HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1939~an.6,~39. Annu~ Meetly. Present Co~isstone~ Gi~ders~eeYe, · arker.Wi~e., ~d Tuth~ll~ and Chai~ G~lder~leeve called the meet~n~ to order. ~nutes of last ~et~n~ read ffgr ~nfo~at~on. ~ot~on made.~econded ~d c~r~ed that be e~ected chaim~ of the ~o~d for the ye~ ~otion made, second~ ~d c~ried that ~ald ~.G~lder. 'sleeve be e~eeted seoret~ for the year ~e treasurer s re~t flor t~e ye~ 19~8 wal read,~d lpp~ed. : Motion made aeoonde~ ~d c~ried that a ~ special elation of the taap~er, off the F~re D~striet be held Fe~r~a~ to ~ote on a prg~sit~gn t9 use :a .um not S6500.00~he surplus ~ the treaeu~/for the purchase 9ff a new p~per,boo~ter t~k,~d add~tional equip- ~otion made, seconded and carried that Raro%d Hudsgn, Cl~fffgrd ].H~look ~d ~rwin Tuth~l ~e appoint~ a~ in~peetorl ~otion m~e, e~onded ~d carried that meet~n~ be