HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/25/1941MATTITUCK FIRE DISTI~TCT
Au g.29,1~4L Present, Con~aiee~oner Penny and Trois.61Ldereleeve.
No qttoru~.
et o£ftee of Reeve t Hall
8e't.25,194L. Regular monthly meeting held this date/~at 4.30
by e&~emaent. Present:Com~Xesionere Anrig, ReeTe, end penny
~d Tre~. G~LdersL ~ef th e oha~ pre~idi~.
M~tes of l~t meet~ re~ ~d
eot as co~itt~e to ha~e the oe88~o~
Molter made, eeoond~ ~d
C.H.W~o~ to fum~ 25 tone 8taker ~L Buokw~eat oo~
as n~de4 at the firehouse,~t
get,on m~e, oeoonde~ ~d oarrted that a fo~ nos~o
~ot~on made, uecond~,~ oarr~ ~at the 8eoret~
~ite a Letter to the ~orth Fork Vol~tee~ Yire-,~*o A~n.
with oopy to ~e Chie~ of the htt~tuok Fire Dept., 8tatins
that the Hatt~tu~k co~sionerB, as oomlss~enero,haye
e~reooed object,on or roffu8~ flor N.F.V.F.Aosn.
tou~ment at Mattituok.
The seorot~ w~ instrueted to ~ite a letter to
~.Thom~ ~ res~d~n~ fire we~L ne~ his property ~t
~otion ma~e, eeoonded and carrXed that meeting b~