Oot. 25,1~035.
PresOrt%: A~l meuborm,
-- {eetimgwatXe& ~o order by ehairman Gltderoteeve4
- ~o inetrac~ed ~ae secetar~, ~e epen an~ rosa bi~s fsr _
fire well ~ebs ae ~eteA .at meeting en ~e~t.2§th. _ _ _-.
Bids were as fellows:
By Leuis Dehm:
Xtem 1 ,Gildersleeve Welld $~60.00
. ~ P~,£~n~ Read Well 560~00
/~ ~,westl~alia well ~60.00
_ ~ 4,Pull ell Westphalia
W~X; Re-oink at new
looatien 125.00
. 5 ,l au liB outsher WeLl 50.00
Total $12§5.00
Hmo of Compensation lnsuranee Company
an~ ~mbe~ df Po~idy no~ shown eR bid,
B~ By. Louts Delm: Alternate bid,wit~ "Johnson
8ta'Alner~ inotemat ef "C~ok" 8trainer~ o~eeifieA~
Iteul 1.2. and ~, $555.00 eaoh .$1005.00
4, 125.00
5, ~0~00
By Y,Spenoer ]utterworth & John T~mamm ;
x eu l:, $3 .oo
~, 550.00
B,, 25.00
S i 6 .oo
Name of Co~pensatien Insuranse Company
and ~,-uber of P liey not shown'eR biA.
alternate ~
fera reduction of $20 on each well in iteno l,~,~ v~
and 3oil 'JohnsOn' screens, were used.
By YreAeriek D.OlmoteA,_~r.:
ltOla X, $366.00
8, ~66.00
3, 366.00
4, 100.00
§, 25.00
Oea~eaeatiea Insurance ~arried witA
Ameriea~ Motorists Insurance Co.,
After disnueoloa eR the Bids.it was mewed, seconded and
carried tha~bidz of Butterworth and Timmann totalling
$1165.00, being the lowest, this be accepted, and contract
awarded to them;prevldeA that proper partnership paper8
were file'.and oompenoation insurance law~ fully severed.
~n event of But'to, worSt~ aaa Ti~mann n6t meetl~g t~ese
requirementh,oontraot was to be awarded to Frederick D.
OlmnteA, Jr. on h in. bid of $X2~3.00 (t~talJ. '
The oeeeotary was instructed to prepare elec~ion
notices and ballots for the annual election on Dec.3rA,
ch ime a co~niosioner is to be elected for a te~
ef five years in t~e place of Morrisen G.wi~e~ ~e~[~a--
notice te Be published in the "WatO~ma~' of Hev.VtA.
Motion ~,oe~nA~and carrle~ ~at the fo~l~wi~
- - bills he paiR.~forrilon G~W~neo, for ~epniFo~ 0etemaa~8
~heet ~
Mattituck ~reee,fer printing.
~otien made, aeconAe~ and carried,that $25.00 be paid
the Mattituek Fire ~empany for a desk purchased by them
fo~te f~eh~use. '
not semi, lying wi~k~l~aoof contrast.
Meeting a~Journed.