HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/30/1941MIi~UT~8 OF ~ETII~G OF COMMISSIOERS OF
Al~ll ~0t~.19¢1. u~lCTl~G ADJOUPJgF. D FROM APRIL 23fA.
Present: All me~%erz amd tre'Aeurer,0hief Engineer Tuthll%
~nd Aeet.C.~. Je~m ~.Boutcher,other offXcers M.Raaeen,CliffgrA
Polh~mus,Joha Evers,Jae.F.Gildersleeve,Henry Tyler,Howard
Berry,an~ Lawrenee Reeve.
0hairmam Aarig cmlled the ~ee~iag to oder at ~.~0 P.~.,
explainin~ t~e purpgse of the ~eetlng,aud a general
~f N.T.State firelawe amd M.F.D. rules amd re~ulations followed.
The ~iseuaeioa remult~J In the a~o~tion of ~e following
2. 0o~sen~ of at lea~t ~e fire e~i~i~er ~ua~ be
,~taiae~ to eend a~ to fire~ o~t 9f ti~ To,ship of ~guthol~.
In sucA ca, em only the Bo.2 pumper ~h~l go.
~. N9 pmreom other th~ a fireman ~h~l ride on ~y ~ieoe
of fi~e app~atum ,exeept i~ a~ ~ergmnoy.
~. T~e No.I ~um~er sh~ll not Be umed on Bad
in an e~ergeaoy.
5. The ~i~e oom~iselo~er~ shall not interfere with the
Chief ~agi~eer at a fire unlese absolutely
6. Drivere of fire apparatum s~all ~ot ~r[v~ too f~st
through the vill~e.
7. T~e ~,ight plan~ ah~ll not be use~ o~ t~e r~.
~. ~onaeat of the fire ,.~.~.~n~ra fo~ app~atus to
attend tourn~ents ~uat Be c~tai~ed. ~en attending tourna-
8~eet ~ . ~
April 30th A=j~urned Meeting (
~ company officer must be in o~arge.
Bids for fire ~cse were ~¢~t con~idered,~;~ on ~otion,
· ~e .seconded ~d carried, ii was vot~ to purchase fire
hose as follows:
From W.V.Duryee: 500 feet 1 1/2 i~ch AA~ ~ay ~tate Hose
at $o cents per foot.with rocker lug
d,ted a~d sta~d ~ F D,,hcee ~rryi~g ~ year guerm~tee of
Boston Wove~ Hose ~ Rubber
From War~ La Fr~nee Trunk Corp. (Louis ~immel),500
. f~et 2 i/2 i~oh A A A Bay ~tate Hose at 90 cents per foot,
other epeoificationn name ~e above.
~ot£c~ ~e. seoon~d and c~rried that ncmimaticnz of the
Matti~u=~ ~lre 0om~y at ~.~ -~ecticn hel~ April
~o~io~ ma~e. aec~nded a~ serried tuat t~e board of
loners go on record aa com, ideriag t~e ehal~an of t~e boar~
i~ the right in regard to a dispute with the Chief Engineer
,~ April 21lt.
~otlc~ made.meoonded and serried that any applic~t for
m~berahip i~ the ~attituvk Fire OoT~pany who im u~d~r 21 yom.re
of age.~uat obtain written consent of his parents before
being accepted aa a member.
Notion made. mecgmde~ anoCarried that meeting be adJgu~e~.