HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/27/1941MINUT~,SOF u~,~,,TING OF COMMI.~SI01TSR5 OF MATTITUCE FIRE DISTI~ICT. Juno 27,194L. Regular monthly meeting a~ was held at the fireh~As$ at 9 PoM. Prosont Commissioners Anrig, Oilderslsove,Penny, ~nd Reovo and Tream.GildersLeovo~ chairman ~ris presidins. ~nutes of the last meetins woro re~ ~d spoored. ~gtion wa~ made,seconded ~d o~ried to have fluorescent li~ting inst~led in the fire h~l,in place of the o~d oh~de~iers. Ch..Rede was appointed to see about havins a teLe~one ext~sion put ~n the fir~ouse. Motion w~ made, seconded ~o 8~ried that a budget 0f $6000.00 be adoptod for the ye~ 1942, it.s ~ follows: int e~elt ~on Retiremont. of one bond ~d p~t~of bonded indobtodnoss $ 1405.00; Curront e~enses,equi~ent ~d fire.', welf~e $ 4095.00; sinking fund $500.00. The seoret~ w~ instructod to choose a dato for the election to vote the budget, ~d to advortiso s~e in the North Fork Lifo. Motion made,seconded ~d o~ried that mooting be