HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/04/1934 ~III~UTEG OF ~EETING OF CO~I$SION~8 OF ~.~ATTITUCK FIw~ BXSTI~IGT. '~otion carried. Treasurer D.R.Gilderaleeve ~as elected Secretary_. ~ Th~ ~ed of stationery an~ supplies was brought i up, aha the secetary wa. given permission to purchase such articles aa were necessary, alee to airs a safe ~ deposit box for th~ keeping of valaable papers. It was then agreed to races! until Frlday,J~.ll. Jan.ll. lambers present, Oummissioners GildersleeYe,~tk~t~ Anrig, Wines, and Drtlm, Trsaa~rer G~lderslseve, end formeF Co.missioners Penny ani NiCkh~. T~e minutes of the J~.4th session were read far information. .... ' '~r:l,~r ~[~an;llt,eXPlaine~ f~na~o~aI ma~Y~ers ~her .... ~ustneee ~ran~ac~e~y ~He. f6rme-r ~-oar~ - ~ra;~0~%Iwg-a Bal~e ~C~l100;49-i~"~he~reasury ..... i .... ov~ -to tme~reeent-%x-eaeure~ . ~'~r.~nr!~ re,or%ed tb~t ~ vi,it to the S~u~arYilor's o£flQe , ~ ahO~ a b~ce due ~ttituck Fire ~lstriot f:om ~o~ol~ To~ in the m~m ~f $349.~3. TBe trealurer wa. instruc~e~ to ~ ~en~ an order to $~pervie~ Horton for thi. money. , tream,~rer b~ p~aid a mmle.~ ~ of Sbo.o0 per year. Votion regularly ~de, aecon~ed arid o~ried trAat meeti~g ~e a~J o~rn~.