HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/05/1943~II, UTES 0~ ~ ~.,G 0)~ a.~m~ ~0~ulSsl0N~hS
Present,Commissioners An-ri~,Glldereleeve,PemnF,Cl~s.
Reeve and Tre~e.6ildersleeve.
~eetin~ held ~t the lirehouee,c~lled to ordex at
by the c~alr~9__n, m-nutes oi last meetin~ were re~d
and ~pproved.
The chairman said he had been asked by the ~ttituck
unit oi* the A~erican ~omen'e Hospital ~eserve Corps for u~ed
the F/re H~ll one nl~t mon~ly. ~oti~n w~.s ~de,seco~d
c~rrl~d that the ~ request ~ ~r~nted.
The secretly was instructed ~o ox*der co~l i or
from C.H.Wic~. The Tu~ill S,],pply Co. n~ not C~ed
J~es Gildersleeve ~s afpointe~ ~ co.~tee to p~'cn~se
SiX N~i~co~ts,
It w~s brou~t up that tAA~ =~ual District election date
~ould be on Dec.Tth. ~otion w~s ~de,second~d ~d c~'ieU
election notice be published in the ~ttituck Watcnm~_n. SoU~old
Traveler,~d t hat ballots be procured from t~Ac sa~ P~inter~.
THe c~r~ =ppointed Clifiord Po~Ae~s (~ir~)
Geo.G.Tuthill ~d ~o J.B~ld~ to act as inpsectors for
ele ction.
Motion ~deoseconded an~d ca~'riedth~t meetzu~ be
D.R.Gil r~eleeve,Sec.
~dd,before adjournment: Ra0rmond CleaVes Post,Ameri¢_an Legion,
was granted permission to use the firehouse on Thursday,