HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/08/1934 i[I,ll'UT~S OF M~ETIBG OF C0~,9~ISSIONEP~ OF ~TTI~CK FI~ ~e 8.19~4. ~e~ent,Co~i~signerm Gilder~leeve,B~kem, ~rig. Dr~, ~d Treas. Gildersleeve. ~eeting eall~ te ~rde~ ~ ~e ~ai~. ~lnutel of last aeetiag read fer infe~atien. Re~rt of Special EXectiea ef M~ lSth made, ~.ition l,voting the a~ ~f $319~.00 for currea~ expenses ~nd equip ment for the ye~ 1935, was carried,wi~ 18 vote~ yes,~d 1 ~ote No. Proposition 2,voting the of $5805.00 to retire ~ree bonds ag~egating $2900.00,~d to pay ~ntereet on the ~nded indebt~ness of the was carried,wi~ X8 votes yes.and 1 vote Motion w~ re~arly ma~e~econ~ed, ~n~ c~ried to hire men to tes~ ~ m~asure ~1 fire wells in Fire Distric~. ~ffotion re~larly made,seconded, ~ c~ried to si~ one fire well on 3uffolk Argue if conditions pe~itt~. WOrk on s~e to be dona ~ co~tract. qotion re~l~ly made,seconded ~d c~ried to ~rehase such qu~tity ~f new fire h~se as m~ be fo~d nece~ after testing present Motion W~I~ly made,seconded and carr~ to d~elo~ five fire wells already installed. ~ The ch~!~ aeXeot~ the Eirst Friday of eaeh , moath.~er'~t~re, mont~y meetings o~.'~ BO~d of