HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/25/1936Commissioners Oild4reLeeveoBaZker,Anrig, &u~.
Vinee, and TreaB. Olldereleeve ·
Mtnute* .of 0~ot. 23,1935 meeting read fo~ 'infoZ~uatA0n.
year 1936.
~A-.4..~.~. Gild~e and Anrig were eleoted to
ae~v~aa an Auditing Committee.
The Trea~urer'e finan01al report for the year 1935,
chewing a balanoo on hand of SX551.08, Wae reed. Motion
made, eeoon~deA and carried that the reP°r~ be'aoo{)t~; ....... M~tion made, seconded and oarr2e~
a,~ ~d to ~he in~erelt on ~he bond~
indeb~e~e.~ of the Fire Dl~trio~;
expeneeo and equll~aent.
Motion made,eeoonded and oarrie~ that a speolal election
of the legal voterB of the dlBtrlot be
........ +... ~ !~t~uat~ Zo pre~e the elation
Vo%ion wa~ made, eeogndeA and oarrie4 that future
o~didateo for the offioe of Fire Oommioe!oner or Fire
Dtotriot Treaeu~f be required to file a petition'
~tto Anri~ wal appointed a oonmtttee to have a our%ain
plaoed at ~he ba. ement otair.x in the firehouseo~