HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/1941 MII~T~,S OF ~TING OF COMI~[ISSIONERS OF TH~ ~TTITUCE FI~ DISTRICT. eall~ to order~ Cha~m Anrt~ at 8.50 Penny, ~d Trea~.~ildersleeve. ~e minutes of the last meeting were re~ and apprgve~. Mr.Anrig reporte~ that the new cl~ek hmd ~een purchased anJ p~t in plus. ~otion was made,secon~e~,and carried that m~bership the MattitUck Fire C~. be elcsed. Mo%ion w~{~ m~e,seeon~ and carri~ that t~e insur~ee Polio~ on the (new)' firehouse be c~rried on a five ye~ policy. Clifford Poln~us ~d Fred Olm~tead were appointed the ;ire p~tr~l, gne to replace the late Ffarringt~n one to bring the patrol up to ltm full Motion ~e,seognded ~d o~rl~ that-the ehai~ inquire a~oout 'price fg~ over~e~ fluoreaeent lights for firehouse. }.~otiOn m~e,Se~on~ed ~ e~ried that Clifford Polhemus be sent a letter cf th~ks for painting the fire hydrate. Motion made,seecnded ~d e~rie~ ~ t~at meeting be adj ourn.d. '~ ~at ~i ~uck Fire Distriat Meeting of Commission- ers, held on May 29 , 1941