HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/27/1941HINUTES OF ]~,~ETING OF COMMISSIONERS OF ~ATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT. Fe%.27,1941. The regular monthly meeting of the Fire Commimeion- ere was held at the firehouse at 8 P.M.,Ohairman Anrig presid~ Minutes of last meeting read for information. (Memberspresent: Oo~aiseioners Anrig.Gildereleeve, Penny and emro,and Treae.Gildersleeve.) ~otion made, seconded and carried that the Janitor be advised about conditions of the firehouse. ~0tion made, eeoonded and carried that 'r.Penny be app~l~,, a oo~saittee to ~uo~£~ ~oreene for oellar windows of the firehguee. ~otiom made,eeoonded a~d carried that the Fire Oompa~ be given a dinner en the date of the annual meeting,April ~rd. ~otion made,seconded and carried that meeting be adjourned.