HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/1941 MINUTES OF )g~TI~G OF CO)~-~II38IO~R~ OF THE MATTITUOE FIRE DISTrICT Present All ~e~ber8 ~d ~reamurer. Th~ regul~ monthly meeti~ of the concessioners Of the ~attituek FXre DIetrie~ wa8 hel~ at the firehouse on April 2~rd,Ohai~an Anrig preaidimg. ~inutes of the last meeting were read ~d approved. ~ letter was rea~ from Chief Engineer Irwin A.Tuthill tender~ng ~is resignation to t~e effect ~t once. ~r. Tuthlll asked to be called ~efore the meeting to his reasons for resigning, and after a considerable dis- cua~io~,~ r~thdrew ~otioa was ma~e,eecc~ded an~ o~ri~-that the meeting ~e adjour~d~ umtil ~edaesA~,A~ril 50~h, at at which ~ime tae Chief ~ngi~eera ~ captains comp~lea be ~k~ to atten~ to discuss t~e ~uties of officers ~a