HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/07/1941MINUTES OF ~EETING OF CO~,~ISBIONERS ~an.?, 1941. Present. 0ommissionero Gildersleev e, ~arker. Anrig, and Penny, and ?reas. Glldersleeve. The treasurer acted as chairman for the a~nual organ- ization meeting,asking for nominations for chairman of the board for the year 1941. ~ame~A.Sildersleeve's name was prol~sed,but he declined;Will--.Barker's name proposed, and he declined. Otto L.Anrig waS then nominated,seconded, ~ · eleote~ and ~e~ted.and took tire chair. D.R.Gildersleeve wa~seoretar7, The minutesof the last meeting were read for information. The treasurer's financ~i~ report for l~40,showing a b~ance of $~7~.09,was read,~d upon motion made,seconded. ~d carried.w~ aoc~te~. ~otion web made, seconded,~d ~arrie~ that said report be published in the Traveler-Wato~ of ~au.gth. A letter was received from Allyn R.Tuthill,teaderi~s his resi~atiem from the off lee of fire oo~iasioner(to which he was elected on Deo.$,1940)~.because of the fact that he was act licted as a t~p~er and therefore qualified to se~e. ~otion was made,seoomded ~d carrie~. that ~h. ~esi~ation be accepted,with regrets. ~otion was made,seoond~ ~ c~ried that Ch~.Reeve be ap~i.ted a Fire Oe~iaaioner to cerve until to fill the vacancy cause~ by ~r. Tuthill's resi$nation · ~otion m~e,seooade~ ~d o~ri~ that the liabilit~ ineuraaoe on the Larabee pumper be increased to $50.000 to $100,O00,to bring to sue ~ount as on the other trucks. Sheet MINUTESOF ~EETING OF COmmISSIONERS OF ~ATTITU~K FIr~ DISTRICT Jan.7,1941 (continued) ~otion made, seconded and carrie4 that future meetings of the board be held on the last Friday of each month, commencing in February. ~otion made,seconded and serried that the chairman and ~eerge L.penny serve am auditing oom~ittee for 1941. ~otion made,eeoonded and carrie~ that meeting be adjourned.