HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/1940TO C ERT.I F I CA? E OF ELECT I ON MATTITUP. K FIRE DISTRIP. T MATTITUIgK, N. Y. $~L].y The Town Clerk Southold, lq .¥. A -qpoolal aeettn~ of the qu~ifiod eleotore of the ~fattituok Fire Dletrlot wis heXd at the Yirehouee,Mattituok,Hev York, on the XTth d~y of Suly,lgA0,from ? P.M. tO 10 P.M.,for the purpoee of Yotlnf on the followtn~ propoetttone: Propoeit~en 1. ~3hall the YSre Conntoe~onero be authorise~l and empowered to raieethe eum of $40§0.00 for Cu~ont Exponeeo and EqulJeaent ~nd Flrementa Welfare,off aatd DJ.trion for the year 194lc·nd to levy · · tax therefore upon the taxable property ~n enid Dietriot? ~ropoeitlon 2. 8hall t~Jo Fire Commie·loner. be authoriaed and empowered to raiae the oma of $X4~0,00 to retire one ben4 of SX000.00 ~nd tO_~ty lnteroet on the bonded indebtodneoo of ·aid Fire Diatriet,~d to Xevy · tax therefore pOlm the taxable property in ·aid Dtatriet? The rooultB were aa folXowe: Total numberer votero /~ ~ropooition Ho.l Yes /~ PropOottion Ho.9 ,Ho Total The obve ~ertifioate 18 correot,to the beat of our knowledge and belief.