HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/17/1928 At the ~,~ual meeting eT Mattituck Fire DiStrict held at Fireman's
Ball. Mattituck. Tows o~ .~outhold. 0ount~ o~ Su~olk. l~ew York, on
TueldaY April 17th 19~8. from eleven A. . to one P. M. for the
purpose of voting upon the ~ollowing propositions:
Proposition 1. Shall the Fire Ccmmissioners be authorized and
empowered to raise the sum o~ One Thousand Dollars for c~rrent expenses
of the Fire Distriat for the year 19~8 to April l?th 19~9 and to levy
a tax therefor, upon the taxable property in said distriat?
Proposition ~-. Shall the Fire Commissioners be authorized and
empowered to raise the sum o~ Bineteen Hundre~ Dollars to retire
bond of Thirteen Hundred Dollars and pa~ interest on bonded indebtedness
of said district and to levy a tax therefor, upo~ the taxable property
in said dietriet?
2roposit&on 3. Shall the ~ire Commissioners be authorized and
empowered to raise the sum o~ ~ne thousand Dollars to sind two fire
wells in said ~ietrict, and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable
property in said district?
and for such other business as may proper~ come before the meeting.
The following, who were appointed inspectors o~ election, by
the ~upervisor o~ -~outhold Town. were present, namely, James A. ~ilder-
sleeve, ~eorge r.. ~enny Jr.. and ~'ames J. Eir~up.
The meeting was called to order by
~otary Publie administered ~he ~a~ o~,
to the abo~e n~ ~epectora o~ elation. ~ ~' ~~waa
p~ere who are legal voters in this iire d~atrict, vot%d ~y
at this m~
~-~./~ ~ames o~ Voters.
The polls were close~ at one P. M. ~d the chatr~ o~ the ~-
specters cf eleetion, a~ter a c~vaaa of the votes ~,o,~ded that ~
votes had been cast on proposition Bo. 1 o~ w~ch ~ were in ~avor o~ said
proposition ~d that ~ votes were ~ainat said proposition ~ t~t ~
votes were cast on proposition ~o. 2 o~ which ~ votes were in favor o~
asia proposition ~ ~ were against said proposition ~ t~t ~ votes
were cast on proposition ~o. 3 o~ which ~ were ~ ~avor o~ eai~ propo-
aitiom ~ that ~ were aga~st aai~ proposition.
received votea.
The Seoretar2 waa inatrueted to oerti~2 to the above canvaaa
repert reault to ~ire Oommiseiomera.
There being no other buaineae to come before the meetimg the
meetiag was
· oretor2, lnBpeoto~'a O~
eleetioa ~or a~Eal meetiag
o~ Matti~me~ ~ire Dla~ri~t
held at ~iremaa'. Rall, ia
the village o~ ~ttit~e~ ~.Yo
on April l?th 19~8.