HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/1938~INUTES OF ~]ETING OF CO~KISSIONERS 01~
Marsh 4,1938. Present Comissioaers Gilderslee~e,Barker,Anrig,
Tuthill,a~d Treas. Gildersleeve.
~inutes of last meeting read and approved.
~otion maZe,seconded and carrieA, that the budget
for 1939 be reduced to an amount $2000 less than the 1958
~otion made,eeeonde~,and carried t~at a Special
Elestion of the taxpayers of the District be held at the
Firehouse om Tuesday, April 5th, 1938, to vote on tuw prop-
ositions: Prop.1. To raise by tax the amount of $3460.00
for 0urrent~Expemses,Equipmemt, and Fireme~'s Welfare, for the
year 1939. Prop,2. To raise by tax the amount of $1540.00
to retire one bond of $1000.00,and to pay'interest on the
bonded indebtedmess of the District for the year 1939.
Motion made. seconded and carried that meeting be