HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/1935MINUT3,~ OF b~TING OF 00~MISSIOF~RB OF MATTITUCK YII~E DISTRICT, ...... Yeb~ ~n~t eno~aaiane~a~meaen~ on ~eetin~ Minutes of Deo.?th meeting zead far information. James X.Gildereleeve wac elected to serve ae chairman for the year 1955. ~ D.R.Gildersleeve was e~oted Secretary. ..... Th~ Tr eaa~rer*~i~ancl al re-p~rt To~he~aar-~,9~, -- A cop~B~bee~_ filed with the Town Clerk. :A report wac received from D.R.Gildersleeve, eeoretary off the Mattituck Fire Company,showing a total of 8A ACtive members, 1~ aee~olate m~be~a, and 10 honor~y members en- --r~lle~ in the BepAr~enl. vhe ~e~Jrt Showed a ~o~At~~ ' placed ~r~fi~ e; - - + Ai'ter4t=ou==i.ng the bud.-et-f~r the yaa~ maved~econded and carried that the ~to_tal amaunt of the budget be $?000,00,of which $~365.00 would be for the retirement of two bonds of $1600.00 aggregate, and to the interest on the bonded indebtedness of the fire trict; $46~§ for current expenses and equipeaent. It was voted to call a special- ~_n_ the 9f, h the ~attituok Fire Houee. ~' ~e leo~et~ was lnstruoted to prepare ~e eleetion notieee, the b~lots, ~d to publi~ the nltice of the (~bera preaent,Co~iaalonere Gilderele~e,Barker, and Anrig, ~d Treas.Oildersleeve.