fire Distriot held at Hal~, Mattituok, Town of $outhold, Oounty of Suffolk, New YorE, On Tlteeday, April 19th, 1927, ~rom eleven A,M, to one F,M,, fsr the purpose of voting upon the following propositions: Proposition 1. Shall the Fire oommissioners be authorized and empowared to raise the sum of ()ne Thousand Dollars ~or ourrent expenses of the Fire Distriot for the year 19~7 to April 19th, 1928 and to levy a tsx therefor, upon the taxable property in 8aid diotriot? Proposition 11, Shall the Fire Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the 8urn of Nineteen Hundred ~ollar8 to retire one bond of Thirteen Hundred Dollars aM pay interest on bonded indebtedness of said distriot' and to levy a tax therefor, upon the taxable property in said disl~lot? Proposition 111. Shall the Fire oommissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the sum of Six Hundred Dollars to sink two ~ire wells in said diotriot, and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property ' in said distrist? The eleotion of three fire oommissionors for a term of three years in the plaoe o~ :~. H. Hudson, George L. Penny and Henry P. Tuthlll. /~d rot 8uoh other business as may properly some before the meeting. The following, who were appointed inspeotors of eleotion, by the supervisors.of ~outhold Town, were present, namely, James A. Gildersleeve ~eorge L. Penny Jr,, and James ~, Kirkup. .~ . ~h~ me~etingawaJ~oalled to order by~o ~-~ ~; ;, ~ ~&~ Not~ry Pub~io adm~ist~fe~ the sarah of to the n ed Xns s ters of sl tion, was sleeted Ol~airman of the meeting und~ ~ ~ ~__' was sleeted Olerk. The polls were deol~&Jed open gnd-the-~[o'll6~[ng taxpayers who are legal voters in this fire distriot, voted by ballot at this meet Lug, Names of Voters The p~XI~ were olosed at one P,~'~. and the ohairm~n of the of eleotion, aX~er a oanvass of ~he votes ~o~ood ~hat ~ vo~e8 ~d be~ oast on ~opositlon No, 1 of whioh ~ were in favor o~ said proposi~ion ~d ~ha~ ~vote8 were ~n8~ said proposition and ~ha~ ~ votes were oas~ on proposition ~0. 2 of whioh /. y~vo~eo we~ in ~avor o~ said proposi~ion ~d ~ w~e agai~ 8aid pr6posi~ion and ~a~ ~ vo~es were oa~ on pr~posi~ion No, ~ of ~ioh ~ were in xavor of said prop- osi~ion ~d ~ were agai~t said proposition. ~fter a 0~88 of vo~e8 by ~he ins~otor8 o~ oleoS[on, ~he Ohair~ 8~o~oed, the follo~i~ were eteoted as ~re O0~issioners a term ~ee years sash. The %oral number oX vo~es cas% Xor eiec$io~ o5 ~ire Co~m~sziozier~ was ~ ' ~f which ~ ~ /~-~ reeeive~ $ votes,~~L~&4~ receive~ _ 7 votes and ~~__~ receive~ T votes. The ~retary was~instructed te certify ~o ~he above canvass and report ~esult to Fi~e Commissioners. There being no other business to come before the meeting the meeting Was adjourned. Secretary, inspector's o~ election ~ a~ual meeting o~ Mattituck ~ire Distrio~ held a~ ~lreman's Hall, in the village ef Mattituck, N.Y on April lSth,