HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/1934C0~lil3~I01~l~ OF NATTITUCK FXt~ DISTBICT.
Au~.~XO~4. AXX aero, ere preseat, alae Fire Chief Reeve.
~r,Stltes of ~;h~ Eureka Hose Oo.,a~d Sidney P.
Tut~.ill ~aitted samples and prices ef fire hoee before
regular meeting was calle~ te or~er~ by ehiaxlaa.
~".i:~utes of ~u~e 8th mce tin~ were read for information.
The matter o£ ~ta~xf~,Im~ixi~ll~laSJl~ car'rying
imsure~ce t~ cover th~ distrtct'e l~abilitieo under
Laws of ~.~.~tete. oheptar 489,neetio~ 2Ob,wac dieoueeed e%
some length. The secretary was iaetructed to prepare lists
of all active membsre in order to make n thorough check
as to the ~umber who owned aatem~biXee~alSo aa to whether
they were ~ereonally c~vered ~y autsmobt~e insurance.
Amotica was reguXarly made,seconded a~d carried
that RuXe 4 (Members) of the by-Xawe of ~he Mattituck Fire
Comp~l~y s2culd be amended to read ~Aseociate members may
be electe~ who shalX pay the regalar duee ef mem~ere
but ehall not be allowed to perfer, the duties of activ
fir~ea.# (THis ch~ge su'oati%utea the word
for "required#)
~f~r treatment
ida P~tris st Oreenport on ~ay ~0th, be presented to
TLc Roy S.Reeve far a~aat~ent with tnauraace Co~pa~y.
',otion regularly made. seconded and carried t~at
'reCeived far services at oa~.of-Distr~ct £ires be tur~ed
ever te the ~attituck Fire Oe~pa~y, thil beia~ retroactive
to January 1,1954. ~~
Meetiag &dJeuraed. ~-~''~ See.