HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/1934 MINUTES OF ~ETING OF
April 11,1934.~ All members present.
lleettng was calXed for the ~urposs of.
adopting budget fO~ tHe ye~ 19~5. Bonda due in that
ye~ ~o~nt to $~'~,~ ag~e~ate,~d-~e interest
~ on the ~nd~ tndebte~e88 $90~.00. The
a~ of $3195.00 vas estimated as being needed for
current expenses ~nd equipment,brin~the total amount ~
to be raised to $7000.00. '.
It was voted to call a special election
to be 'held on the 15th of 1[~.1934.from ? P.~,i. to 10 P.M.
at the firehouse to vote on the fOIlO'willg pro~itions:
Froposition 1. Sh,tl the Fire Co~iss!o~
be aat~$rised ~d ~wer~'~ raise the s~ of $519~.~
. ' r :'
for current ex~ns~ffor the ye~ 19~5,~d ~ ~evy a t~
therefor u~n the t~able property i~ the fire district?
Pro~sitton 2. ~1 the Fire Co~iesioner
be aat~oriZed ~d ~wered ~ raise the sum of $~.00 to
r'etir¢'ithree Bonds 0f$2900.00 eggr~ate, and pay~intere~
on ~e:bonded~ndebtednsss of the £tre district,end t9 levy
a tax ~heeef~r apo~ the texable propex~y in said district?
The ~ secretary was instructed to
prepare the s~ect[on ~Otice~.the'~ballot~,and to publish
the no'ice of election in the ~mtoh~aan in its issue of
Ms, April 19.
Meeting adjourned.