HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/1929~attit ok, N. Y., Apr. 23rd, 1929. The annual meeting oi the ~attituck Fire District was held at ~iremen'S Hall, in the village oi Mattituok. 11. Y., on April 23rd, 1929, irom ll:00 A.~. to l:00 P.M., ior the purpose oi v~ting on the lollowing propositions: Propositioa Bo. 1. Shall the Fire Con~issioners b~ authorized and empowered to raise the sum oi One Thousand Two Hundred and Forty ($1,240.00) Dollars for current expenses oi the Fire District ior the year 1929, to April ~3rd. 1930, and to levy a tax therelor upon the taxable property in said district? Proposition 11o. 11. Shall the Fire Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the sum oi Two Thousand Five Hundred and Sixty ($E,560.00) Dollars to retire one bond oi Thirteen Hundred Dollars, and a bond oi Six Hundred Dollars. and pay interest on bonded indebtedness oi said district, and to levy a tax therefor upon the taxable property in said district? Proposition No. 111. Shall the Hire Commissioners be authorized and empowered to raise the stun of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars to sink two lire wells in said district, and to levy a tax theretor upon the taxable property in said district? And for such other business as may properly come beiore such meeting. The meeting was called to order by J. W. Wickham, 2resident the Fire Commissioners. LeRoy S. Reeve, 11otary Public. administered the oath of oilioe to the iollowing named inspectors oi election, who were appointed by the Fire Conm~issioner: James A. Gildersleeve, J. J. Kirkup. Geo. L. Penny, Jr. The polls were declared open at ll:O0 A.~.. The iollowing taxpayers who were legal voters in the Fire District voted by ballot at this meeting: Polls were closed ~'t 1:00 P.M., and the chairman of the in~j~ectors of election, a~ter a canvass oi the votes. ~nounced that ~ votes had been cast on Proposition ~l, of which ~1 votes were in lavor and votes in oppoaition. votes had been cast on Proposition ~2, iavor and votes in opposition. which ~votes were in which ~votes were in votes had been cast on Froposition ~3, lavor and votes in op~osition. The secretary was instructed to certify to the above canvass and report the result to the Fire Oon~issioners. T~ere being no other business meetiag was adjourned. to come beioze the meeting, the fy, ~I~rs~ of Election for annual meeting oi Mattituc~ Fire District, held at Firemen's Hall, in the village oi Mattituck, 11. ¥o