HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1936MINUTES OF MEETIHG OF COM~ISSIO]iBRS OF MATTITUO~[ FIRE DISTRICT. Preeent~ C~aleeioners G~ldereleeve,Barks~,Anrig and Wines, a~d Treas.G~ldersleevs. Minutes of ~a~.25th meeting read for infez~atien. immionerl. MQ~on ~.~gzl~d and o~ried that G.Tuthill be appointed to fill this vaoane7 until geo.3X, 1936. D.R.GllderlXeeve,meeretary of the Mattituek Fire Company, mub~itted an annual repe~t,mhewing a total of A~ive members,X8 A-~iate members and 9 hens~a~y enrolled in the Depar~en~. ~he report ~how~d Motion made, seoonded and oa~r&~d,that a new st~a~ne~ be purohased and installed for the fire well on Road near Dm~by'm Oove of Mattit~zok Ureek. Motion m&de, seoondmd and oaFrted that the followtn~ remolution be adopte~ ~nd p~bXished,and m espy sent to the family of the late Df.William H.Drum: M,4TTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT M&ttituck, N. Y. Resoluticne adopted at meeting of Fire Oonnniaeionere May 19,19~6 At a meetinf of the 0oumillionere of ~ h~tituok Fi~o Diltrtot,held on ~e nin~euth d~ of I~, nineteu h~r~ m~ ~l~-alz.~e followl~ r~elutiono ~re u~i~uo~ ~opted: " Resolved, That ~ of ~e Mattltuok Fire Dtotriet. ve re.rd ~lo ~r~alon of p~found so.ow at ~e dea~ of our fe~Xov-Comieoloner,Dr. uow~lnf a~oe of honor, bye fros~ end~ h~ to eounoel,to~other vi~ h~o uprl~t oh~ter,hold ~e reopoct of ~1 ~ooo ~uoo~it~ vith hiu.ma~ h~o laoo deeply felt, ~d left s at~d~d for ~ ~o omo ~n ~nttot vi~ him. A ~od either,8 ~o~neoo ~oooLa~e ~d 8 fu~ ~ol~aou~ed f~tl~an h~ lone fr~ mo~ uo. The m~ of hie killy na~e md ~ ~er live in tho he~ of hZo fr~. Ronlv. ,~at n ~tud to his