HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/30/1942MINUTES OF w~E. TING OF CO~ISSIONERS OF
;Uae 30,194~-. Neetiag held at ~arkerts Drug Store at 8.1b P.M.,
ealle~ to order by the chairman. Present: Commissioere Anrig,
Gildersleeve,B~ke~d Peiny, ~d Treas.G~l~erslee~e.
~inuteB of last meet~n~ read ~d approved.
~ti~ made,seoond~ ~d earrl~ that the followin~,
applie~t8 for mmb~p in the ~tit~ F~re
by t~e Fire Co. m~ber~ip co mitres,~e aPProved bY the Com-
missioners:Leon ~[ilowoki ,WllXi~ Folkes,~r., ~has. Cuo~,
Vincent Rro~e,~d w~ter flirko.
Motion made, seconded ~d carri~ that the Coni8sionerl
a~pr0ye the reconendations of a 8yeel~ Fire Comply
In regard to ~*n~ ~ auxilliK ~it for the
instructing ~y8 ~t~n the qe8 of 15 ~dl8 ye~l
sh~p. A copy of the reoo~dations is bein~ fil~.
~otion made, seeon~d ~d o~ri~ that a budget of
$60~.00 be adopted for the ye~ 194~,~ follows: R~tirment of
bond, $1000.00; ina erest on bonded indebt edneo8, $~G0.00,
Exp~oes,Equl~t,~d Fir~'o Welf~e,G4140.b~-,flinki~
FURd,$50U.G0. ~e 8eoret~ wag inst~cted ~o o~leo~ a date
for the el~tlfl to Tote ~he ~et, ~ m~e t~
~ot~on ~ade,seeonded ~d c~r~ed that ~eet~a~ be