HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/06/1943MINUT]~s OF MEETING OF C0~O~IS-qI0~ERS OF ~- ~ZATTITUC ~.FI1TE DISTRICT. 1943.__Anr~ual~fLr~m~tica Meeting. ~resen~: A~r~g~rsleeve,Fenny,Chas.~eew~.~d ~wo0d a-eve,~ Trem G~lderaleeyo. The treasurer toc~ the chair to conduct the election of oh~-The ~e of Otto Anr~ was proposed ~nd seconded. ~'~a~e'~e~0hded md carried that nominations be closed. ~ti~ ~e;s~nd~ aha o~rrl~ that one ball0t be cast for 0n vote of the board,Donald R.Gilderslee~e ~eoretn~ for the year 1943. ..... ~otion maas, seconded ~d earri~ that the .-~Sa~ion~ ~a~i Trust 0o. be named as a de~ository for Motion ~de. secOnded and caF~Ied t~lat r~ular meeting .be the last Friday of each The treasurer,s re,ri for the Fear 1~42 was sin lng fund.. ~(otion ~ade, seeon~ed ~d earrie~ that ~'~ be acee~ted as read. - -' ~StiO. ~ade,~econded[ an~arr~ed that $500 o£ t~e w~ite a letter to_ t~e Fire Chief nc~i~ him ~ :li~ntinue pFaotiee sessions of the Fire ~om~any until further n~tiee, ~,that apparatus mu~t b,~ewt in ~ood condition ~t ~ times; ~0t0rs to be started at least ones wee~y. O0~]~ISSlONERS }f~.ETIN~ ~AN.6,%94~ sheet 2' "orion ma~e,seccnded ~nd carried that the olc firehouse be re~aireA. ~otion made,seconde~ and carried that the meetin~ be adJornedo