HomeMy WebLinkAbout1943STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE 'DISTRICT TREASURER NA%tE OF DISTRICT ........... U.~T I~LE- ~-I-~3g- D-Z-~TR-ZOT ............... IN THE TOWN (~Llg~l~]~ .... ~IOUTHOLD ..................................... COUNTY OF .... ~ ........ _8_ _~_F_ _0~ ....................................... FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING ............ .1~0.~ s1 ,.lg4~,_ ........................ This Report must be filed on or before February first. The Fiscel Year is from January first to December Thirty-first. Town Law - Section 181. DIVISION OF MUNICIPAl. ACCOUNTS COMPTROI.LER'ffi OFFIC~ lg42 RECEIPTS PROPERTY TAXES ................................. EARNINGS: Services Outside District ........................................................... Rentals ... ~ ...... · ................................................................. Interest .................................................. 3.1...Z.5 .......... Other (Specify) ................................................................ TOTAL EARNINGS .................... Temporary Loans ............................... Bonds ......................................... Certificates of Indebtedness ....................... Sales of Material and Equipment .................. . Contributions ................................... Refunds (Insurance, etc.) ......................... OTHER RECEIPTS (Give details) ................... · .............................. 1.80 % FiRE TAX COLLECTED FOR ....................................... ~IATTITUCK FIRE CO. . ............. 2~.~.0..,_6.~ .... TOTAL ............ Total Receipts ................................... Balance at Beginning of Year (1949__) ............ Total l~eeeipts and Balance[ ...................... ............. 2,,00 iS .......................... $ DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wages ............................... APPARATUS: Purchase ........................... Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs ...... EQUIPMENT: Purchase ........................... Rental ............................ Maintenance and Repairs. BUILDINGS: Rental ............................. Maintenance and Repairs ............. Hydrant Rental ................................. Insurance ...................................... REDEMPTION OF DEBT'.' Temporary Loans: Bonds: 367.90 ........ 15.35 Principal ......................................................... Interest ................. Principal ................ Interest .................. Certs. of Indebtedness: Principal ................ Interest .................. Other Payments (Give details): TELEPHONE (FIRE ALARN STATIONS) ~I SCELLANEOUS 1.80 ~ FIRE TAX PAID TO ~[ATTITUCK FIRE CO. TOTAL ............................. Total Payments ' ' . .......... Re~.Acct. 2035.99 Balance at Close of Year (194p~es~rv.e .Fun4, .1 Total Payments and Balance ....................... $--1000~00- ........... ;..---.---422..-0.0 ...... ..... afl. Z5 ........... ......... 9.4~.a5_ .......... ......... 22,-,.4,5- ...... 150.66 267.94 GENERAL INFORMATION OUT~TANDI~IG DI[I~?: BONDS: Original Issue ................................. Date__Al~,l~ 21~1_ _ Interest Rate_ _4_ 1/2. Jg Total Payments Thereon... '. ........................ Balance Outstanding at Close of Year ............. ~7_00_0.~,.QD CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS :, Balance Outstanding'at Close of Year .............. TEMPOP~RY LoANs~Balance Unpaid ............... Total Outstanding at Close of Year ............... Assl~ssm) VALUATION (Rep0rting Year) Town of .... -S01I~aOT, D- ..................... $_2_.2_.,_.2_6._4_,.~...5.7... 00 Town of ................................. Town of ................................. Town of ........ ~__ ~ ........................ Tor~a. Ass~ss~) ViLU,~TZON ........... CERTIFICATE OF FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER I, ._____D_._,_.~..._.._G.._I..~...D....E..~..~_.~..~.y_~ ............................................................................... , do hereby certify that I am the Treasurer oL...IL~'-~T-!-T-IIg.~;..-~IiL~i.-.~D..LSIIII~ - _First District located in the Town County of_i .........~I.~.~.0~K. ............. and that the 'foregoing statement of the receipts and payments of such Fire District for the fiscal year ending ................................ .])~.~.~..5~-; .................................. , 194.._~,~-. is true '° t~elbe~,:s~t °ff mY lm°wledge' inf°rmafi°n and belle.f' . · .......... Treasurer ~ 22.264.957,00