HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/18/1938MINUTI~S OF ~TING OF CO~MISSIOIgERB OF MATTITUCK FIR]I DISTRICT. Feb;[~,[~8/1,reseA'~;~o~aiasi~aers~tlAer~l'ee~e,~a~er ~ad Aarig! and Treasurer Glldersleeve/ ~Inut~ee ~f ~anuary ~eeti~g read and air,roved; ~otioa made~seoond ma~l~arr~eel,that Cliffor& _ Polhemus b~po!a~eA to serve as member of Fire ~atrol in the ~laoe of ¢larenc? ~arker. Motion made, seoonded a~d carried that the quota of members ia the Mattituck Fire Company be eomsidereA full,and t~at as more members be aesepte~ for t~e tl~e being. ~fotion made,sec°ndeA and o'arried that melting be adJourmeA,~iseuooio~of the t9~9 buAget to be taken up _ ~t th~ regular M~reh meeting,