HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/25/1941MIHU~ OF ¥~WTING OF COMMIOSI01~ERS OF
~uly ~§.1941. Regular monthly meeting sailed to order by Chairman
Antis. Present,Comissionero A~rig,Gildersleeve,Penny and
Reeve, Treas.Gllderaleeve arriving later.
Minutes of last meeting read and approved.
C0mmissiener Reeve reporte~ progress on the matter of
t el ephon ·.
Motion made.seoonded and sortied that the old chandeliers
be disposed of as Junk.
Motion made,seoonded and oarrie~ that the old alumint~a
hose oouplings be given to the committee eollecting aluminum
for ~ational Defense.
Motion made.seconded and oarrie~that the T6urnument Tess
of the Fire Company be paid $10.00 for eleanin~ the firehouse.
t~otion made. sesonded and carried old load and old
extin~uishers be dispoi~edof as Junk,
Motion ma~o.seeonded e~d ~ sortied that the chairman
be appointed a ooma~ittee of one to see C.H.Wiok~mn in regard to
:having the stoker oleaned before heater is used in the fall.
'ALSO about having the room Yaout~a ele,a~ed.
~otion made,seesaWed an~earried that a new water Fum~ bO
pem*ohaoeA.and that radiator be moved Out of shower stall.
~otion made, seoonded and sortied that ~onmiosioner penny be
appointed a eonmittee to investigate re-roofing of the old firo-
Motion maAe,seoonAed and oarrieA that the sooretary wr~J
Mt.Louis Simmel asking Aim to hays the Ward La Franoe pumper
lnsl~eot ed.
M~tion made. eeoended and e.~ried that a watchman be hired to
Ot~ in the fi~ehouee zlighSs duri~ the ~ok of ~he Amerio~
· ~otion m~e, seO~d~ ~ ~i~ ~at ~ bi~8 be obta~
on 95 ton. of buo~oa~ eo~ to be deliv~ al neodeA
Motion mado,leoond~ ~ oarri~ that meeti~ be adjourned.
Geo.L.Penny,~a~.~ See.Pro Tern