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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1940-1949 Fidelity Bond lndlddml ~ Sd~lule OF LOND O~q, Arno,mt, $....1.,.f~0.0.,0~. Bond No. F...9.~.6...~.~ ...................... P~ndum, $.....P-,5{l ............. THE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED (hereinafter called Surety), in consideration of an agreed premium, binds itself to pay to ~at~.TT~T~CK ~PA~ DISr~:LI~CTs Mattt~uek. N. Y. (hereinafter called Employer), the amount of any direct pecuniary loss which any Employe named in the schedule hereto attached or added thereto as hereinafter provided, may, while in any position and at any location in the service of the Employer, alone or in collusion wi~h others, cause to the Employer, not exceeding, however, the amount act oppos!te the name o~ such Employe, through any act of larceny or embezzlement committed during the one year term commencing on the 26~;h s day of ~Tg~uar~. , 19 1~ at noon, or if added by acceptance notice, at noon of the effective date of sueli addition, and. while this bond is in force as to such Employe, and discovered before the expiration of twelve months from the termination of this bond as an entirety or as to such Employe, whichever shall first happen. This bond is executed and accepted subject to the following conditions, which shall be condkions precedent to recovery hereunder: 1. The suretyship hereunder may be continued in force from time to time by a continuation certificate executed by the Surety. ]. Other Employes may~be added to the said schedule or the suretyship on any Employe thereon, or that .re. ay be added thereto, may be increased or decreased by written notice to the Surety by the Employer and accepted in writing by the Surety, such acceptance to set forth the amount of suretyship and the date from which effective. The Surcty's total liability hereunder on any one Employe, during its entire period of suretyship, ah.all not exceed the largest.slngle a'mount effectiveas to any position held by such Employe when the act or acts resulting m loss shall have been committed. $.. The Employer shall give notice, by registered mail, to the Surety at its United States Branch Office, Boston, Mass., immediately upon becoming aware of any act eommltted by any Employe which may be made the basis of claim hereunder, and, within, ninety days after date of said notice, shall file with the Surety an itemized claim hereunder, duly sworn to, and, if restored by the Surety, shall produce in support thereof at the office of the Employer, all books, vouchers and other evidence m the Employer's possession. The Employer shall, further, if so requested by the Surety! apply for a warrant for the arrest of the Employe for the act of larceny.or embezzlement committed by the Employe which is the basis of any claim hereunder, and give. all aid and information m its power (at the cost and expense of the Surety) to bring the said Employe to ju.stice, or to aid the Surety to sue for and obtain reimbursement from the .E. mploye, or his estate, or third person, all moneys which the Surety shall have paid or become liable to pay by virtue of th~s bond. No aetlon or proceeding at law or in equity shall be b~ught to recover any sum hereunder unless commenced and process served on the Surety within a period of twelve months next after the Employer first becomes aware of any act of the defaulting Employe which may be made the basis of a claim hereunder. 4. In ease of recovery, whether made by the Employer or the Surety, on account of any loss hereunder, from any source (other than suretyship, and other than reinsurance, collateral, or indemnity taken by the Surety for its own benefit), the net amount of such recovery, less the actual cost and expense of making same, shall be shared by the Surety and the Employer, in the proportion that the loss borne by each bears to the total loss; and the Employer Shall execute all papers reqmred by the Surety and render all assistance, not peeunlary, to secure to the Surety the rights herein provided for. 5.. This bond shall terminate (a) as to any Employe upon leaving for any reason the service of the Employer or upon d~covery by the Employer of any act which .may be made the basis of any elalm hereunder, or (b) as .an entirety or as to any Employe upon fifteen days' notice in writing from the Surety to the. Employer or upon notice in wntlng from the Employer specifying the date of cancellation. In case of termination, no claim having been made thereunder, the Surety shall upon written demand, refund the unearned premium therefor, such unearned premium to be repaid the Surety in the event of payment of loss thereunder. . .. . 6. It is' understood and agreed that any statement in writing relative to the Employes, their conduct, duties, employ- ment and accounts, the manner of conducting the business of the Employer and other things connected with the issuance of this bond, and any other statements in writing hereafter made by the Employer to the Surety relating to such matters do and shall form a part of this bond or any continuation or continuations thereof and shall be warrantle~; and if the Employer is a corporation, the acts or knowledge of any officer or director, not in collusion with the Employe on whom claim is being made hereunder, if any, shall be the act or knowledge of the Employer within the meaning of this bond. If any limitation herein for giving notice, filing claim or bringing suit is prohibited or made void by any law controlling the construction hereof, such limitation shall be deemed to be amended so as to be equal to the minimum period of limitation permitted by such law. 7. If the .Employe is a corporation or co-partnership, the liability of the Surety for any losses othe~vise within the' terms and provasions of this bond, shall extend only to such losses as are caused directly by the personal defaults of the president, vice-president, secretary or treasurer of such corporation, or by the individual members of such co-partnership. 8. The Surety shall not be liable hereunder for any default, the proceeds of which shall have been applied to the pay- ment to the Employer of a pre-existing debt, nor for any extension of credit due to drawing accounts, advanced commis- sions, or any other voluntary extension of credit to the Employe by the Employer. SIGNED and DATED this ~6h s day of February , ~9 THE EMPLOYER8' LIABILITY ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LIMITED SCHEDULE ANNUAL NAME POSITION LOCATION AMOUNT PREMIUM Howard K. Berry Treasurer Mattituck,N.Y. $1000.00 $2.50 Note--F~/in a2~ve ~l~ct if ~0 o,# I~v~v~i ¢ovtrtd--lf more t~an o~t, ~ta~ ~cAtdult lot Form STOCK C~PANY INDE/ ITY C O/ IPAIqY. GLEIqS FALLS, NEW YOItK CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE In Consideration of the sum of. .................... Thir.~.e. erx...aa4...ZS.]..l.0.(L.~.$...1.5.....7~). ...................................... Dollars, the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY hereby continues in force Bond No. .......... 8.565.8 ............... , in the amount ~f~.~exx.~x~F.~j~.e..~I.u~adr.e~c1~.~.n..~z(%~(~.2..~Q~Q~) Dollars, on behalf of. ................. l~Qnald...~.,.. 6$~.aersle.e.v.e ................................ hereinafter called "Principal" in favor of ........................... l/at.~;L~ack. E~=.e...Depa~:.~..e....n..t ........................................ hereinafter called "Obligee" .for the period beginning the .......... :Ls~ ............... day of .................... Janzmry.,....].9.&~ ........................ and ending on the ............. ] ................. day of ....................................................................... .ff_an~.e.3:y~.....~..9..~.l... ......................... subject to all the covenants and conditions of said OriginaI Bond hereintofore issued on the ............... [ of ................... ~ar~uax. y.,....[954~ ...................... PROVIDED, that the liability to the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY, as surety for the principal to the obligee, shall not exceed the amount above written, whether the liability shall occur during the term of the bond above named, or during any continuation thereof, or partly during the said term and partly during any continuation or continuations thereof. SIGNED, SEALED and DATED this.......5] of .................... .O.~.p..b..~.~. ...................... ,19.~.~ ........ GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY By .......... ~~~: .................... C. W. Butt, Attorney A STOCK COMPANY IND ITY CO. PANY.GLENS FALLS,NEW YORI CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE In Consideration of the sum of .......... ....~...?.~?...n......-a-~.~.....7..~../-.~.?.(~........!.~.~.~..L.7..~..). .............................................. Dollars, the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY hereby continues in force Bond No. ......... ~...6.~8. . ................ , in the amount ~f.......%w..e.~.F~..v...e.....~..r..~.q....~..n..~.....n.p./...%(~.....(~.~.~p.Q.) Dollars, on behalf of...P, qn..-a...~.~:...~.~.....-G-~.d...e.--r..~.~.~.e..Y.~ ................................................. hereinafter called "Principal" in ~attituck Fire Department · ,, · ,, ~avor of ...................................................................................................................................................... hereinafter ~alled Obhgee 1st ^~ January, 197+1 ~ for the period beginning the ................................... day w ....................................................................................... ~,~ ending on the ......~..s...~ ........................ day of ......... J....e..P.U.~?..Y...~......1..~.2.. ......................................................................................... subject to all the covenants and conditions of said Original Bond hereintofore issued on the........~.~. ............ day of ....~.n..~r.y..,.....~?.~.~ ........................................ PROVIDED, that the liability to the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY, as surety for the principal to the obligee, shall not exceed the amount above written, whether the liability shall occur during the term of the bond above named, or during any continuation thereof, or partly during the said term and partly during any continuation or continuations thereof. 6th November, 40 SIGNED, SEALED and DATED this ...................... day of .................................................................. , 19 .............. Form 8054-X-4-40 GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY C. W. Butt, Attorney A STOCK COMPANY INDEbtNITY COMPANY. - GLENS FALLS, NEW YORK, CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE In Consideration of the sum ~f~...~..~..r..t..~q.n......~...d.~.7...5.~...l.~..~.~.(~.[~.~...7.5). .................................................... Dollars, the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY hereby continues in force Bond No. ..~.~.6..~..8.. ....................... , in the amount ~f.....~.....e...n....t.~.F...~..e......~...~.....d...r...e....d.....~.d....~..~.~..Q.....(~5~..~... Dollars, on behalf o f ....D..o....n..a..1..d.....R. ........G..2.~.d.. e..r..s..~..e..~ ~.e. ................................................. hereinafter called "Principal" in favor ~attituck Fire De~.artment · ~ .................................................................................................................................................. hereinafter called "Obligee" for the period beginning the.......~.s...t... ................... day of ............ .J....a...n...u....a...r..y..~....~.9..~... ................................ and ending on the ..._~.s..t.. ........................ day of .................. .J..~u..a..r...~.~.....[.9...~ ................................................................................ subject to all the covenants and conditions of said Original Bond hereintofore issued on the .......... ~.~.~ .......... day of .....J..a..P.~....r..Y..L.1.9..3..4. ........................................ PROVIDED, that the liability to the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY, as surety for the principal to the obligee, shall not exceed thc amount above written, whether the liability shall occur during the term of the bond above named, or during any continuation thereof, or partly during the said te~n and partly during any continuation or continuations thereof. SIGNED, SEALED and DATED this........~.~.? ~of ........ .o...9..?..~e..?...~ ................................ ,19.....~.~.... ~~ INDEMNITY COMPANY BY'~' 5~J'M'"3'~"~ ............... ~"~i'~"~ ..... Form 8054-X-4-40 The EMPlOYErS' LIAbiliTY ASSURaNCe CORPORATION, LTD. OF LONDON, ENGLAND Increase6 'Bo ooo. oo Date May 20th, 19~2. ~r~mium Additional BOND F effective ilanuary 26,1-911.0 on behalf of and in favor of Howa:~l K, Bar~y issued by THE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURAN/CE CORPORATION, Ltd., Matti'Buok Park Dis'Brio'B 20'Bh day of May, 19112 ~en'By Five ~housand & 00/100 ($25,000.) Dollars, subject conditions thereof. THE EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ASSURANO[ is hereby increase6 from the , ,and continued in force in the sum of ~all the covenants and STOCK COMPANY ITY '* GLEIqS ,NEW ¥ORI CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE Dollars, the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY h~reby continues in ]orce B'o~d No. ......... ~3~. ................ , i~ the a~t o~ ........... ~...~~..~..~e¢..~-..~ Do~ars, . (t2.~o?,.o~) . ,,, . ]a~ o] ......... ~t.t~ok..~a...~~t ........................................................ k~d~]t~ ~ "Obligee" ~ ~e p~ be~nning the ............ ~ ............. ~y o] ............ ~...~9~.~ ................................ a~ ~i~g ~ t~ .............. ~.~ .............. ~y o] ................. ~,~.~....~ ................ ~ .............................................................. ~bj~t to ~l ~he c~ a~ c~it~ o/sa~ ~gi~B~ ~d~]ore ~ed ~ the.......~ ............. ~y o] .......... ~.~pu~,....~3$ ................................. PROVIDED, t~t t~ l~ity ~ the GLENS FALLS I~EMNITY COMPANY, ~ ~rety ]~ the ~ ~ the obligee, s~ll ~t e~ceed the a~t ~e ~tt~, w~tk~ t~ l~ity s~l ~r du~g the t~ o] fha b~ above ~ ~ ~ any c~tin~t~ tk~eo], ~ partly du~ng ~ sa~ t~ and ~rtly du~ng a~y C~ti~t~ ~ c~ti~t~ t~eof. ~. '~ SIGNED, SEALED and DATED this.....] o! .....~la~ahar. ..................................... ,19..1,~ ...... S INDEMNITY COMPANY '- '~ 4. W. She~'man~ Attorney Form 8054-X-9-41 IND~ITY COIviPANY. ~- GLENS FALLS, NEW YORI~ CONTINUATION CERTIFICATE I~ Consideration o[ the su~n of_:Yh~:m~r~ ~nd ?5/~no ($~3-~L~~ ......... DolOrs, the GL~S P~L$ INDEMNI~ COMPLY ~eb~ c~s in ~oree ~d No, ...... ~365_K ...... , m tbe'a~nt o~_._~~__~_a4__~._~/~0.0_~25.~)~ Do~s, . [~ ~ p~iod begi~g the_ .......1~ .......... da~ o~ ............. ~,-.~ ........... ~ ~ the.__. ~ ............ ~ o[ .............................. .~.~-~ ........................... ~ to of ............... :~,~,._1~ ......... ' .......................... ~ROVIDED, t~t t~ l~t~ to t~ exceed the a~u~t s$~e ~itt~, wbet~ the ~biliiy sbdl oe~r du~g t~ t~ o[ t~ b~ able ~d, ~ during ~ c~ti~t~ t~eo[, ~ p~rtl~ d~g the said t~ ~ partl~ SIGNED, sEALED and DATED A. ~i. Sher,~,~ , Attor~y ['ublic Offici,ls' Bond · A S'[~)CK COMPANY BOND #171774 INDE. iTY COMPANY.,-' GLENS FALLS,NEW YORK, All llleu by hese llrese,ts: ·lra! ................... _DONALD R. GiLDERSLEEVE of______~_~_~lJ~_u_ll__k_~_l~_~_~ .............................. State of New York .................................. hereinafter called the Principal, and the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY hereinafter called the Surety, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with its home oitiee in the City of Glens Falls, in the said State, ere held and firmly bound un~o. IIATTITUCK FIRE DEPARTMENT of__ Ma__~ti__~_u__e__k_~__Lon~ Island ., State of ....... .N_e_~___Y_°_X_k_ ............................ hereinafter ~alled the Obllgee, in the sum of`_T~--~TY FIVE HUNDRED ($2500.00~_ .................... ~Dollars for the payment whereof to the Obliges the Principal hinds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, iointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed, and dated this ........ __~th day of- May _, 19 ~+ ~l~reas, the above-named principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of .............. ___~asurer of~eMattituck Fire DepgE~ent ....... ,Stateof. forthe termofoffice ~nn~gonthe 1st .dayof en~ngonthe__~_____ dayof __ ~a~ New York January Now, fllerdore, the ~ma~ttton ol the foregoing obl!g~_~on Is such that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his offiee and shall promptly aeeoun~ for and pay over all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the said term, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in fores. Signed, sealed, and delivered in thy...,reeenee of MNITY COMPANY Sherman, Attornell ~'~-_ml~_[. .~,~ ~ , to me known and known te me to be the individual described in anal who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed Public Officials' Bond A ST~)CK COMPANY BOND #353383 INDE/VtNITY COMPANY. - GLENS FALLS, NE V YORI All by hese Iresems: $~a~ ..... DQ_NALD R. GILDERSLEEVE of Mat_tituck~ Long Island, Stats of. New York, hereinafter called the Principal, and the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY hereinafter called the Surety, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with its home office in the City of Glens Falls, in the said State, are held and firmly bound unto.__ MATTITUCK FIRE DEPARTI&ENT of_~attituck, I~_ong Isl_a__nd_~_ ., State of-. New York, .hereinafter called the Obligee, in the sum of. TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED ~_$2500.00~- - - Dollars for the payment whereof fo the Obligee the Principal binds himself, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, and the Surety binds itself, its successors and assigns, iointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed, and dated this 21st day of. Novembers ................... ,19__~_. the above-named principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of .............. of the MAT~I~_UCK~F!RE DEPARTMENT , State of for the term of office beginning on the 1st __day of_ ending on the las day of JANUARY, .... NEW YOBK JANUARY Now, flleref~re, ~ rau~tItuu ~ tl~ f~regulug ~ld~aItuu h~ suxh that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over all moneys or proper~y received by him in his official cap~city during the said term, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in force. Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Donald R. Gildersleevep~n~p~ S INDEMNITY COMPANY S. F. Maher, Attorney S EOFco _ OF On thie. ~.~ (O day of__ ~[~~J----- ~- .............. , 19_._~___~__~ before me pemonally ~ ~~ ~. ~~~. , ~ me ~own mhd ~o~ to me to be the in~vidusl described in ~d who exeeu~d the forego~g instrument, and ~cknowledged ~ me that he ~eeu~d ~ ~~ FOIJND~D [92'7 R. H. GRIFFITH, V~cl IPNEIIDINT C. M. HAY*DEN, VICI PRISIDEh~' S. 13. MILL.ER. SECRETARy M. M. SIMPSON, SICRITARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Amount of bond: $_ Annual Premium: $_ Date of bond:. .Expiration: ., 19____ ., 19____ INDE/~NITY CO.~kPANY of Glens Falis.bleu~ York. A~TOCK COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF JUNE 30, 1945 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ............ 8 1,234,506.62 Government Bonds ............... 13,168,272.80 Other Bonds ................ Stocks ............... Mortgage Loans .......... · .... Real Estate ................. Premiums in Course of Collection (Not over 90 days due) ..... Accrued Interes~ ............... Other Assets ................ Tor~ Amar~-r~ ASSE~S .......... 820,071,624.94 729,826.71 2,109,000.00 305,796.26 42,763.17 2,077,353.68 67,952.80 336,152.90' LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ........... 8 4,938,620.74 Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expense ....... Reserve for Commissions, Expenses, Etc .......... Reserve for Taxes ............... Reserve for Fluctuation in Security Values, Etc ........ Capit~l .............. 81,000,000.00 Surplus .............. 4,210,143.39 Surplus to Policyholders ............. TOTAL 7,423,299.34 1,226,489.51 881,293.23 391,778.73 5,210,143.39 .............. $20,071,624.94 For June 30, 1945 Market on Bonds add $665,511.49 to Assets and Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Secretary of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 30th day of June, 1945. Subscribed and sworn to before me this~_~]~-fL_day of__Novembe['~ ._., 1945. N~ary Public DUPLICATB OBIGINAL INDEN~NITY COA~PANY Glens F~ll~.Neu~ York- ower of Aitm'neu Know ail mrn In3 these resents: ..... :A_ or-anised and existing under the laws of the. State of, appoint ~* ¥' labor Of I~OW ~'oTk. ~ ~O~E and la~ni at~ey for i~ ~d in i~ name, place ~d ~ to ~seute o~ i~ behalf ~ ~L~, ~nds, unde~akin~, ~ipulations, con~nts and ~1 contrac~ of sure,chip and ~ a~tach i~ co~ora~ se~ ~ 8ueh obli~tiens ~ favor of provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed tt.~ sum of~tL~tJ~-- = =:' _thousand dollars, and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is mad.e a~..e.~mcu~e in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glem Falls Indemnity Company at a meeting nelG o 15th day of May, 1940. ~- ~';'are suthorised to execute Powers of Atto ~ ~qu~lif~i~g~ ,?_e_~ ~_._m..,?.s~_e., censents and ali contract~ of ~lrety~ip, toex and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. ~ ....... :__~ thall affect the ~lidity of any act or thin~ done by any officer ua.m_ed~ in recointi°ns . Glens Falls Indemnity Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Curpor- In Witnees Whereof..t. he ........ ~^~.~ ~v t~ above resolution at the City of Glens Falls, New ate Seai to be ~xed by l~s proper omosr,, umy uu~, ..... ~ --- York, this ],~; day of August; GLENS FALLS I~D~TY COMPANY STATE OF NEW YORK1 cOUNTY OF wARREN) SS: ~ f ~i~lg~, before me appeared W. D. HICKS and M. M. SIMPSON n thi& ],~ ._day o -- - · he are Vice-President and Secretary O in b medul sworn dlddeposeandsay..that.t y to me personally known, ~wh.o.b.e .g y:,_. ~u~u~o~ ~e corooration desenbed ~n, and on whose behalf t.h. ey executed respectively of the Glens ~alm. lnue .mm~y ~d' ~nt is the Corporate Seal of said Corpura~lon an· was the above instrument, that the seal w ~ . . ' thereto affixed by order of its Board of D~recters and smd W. D. HICKS and M. M SIMPSON acknowledged ssad nd deed of said Corporation.. Afl~ants did further depose and say that they signed the instrument to be.the free act a --~ -..-~.~*-- --anted them by said resolution recited in the .~nstr~n, _,snot. pro. per above m. acc. oraa c . -~ .^r.~. n~ +.he n '~inal duly passed at a meotmg of the ~oara oI ~recwrs d that smd resolution ~ a true an· correcv,~r~ -- ._;._n.~ -' :':' 'a f Ma 1940 ~en{d at the off'ce of the Company at Glens Falls, New xom, on ~ne ~om a y o y, ~orothy Noted S. B. ¥111er Secrstary of the Glens Fails lndemnity .Comp. any do hereby I ........ · ~tternsv o-a, tsd herein and the resolution recited hereto with the originals sertify that I have compare· Tns ~.p~.~_r,,o~ "-~-'-~-'-:~l~fllce of said Company, and that the same are correct transcripts W on file in T~le pr]ump and amendments there~ n.o ...... :-'--~- ,nd ~m ents thereto and that said power of attorney has not ~hersfrom and of the WhOm ol me sa~u s~ , been revoked but is still in full force and effect. in Te~monY Whereof, l have hereunto sul~eribed my name as Secrs~ and affixed the seal of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company this- 2~s t day of November ~ .1 ~9~ (Tld~ part belmv to b~ eom?~t~d ~oh~ ~ke pemm g~-,tzd ~m~cer o1 aSto~ ~' r~qulrzd to acknougedg· th~ ~cutlo~ oI th$ bo~d.) State of--NEW X0~____l Countyof NEW Y0~_~SS: Onthls 2]'Stdayof- Hovember~ 19_~, before me personally eame-- to me known, who, bein~ by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides ia New ~ort~ At t orney _ of the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY, the of. . ,.,.,o not been revo[eu. eccMon o~% ~_~-~ , ~ DAVID KUTNER Form a~0~--E--S-O (Dupnoate OrthO) GLE~S FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY of Glen~ FaRt, IVew Yorh FOUNDED i927 £. B. GILL, SI~CRL~I'ARY M. M, SIMPSON. SECRETARY o~ Annual premium: $....~.?...~...O_p_ .................................. Date o/ bond:._~.gllU,~_.,...~., ................. , 10]~..6...: OF~'ICER~ ~ub[~ (gffkials' DONALD R. GILDERSLEEVE AT ~IAT'~iTUCK FIRE DEPARTMENT Amount of bond: $ 2~00.00 Annual Premium: $_ 27.00 Date of bond: January 1st __ Expirs, t~on: January ~ ~'u. 1771774 INDE.,~-NITY CO.~.PANY o£ 61en~ ]:aIls.~e~ Yorl~ I:IDELITY AHD SURETY DEPARTktEHT A~TOCK COMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF DECEMBER ~1, 1943 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ............. $ 1,116,558.69 Government Bonds ............... 10,842,841.37 Other Bonds ................ Stocks .................. Mortgage Loans ............... Real Estate ................. Premiums in Course of Collection (Not over 90 days due) ..... Accrued Interest ............... Other Assets ................ 1,000,182.44 1,958,187.35 353,927.92 52,561.96 1,506,706.00 69,564.08 144,245.08 TOTAL ADMI'~'r~O ASSETS ....... $17,044,774.89 L]~ABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ........... $ 4,102,608.69 Reserve for Losses and Loss Adjustment Expense ....... Reserve for Commissions, Expenses, Etc .......... Reserve for Taxes ............... Reserve for Fluctuation in Security Values, Etc ........ Capital .............. $1,000,000.00 Surplus ............. 3,603,627.04 6,330,670.30 1,042,234.40 827,634.46 138,000.00 Surplus to Policyholders ............. 4,603,627.04 TOT~ ............ $17,044,774.89 For December 31, 1943 Market on Bonds add $353,226.19 to Assets and Surplus. Bonds carried at $1,120,813.32 in the above statement are deposited as required by law. I, S. B. Miller, Secretary of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1943. Subscribed and sworn to before me this_/~.t~- ....... day of_ LAY ,1944. ------~~o~ary Public , , Secretary DUPLICATE ORIGINAL INDEA~NITY C0~PANY of 61ens Falls. New York~ ower A mrney twm all men by lhese Irese s: That the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal office in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute and appoint A.W. ,qherm~n o~ ~l~w Yovk~ l~l~w Y~-lc .its true and lawful attorney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of ............. : .................. _All___/ll:d.igeem___ provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the sum of___~t/__Q__~llll,dl~d~-. -- ___thousand dollars, and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is made and executed in accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glem Falls Indemn/ty Company at a meeting held on the 15th day of May, 19t0. "RESOLVED, That the President or any Vice-Prsddent of this Company, when attested by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, ha and they hereby are authorized to execute Powers of Attorney qualifying the Attorney selected to act under such Power of Attom.ey to execute on behalf of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and aH contracts of suretych/p, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. PROVIDED, That noth/ng herein contained shall affect the validity of any act or thing done. by .any officer ill resolutions heretofore passed and who no longer is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney by rce~on of res~gnatlon or otherwme." In WRness Whereof, the Glens Falls Indemnity Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Corpor- ate Seal to be ~ed by its proper officers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of Glens Falls, New York, this__2~Tth day of--~l~ch ........................... 19_~. GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY Attest: ~ ~ STATE OF NEW YORK] COUNTY OF WARREN ~ SS: On this__27th day of______l~llC, h,- .......... 1.9.~e2_.., before me appeared G. D...MEAD .and G. I. DAVIS to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did depose .and s~ay t.h. at.t. hey ar~e VlcefPre?d, ent and Secretary respectively of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, the cerporatmn uescrmeu m, aha on WhOSe nenalf they executed the above instrument, that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation and was thereto affixed by order of its Board of Directors and said G. D..M. EAD and G. I. DAVIS acknowledged said instru- ment to be the free act and deed of said Corporation. Affiants d~d further depose and say that they signed the above instrument in accordance with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the instrument proper and that said resolution is a ~ue and correct copy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Directors held at the office of the Company at Glens Falls, New York, on ~he 15th day of May, 1940. Dorothy A. Yack NoU~y I S.B. ]~tll~ Secretary of the Glens Falls lndemnity Company do hereby certify that I have compared the power of attorney granted herein and the resolution recited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal office of said Company, and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said originals, and ameedments thereto, and that said power of attorney has not been revoked but is still in full force and effect. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Secretary and affixed the seal of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company this__. ~th __day of------~-a-~. 19 ~--~-. (This ~rrt helo~ to be completed ~oh~ the ~rs~ ~n~d ~r o] att~ ~ rsquirsd to ~k~dge the e=e~t~ Sta~of ~E~ Y0~ ..... ~ty ofN~ ~0~ Onthis ~th dayof May_ 19_~,~foremepe~onallycame A. ~. ~herm~n ~ me kno~, who, being by me duly sworn, &d depo~ a~ say, that he resid~ in ~ ew York that he ls the .... _~ttorney ._ of the GLENS FALLS I~EMNI~ COMPAq, the Co~oration described in and which executed ~he bond at~ched; that he knows the seal of said Co~oration; tha~ the Seal a~ed to said bond ls such corporate seal; that it was so a~ed by pique of the power of attorney issued to him as more particul~ly appears above, and that he si~ed ~id bond by reason of ~he authority ~an~d therein by the Board of D~rectors of said Corporation; and that said C~pany has received from the Superintendent of Insurance of the State of New York a ce~ificate of qualification of i~ sufficiency as surety or ~arantor under subp~a~aph 2, section 327, A~icle 4, Chapter 28 of ~aConsnlld~ed.~s~/~ S~te of New York ~d that ~fica~ has not b~n revok~ , I~li~ Oltyals: P~d A STOCK COMPANY BOIID INDEb~ITY COMPANY.- GLENS FALLS,NEW YORK, ~nom AH ~len by ~hese resenm: of. Ym"3tituckt Long Islan/~_ ..... State of .......... ~__ Y~O_r~k ............. hereinafter called the Principal, and the GLENS FAL~ I~EM~ COMPA~ hereinafter called the SureW, a co.craYon organized under ~he laws of the S[a~ of New York, wi~h i~ home o~ce in the Ci[y of Glens Falls, ~ the said S[a~, are held and fimly hound ~ ...................................................................................... ................. ~~ F I~_~A~I~I~ ............................. of. Fatti~uckI L~ng Ishni~ ...... ,S~eof ......~e~_~o~ ............................ hereinaf~r called the Obligee, in the sum oL ~_~FIV~ ~?_~_~_~_ ~_~!_~?~_~olla~ for the paymenfi whereof W the Obligee the Principal bin~ himself, his heir, execu~rs, ~ministra~o~, and assi~s, and ~he Surety binds i~elf, i~ succe~ors ~d ~si~s, jointly and severally, firmly by these present. Si~ed, sea'ed, and dasd this ~ ls t day of___P~_q~_~}2~ .......................... , m ~ the above-named principal ha~ been duly appointed or elected to the office of. of the--M~TTITUCK FIRE DEPARTMENT , State of ..... ~_E~____~O~i~_~ .................... for the ~m of office be~nning on ~e_..__~_~ ...................... , 19 ___,and ending on the____2? ~ ......... day of ...... Nam, ~a, re~rre. ~he romMflml o~ ~he ~e~ obl~ m ~h ~ha~ if ~he Principal shall faithfully discharge ~he duties of his o~¢e and shall promptly aoeoun~ for and pay ever all moneys or prope~y r~eived by him in his o~¢ial capacity d~ing ~he said ~rm, ~hen this obligation shall be void; othe~se iff shall ~ . /~ ~ GLENSFALLSIND~NI~COMP~ %  ~ S, E, Peterson~ tt~y co~o~ ~ ~ j the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instxument, and acknowledged ~o me that he executed ,t GLEI~tS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY o~ Gl~s Falls, N~w Yor~ Principal: ................................ Obligee: ...................................... Mnount of bond: $ ............................. Annual Premium: $___:. ................................ Date of bond:____: .......................... ,19 INDE, .NITY C0. PANY o£ 6lens ll$.New ¥or . FIDELITY AND SURETY DEPARTMENT A ~TOCK COMPANY · FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF JUNE 30, 1948 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits .................. $ 1,932,016.84 Government Bonds ..................... 18,928,947.32 Other Bonds ....................... 2,590,571.82 Stocks ......................... 1,831,587.00 Mortgage Loans ...................... 69,734.20 Real Estate ....................... 26,335.03 Premiums in Course of Collection (Not over 90 days due) ....... 2,943,288.88 Accrued Interest ..................... 83,436.63 Other Assets ....................... 491,611.15 TiYl'AL ADMrrr~o Asses ............... $28,897,528.87 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ................ $ 7,169,081.77 Reserve for Losses ..................... 9,704,637.02 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses .............. 1,605,257.00 Reserve for Commissions, Expenses, Etc .............. 1~J5,264.19 Reserve for Taxes ..................... 597,651.47 Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance .............. 91,333.81 Reserve for Contingencies(Voluntary) ........ $ 401,145.32 Capital .................... 1,000,000.00 Surplus .................... 6,983,158.29 Surplus to Policyholders ................... 8,384,303.61 TOTAL ..................... $28,897,528.87 For June 30, 1948 Market on Bonds add $124,200.86 to Assets and Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Secretary of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company to the bes~ of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 30th day of June, 1948. Subscribed and sworn to before me this_____~_.]:_8_..i;______da~ of._____D_??_?.~_b_ ?~ ........ ,194-_-8. Notary Public DOROTHY A. MACK, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK. ~ Secretary Form 8214,-.-KB--8,.48 DUPLICATB ORIGINAL INDEmNITy C0 APANY of Glens Falls. New Yorl ower of A vney now aU men by hese resen s: That the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, and having its principal office in the City of Glens Falls, in said State, does hereby make, constitute and appoinL- ......... ~a_~_i~a$~'~em oF 1~ Vr,~ ~ its t~ue and lawful atterney for it and in its name, place and stead to execute on its behalf as surety, bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship and to attach its corporate seal to such obligations in favor of provided that the liability of the Company as surety under this authority, in no one instance shall exceed the sum of ...... thousand dollars, and reserving to itself full power of substitution and revocation. This Power of Attorney is made and executed/n accordance with the Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company at a meetln~ held on the iSth day of May, 19/0. "RESOLVED, That the .President or any Vicc-Prasident of this .Co. mpany, when attested by a Secretary or Assistant Secretary, be and they hereby are authorized to execute P..owe~ of Attorney quallfy/ng ~ Att?rney.selected to act under such Power of Attorney to execute on behalf of the Glens Falls Indemmty Company bonds, undertakings, stipulations, consents and all contracts of suretyship, and to attach the Corporate Seal thereto. PROVIDED That nof~ herein contained shall affect the validity of any act or th/ng done by any officer n~med in resolutions heretofore passed and who no longer is authorized to execute Powers of Attorney by reason of rcclgnation or otherwise. In Witness Whereof, the Glens Falls Indemnity Company has caused these presents to be signed and its Corpor- ate Seal to be affixed by its proper officers, duly authorized by the above resolution at the City of Glens Falls, New York, this __-~.ST~L____day of ~ .19 i,5 , GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY STATE OF N13W YORK1 COUlq'TY OF WAP&EN~SS: On this_--~ffiL._day of ...... alll.~ ......... 10_.~. __, before me appeared G. D. MEAD and E. B. GILL to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, dld depose and say that they are President and Seer~ary respeetively of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, the eorporation described in, and on whoes behalf they executed the above in~rument, that the seal affixed te said imtrumsnt is the Corporate Seal of said Corporation and was thereto tdr~xed by order of its Board of Directors and said O. D. MEAD and 13. B. Gill 8eknowledgod said msnt to be tbs free ~et and deed of said Corporation. Affiants did further depose and say that they signed the above in~:axtment in aeeordanee with authority granted them by said resolution recited in the in~mmeut proper and that said resolution is a true and eorreet copy of the original duly passed at a meeting of the Board of Dh's~om held at the offiee of the Company at Glens Falls, New York, on the l§th day of May, 10~0. I .......... .8_ ~_ B_~_Ft.J~,__~i~ .......................................... Secretary of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company do hereby certify that I have compared the power of attorney granted herein and the resolution recited herein with the originals and amendments thereto now on file in the principal office of said Company, and that the same are correct transcripts therefrom and of the whole of the said orig/nals, and amendments thereto, and that said power of attorney has not been revoked but is still in full force and effect. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name as Secretary and affixed the seal of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company this____~8-~_ ....... day of___D.~__~__~.~'.~iiiiiii~_~ii~i__~_19 s~ta~y (This ~ri belo~ ~o be completed when the per,un Fraated power oJ aitornell i~ req~dted to a~kno~edge the ezecuti~ o! ihe bond.) State of-l[]~L.Y./)~/-_, 1 County Iss: On ~ais__~8~y of. ~_~_0__~__1_~_~___10_~__~_, before me personally came__8_at __~..~.~__.~;~__~_8__~_D, to me known, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say, that he resides in__.._ N ~-~...~01qr .......... that, he is the. .~,~t;~1'~.~ ..................... of tbs GLEN8 FALL8 Ilq'DEMNITY COMPANY, the Corporation deserib~d in and which exeeuted the bond attached; that he knows the ssal of said Corporation; that the Seal ~ff~ed to said bond is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by virus of the power of attorney ismed to him as more paffdeularly appe~s above, and that he signed said bond by reason of the authority granted therein by the Boa~l of Direetom of said Corporation; and that saS. l~9~p~y~Jaas reosived from the Supedn~nden~ of I~anee of the ~8~ of ~ew York a ee~ifiea~e of qu~i~!~~ Fern 81~--N--1~7 (~pU~ 0~1) Westchestcr County GIENS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY o~ Glens Falls, New York Form 8065--K--12-47 Amo~cnt of bond: . Date of oona: I Publi~'O~clals' Bond ~ ~ _~_ A ffrOCK COMPANY All Ben by hese resen s: of_ ~lattituek; L~ Tl~.~l~d Stats of_ ..... ~_~_~__o__r__k_ ............... hereinafter called the Principal, and the GLENS FALLS INDEMNITY OOMPAHY hereinafter called the Surely, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Hew York, with its home office in the City of Glens Falls, in the said State, are held and firmly hound unto .................................................................. #ATTITUgK FIRE DEPAR~Rw~ of. liattltuckt -~~ .......... , Sta~e of___ I~O'~L~_ ......................... hereinafter called ~e Obllgee, in the sum of T~T~-FI~/ ~ ~-~----(~$~Qm~)~olla~ f~ the payment whereof ~ the Obllgee the Principal bin~ himself, his heirs, execute, ~mi~stra~rs, and a~i~s, and the Surety binds i~elf, i~ suec~ors and assi~s, jointly and severally, fimly by these preenS. Si~ed, sealed, and dasd this .... ~_ --~y of~_~~ ...................... ,19~ ~Z~, ~he above-named principal has been duly appoin~ or elected ~ the office of of the_~P--A-_~I~lEK FIRE DEPIRTNE~ , ~ate of .... ~ ZORK for ~e ~m of o~ce be~nning on the~S~ ~y of ..... ~ ................ , 19~_~, and ending on the_ ]~ .___day of_ D$~mb$~ ., 19_~ t~w, ill, refute, ~ rmu~tIhra ~ file f~r~h~ ~blt~aitnu t~ a~h that if the Principal shall faithfully discharge the duties of his office and shall promptly account for and pay over all moneys or property received by him in his official capacity during the said term, then this obligation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in force. Donald R. Gildersleeve Principal GL~NS FALLS INDEMNITY COMPANY STATE OF } COUNTY OF ss.: Onthis_ ~-~-.~-__-~ff day of ~~/ ., 19--~----, before me personally came DONALD R. _!LILD]!~uY, l!lg~ .. to me known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed GLENS FALLS INDEMNI~Y COMPANY BOARD OF DIRECTORS GEORG~ CHAHOON WILLIAN M. BOWO£N MAURICi HooP£EI HUBERT C. BROWN BAMUEL. T. BROWN HAROLD J, Principal: .............................................. Obligee: ................... ount. of bond: $.--~ An~.ualPremium: $ 7 ............................. Dab of bond: ......................... ,10 ........ INDENkNITY C03APANY of Glens Falls .New York.. F~DELITY AND SURETY DEPART~4ENT A STOCK C~MPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENT AS OF JUNE 30, 1949 ASSETS Cash and Bank Deposits ................... $ 2,589,104.90 Government Bonds ..................... 18,713,139.75 Other Bonds ....................... Stocks ......................... Mortgage Loans ..................... Real Estate ....................... Premiums in Course of Collection (Not over 90 days due) ....... Accrued Interest ...................... Other Assets ....................... 4,202,123.74 1,536,306.00 12,756.25 22,500.00 3,375,946.53 66,421.03 650,064.49 TOTAL ADMITTED ASSE~S ............... $31,168,362.69 LIABILITIES Reserve for Unearned Premiums ................ $ 8,408,107.06 Reserve for Losses ..................... 11,561,326.00 Reserve for Loss Adjustment Expenses .............. 326,931.00 Reserve for Commissions, Expenses, Etc ............. 1,221,731.75 Reserve for Taxes ..................... 634,365.91 Reserve for Unauthorized Reinsurance .............. 75,831.66 Reserve for Contingencies (Voluntary) . $ 209,817.07 Capital .............. 1,000,000.00 Surplus .............. 7,730,192.24 Surplus to Policyholders ................... 8,940,009.31 TOTAL ..................... $31,168,362.69 For June 30, 1949 Market on Bonds add $405,314.51 to Assets and Surplus. I, S. B. Miller, Vice President of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company, do hereby certify that the foregoing financial statement of the Glens Falls Indemnity Company to the best of my knowledge and belief, is a full, true and correct statement of the financial condition of said company on the 30th day of June, 1949. Subscribed and sworn to before me this_____~__t_-h-___day of. December ............ ~.~--'--_ ~'. ~-~, ~ Notary Public DOROTHY A. MACK, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Form 8214--A--9-49 Vice President INDEA~NITY COPAPAN Y A.lo~t~t of bo~d: Form 8065~K--12-48