HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/03/1943 ]~INUTES OF ~ETING OF CO~ISSIONERS OF
Oo~issioners Anri~,G~ldersleeve,~enny,Ohas.Reeve ~d
Elwood Rede ~ Treas.Gilde~slee~e.
~eeting held mt the firehouse. Called to order by the
~Iinutes ef the l~t meeting were re~ ~d approved.
Some time was given to the diScuseign of the insur~oe
pl~ submitted by Le Roy S.Reeve in October,With n9
action t~en.
Oo~issioner Chas.Reeve reported that the firehouse had
not been heated for the A.W.~.R.C. at the time of the~
November meetly. The chal~ said he would have the J~-
ltor attend to the matter for future meetings.
O0~lss~ner Gildersleeve reported that raincoats h~ been
orderS,but nO del~e~ date could be obtained.
~otion made,seconded and c~ri~ that meeting be adJou~ed.