HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/29/1943 MILVJTES 'OF M~TIHG OF CO~MISSIO~EI~S OF ~TTI~CK F~E DIS~ICT. ~y 29,1~. ~e sent: Co~issionerz ~,Glldersleeve ,Pe~,C~s. Reeve ~dn Treas.~lldersleeve. Meetin~ held ~t firehou~e ~t 8,45 P~,c~.lled to by ~ c~ir~ . Minutes of last ~etl~ x'e~d ~d ~pproved. The zecretary xepo~'ted ~t px'lorltA~s ~d ~een ~ece~wed on the b~t~ries ~d the e~st p~i~rs,~e Battexics ~vi~ ~en ordered. ~otion was ~de,seconded ~d c~:'x'led ~t ~ e~us~ pri~r be installed on ~e L~ra~ee p~er,~ccep~ce subject its ef[icient oper~tion. Letter ~¥ms rc~ from Ramrod E~lll co~lAsioners for ~ use of ~e lt=~ouse fo= the ~lrcr~t ~'eco~iti~,f~er req~st~ ~e u~e ~ ~e ~irehomse ~n the seco~ Monday ~ each ~n~ pro$~ for d~tl~ ~ ~e w~. Motion ~de.seccnded ~d c~xied ~l.~e pe~as~on Co~ssionez Gllder~leeve w~s appointed ~ co.tree o~ one to pure.se a fl~g for the ~lreheuse fl~ole. Motion ~de,seconded ~rie~ t~t ~etl~ ~e ~o~n - ed. .Gilder sleeve ,,~ec. Omitted from above: Motion m~deoseconded anc c~rrisd that the firemen be given permission to use either hose track for transportation tolGreenport ~or ~emorl~l D~ p~de on M~y 31st.