HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/23/1937MINUTES OF mETING OF C0~fI3SlONEP~ OF
JuRe 25,19:57. l~esent,Coutissioner8 GilderoleoTe,~ker,Anr~g,
und Tu~il~.
~otio~ made,~econded,~d curried that
meet~m~ ~s of tae t~p~ors of the District
held at the Firohouee on ~uly ~st to Yore oR t~ pro.si-
t,omo: Pro~eitioR 1. To raise the ~ount of $47~5,00 by
t~ for Current J~enseo ~d ~qu~ent off the Diotr~ct for
1938, Pro~sition ~. To rnise the~ount of
to retire two bonds of $1600.00 ~d p~ interest On t~
bonded indebte~es8 off the D~striet for the your 1938,
The ne~ off new fire hoge was'~%8~uee~ebut
Jao deoided not to purchase ~y at tai8
Several fire well8 ~d e~sternB were inspected.
Minutes ef:~eetiag fUraiahed t~ Secret~ by
Caai~ :Gilderaleeve. ~