HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/30/1943~XNUT~S OF ~ETING OF COM~IS$I0~S ~0
April 30,1943o Present Co--,teeloners Anrig,Penn~,Chas.Reeve and
~Xwood Reeve and ~rea~.Gildersleeve.
Helf at firehouse at 8.15 P.M.,called to order by
the chairman o
Minutes ef last meeti~ were read and approved.
Motion made,seconded and carried that ~ohn ~.Boutoher
be ~ elected Chief Er~inoe~ of the Mattitu~k Fire' Company, Henry
Tyler,let assistant chief engineer,and Fred D.01msted?r.,2nd assist-
ant,confirming n~minatione made by the Fire Company at its election
en April 8th.
Motion made,seconded and carried 'that bill for new
fire hose he paid.
The !secretary rel~rted that a new priority form had
been sent to the Tar Production Board in regard to exhaust primera,the
old forms havi~g become obsolete. ~
?~oti~u made,seconded and carried that 50 flashlight
batteries and t?elve '409' batteries be purchased,the secretary to ob-
tain priorities if possible.
The chairman appointed Geo.L.Penny a committee of one
to have downstairs door and window in civilian defense room repaired.
~otion made, seconded and carried that a new table Or
counter be placed in the civilian defense headquarters to facilitate
work of defense workers.
Motion made,seconded and serried that meeting be
eeve, ~e~'o