HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/23/1934C0~is-~IONEI~0F MATTITUCK FIRE DISTi~ICT. Mar~ 2~,19~4. Members present Comieeleners 6ildersleeve, Barker. Anrig, ~Xn es.Dru~ and Trea~. Glldersleeve. Meeting called to order by the chairman. The minutes of the last meeting (~an.4th and llth) were read. ~. ~otion made.seconded and carried that the expenses b~' the commtS~[0~e~s on a trip to New York for the purpose cf dieeu~eing lower insurance rate~ wit~, the N.Y~Fire Insurance Rating Organization be paid. ~[otion ~ade.~econded, and carried that pay- ment of t~e following bills be authorxzed: Premium on treasurer's bond, Cl~a~.Price'B ~ill for aesapoo1 repairs. Bond No.5.$600.00 and interest. Motion made, seconded and carried that Lawyer ~ohn 0'~[eefe be consulted in regard to settlement of a b~ll off the ~merioan La France and l~o~aite Industries, Meeting adJourned.