HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/02/1948Jan. E,I1947. !III~TES OP I,~TIHO OF COI~IISSIO~RS OF UATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICT 01'g~ntz&t ton Hooting. Ueeting held at the firehouse at 8.30 P.M. P~esent: ~.~,~"- '--'~-~=-o ~i6, Glld~io~v~a~d ~ood Reeve and T~eas. Oildo~sleeve. thc ~tes of tho laat ~ad ~p~oved, .~.""ne t~easu~o~ then took tho ~-chai~ma~ fo_~ 194.o.. chair fo~ th~ election of slo~o~, chai~an ~nd that tho s~o~eta~y east one ballot fo~ '~.Armi'~ then took crop as chalx-man, ~.lotion made,seconded and oa~iod that Donald R.Gtlde~- sleeve bo a.r..pointed socn~tai'y £o~ 1948 at a salax? of '~00: The following x~osolution was adootod:~t, the ~$1o~1 ~'~& ~st Co. ~ ~de deposito~ fop the Dtst~ict,s mor~es fo~ 19d8. ~e anm~al ft~n~!a! ~eno~t was su~tted ~ t~ ~,~~~ep~of rec~ipt~ ~cw dis~2soments. ~or the ~ar 19~ was read a2~ accepted~as follows: ~10~105 E~ of Equipment 8~..00S laS~g FSre T~ 256.85: ltus 8976.00; na~nte~oo a RepaiP of aD-'~stus 885,081 nen~inte~n~e ~: Ropal~ o~ l~lldi:~ 545'.41; I s~ance ~penses 100.00~ 1.,~OD P,~e T~:. 956.855 ~iscella~ous 109.79; Pelepho~ 85.~$ M~,~amut~on ~f .1 ~ !000=00, TOTAL DISBURSe* ;~TS 01A7~,96, ~lanee at Close el Yea~ 920.5~$ ~TAL 'fne t~easuPoP p~oduced ail oooks,ehoeks,vouoho~s~etc. as ~squi~od by Iaw,and came '.;e:.e acknowledged by the conmaissioners~ The f:~llowing bills were oPde~ed paid: T~avele~-',7~tcPmm~D Cllde~sleeve 49.68t ~t~ill Su!'ply Co, 11,751 :~.Y.Telephone'Co. ~pply Co. 11,~$$~ch~ C'omiskey S$,~$ N.Y. Telopho~ Co. 1.50~ MAT %ST~C'K ~IRE DI~9~!¢T. ............ , paz'~S ~.Totion made,seconded and c storied that ~ be ox,de.ed 9 t~ems lisSed and p~ioed in a lottop fPom ~he %7~ .orion ~do.sooond~ c nn4 --'-r~ed that tho s¢c~t~ ..~of tho u'iro Compa~ to SOo that c}m~n ~ ~u* o~ion ~de_ ,secondod ~d~iod t~t a new instantaneous ~a~ hantcP b~ ir?t~!~o~ lu the Fi~ehQ~e,c~ the disc~etlon .... 'c~i~n. ~o .__~a secPe~ ~va~ a~ed to soo ~ Roy S.Roeve in ~g~d lk zn~ra~e pozzc~os ~o corot Pequire~nts under the law -~ ~ ~'~de,seconded ~nd C aPried tha$ the meeti~ be i adJou~neO~