HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/27/1968 MATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT
Dee, ??.~1968.~ F'f~a~ntl OemmAaaloners An~ig.Tuthlll~Mlska, ~hudiak, and
Bou~hton, and T.~eal ~ Oildo~eleve.
meetin~ was held at the fl?ohouoeL,~Oallod to oPder by Chair-
man Anrig at 7 P.M.
M~nutes of the November m~etin~ w~e r~Ad ~nd apb:roved.
The 8eo~eta~ reported on the eleotion of Deo.~,1968.
~win A.T~thu~l wee eleo~ed oo~aisalono~ fo~ ~o ~eara, 60 Verso oasto
S? for M~.Tuthill,3 Blank. He~be~ ~.Bowghton was sleeted oommiosioner
for two ye&rs. 60.votes caet~ ~? for Mr.Bou~hton.
Xt was moved,aeoomded a~d oar~ied~bat the date for tAe
ann~al or~ani~ation mee~lng fo~ ~anuar~ 1939~be eot ~o~u~day~J~,
2,1969 at 7
~he Following bills ,er~ or~le~ediilpaid,on motion made,
oeoonded and~ ear,led t~at the follo~Ang Reaolut~Q~e adopted! Reoolved~
that' the follO~lne,~blllsbe pai&l Fi~emento Assn,,State of N.Y. SSO.O0;
~oa.;.K~e~ser G~Se*O01,l.X.~ol.0o. 2S.75l Xou~l~e Bqd~pe0Oe 94e45 &
X2Ae82! Auga~0l~ee }~.04; Joe.Melon &S.OOlW#~ter DoM 80000 & leO0!
L*X.LISht~ ~o~-7~491~-eaFe~lle ~port ~hop 67~ this M~x pa2mont
robe hold ~n ®ooro~by Ooumlnnioner Milks.and delive~ed after merohand-
G~ofoenbaehoF,;~.~ ~etoF ~i~l B~a.,0e?anl OooM~ng~,Jr., and ViotoF
8,Rutl~oek~,be approved aa notice m~e~a of the Eattituek Fl~ Depart-
#O~ion wee made,seoond~d and oa~,ried that Arthur F,~nnin~
ho appointed FX~e'Dletriot T~easu~er fo~ one year to fill out the ~ex-
pl~d te~ Of ~na~ R,Olldo~lleeve,
,~Otion was made,se0onded and oal-~ied that a publie
addreao'lyotembo puce]eased fO? uae at tho firehouse· The ohaiz~aan
appointed ~io~ioner8 Mloka and B~ughton to oeleot same ~d make
the pu~ehase.
D.R.OildoroAeovo,Seo. L