HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-10/25/2010ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE
Town Hall, 53095 Main Road
PO Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Eax (631) 765-6145
Telephone: (63 I) 765 - 1800
October 25, 2010
11:00 AM
A Special Meeting of the Southold Town Board was held Mon~g~; October 25, }010 at
Conference Room, 53095 Main Road, Southold, NY. Supe ussel ned ~ting at
11 00 AM with the Pledge of Allegmnce to the Flag
L Call to Order
11:00 AM Meeting called to order
25, Southold, NY.
Opening comments
have is a prehm~nary budget be~o~ us.
perspective which is
forth a'
is a majority
with John and
of details to
There are decisi
~0om, 53095 Route
Pled~ of Allegiance. Thank you. What we
~comment~ on any aspects of this budget before
long and hard and I understand from your
town and it is your obligation to put
to thin,own Board Which can do basically as ~t w~shes w~th ~t ~f there
~'~ ~ I understand the of time that have taken
t.he original working documents are thick and there are a lot
commend you on what I would say is a job well done.
know long before it comes to us, that involve one on one
departments and all aspects of town government and that, to
also raises the stress level because everybody has expectations of
And every part of an organization, as maybe it should, champions
their divisi~or thei~ department because they are the head and sometimes not seeing the other
pieces of the i~iet If it were a pie chart, every department would be one slice and they all make
up the whole pie. We know how, we know how fond we are of colored pie charts, right, Al? So
we can do it in black and white, the issue is the same. I guess going back two or three years
when Vincent and I first arrive, our predecessors were proposing that they raise the salaries of
the, he was going to arrange this and we would have to vote on it. And of course, I said I am not
going to vote myself a pay raise, I don't think that that ethically is the right thing to do and at the
same time, you have said in more than one case that the funding for elected officials has to be for
the position and not the person who holds it because that person could either leave office, die,
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Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
resign or anything like that. And I think all of us stated strongly that we felt the Supervisor in
particular, was underpaid. And we all knew the fiscal restraints that we were within last year and
I am glad to see that the Supervisor's salary is addressed but three years later, I still have a hard
time voting for the budget that I am voting myself a pay raise and I wrestled with it over the
weekend and went through a lot of the paperwork and I guess I came to the conclusion that it
would be unfair to you and to the others if I were to vote against it because everybody had input
into it. And ifI personally felt that strongly that a raise for me wasn't appropriate at this time, I
would mm the money back rather than say I don't support the budget that came forth because I
do. we have sat around many meetings, we have agonized over the smallest detail and the
largest detail and every member, every member has brought something to the table that has got
us where we are today. And to my colleagues I say, a job well done. We all come from different
walks of life, we gather here today to look at the condensed version, if you will, of something
that is very detailed and I know John as the comptroller, he would agree. It is very detailed,
there are a lot of things and a lot of information in this document and what it takes to operate the
town for a year. I don't think that the general public has a clear knowledge, some people maybe
do and a lot of people don't. Some people will say that we leave it up to you to make those
decisions and other people will criticize us for making those same decisions because they may
think that they know more than we do based on something, I am not sure what because even with
all the information that we have, I am not sure that we can easily make all decisions. They are
not easy. That is basically my soapbox for this morning. Again, I commend you, Scott. This is
no easy job and the more you do it, maybe how you do it becomes easier because you know the
process better but coming to the final is not easy.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: I will mention and speak to the issue since someone chose to make
an issue in the paper last week. This is the first budget that I have given to the Board in the five
years that I have been here that actually proposes a pay raise for myself or the Board. But as a
practical reality, the prior Town Board passed a policy that would basically marry the salaries of
elected officials to binding contracts, which would be the CSEA benefit fund. And all we did
was, we looked for 4% adjustment in the salaries for this year which is consistent with a binding
contract. Not a promise but a binding contract with the CSEA, they get 4% in 2011. And if you
cannot adjust salaries a little bit when you are proposing a 1.83% tax rate, when can you? It
wasn't the time last year, it wasn't the time the previous year but we are stable, we are
economically stable because of the decision making of this Board and if you can't budget for that
at some point, whoever the future Supervisor might be, whoever the future Town Board may be,
by the way it is much more than a part time job being a Town Board member, I think anybody
who has a notion of that still being a part time job is living in 1965, a good year. But it is, you
know, you have to think about your Supervisors, if you are going to keep these positions
competitive, you have to make sure the people can't afford to run for them.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: There isn't anything that you said that I can't disagree with. You
are absolutely correct.
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: As far as the salaries go, I agree with both of you. I don't
necessarily agree with the old policy that they should keep pace with the CSEA, I think they
should be evaluated every year. And maybe next year it is not going to be warranted, you don't
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Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
know what is going to happen next year. But you are fight about keeping pace because
otherwise, it becomes just woefully lacking. As far as the rest of the budget, it really is not a
decision making process just, in October and November this is really something that is an
ongoing process throughout the whole year. And I want to thank John for his help the whole
year long and Scott and the rest of the Board, the decision making that you do the whole year
that adds up to this budget, I think it has been a good effort and ongoing one, obviously. It is
not going to end when we adopt it.
COUNCILMAN ORLANDO: You are correct, the budget, managing it is every day. We just
kind of finalize it now but every day, every other Tuesday we are managing the money of the
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Right. And the Supervisor, absolutely every day, making decisions
that affect the budget and affect the Town's financial health.
COUNCILMAN ORLANDO: And since I have been on the Board for the last three years, going
over the budget with Scott, he has left nothing on the bone for us to take. He is really...
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: We have tried, too. We thought we had him a couple of times. So
I give the Supervisor a lot of credit for that, the Board credit for doing it all year long, the
Supervisor really for going over it with the department heads, I am sure ad nauseum. That must
have been fun.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Inaudible. Just every one, I think.
COUNCILMAN KRUPSKI: Right. Right. And I think as long as the Board continues forward
and I think there are still some positions, some departments that are probably over-staffed, in my
opinion. But you know, as the Board goes through, we will evaluate them and keep going and
everything changes. Some are going to need more help in the future. So not necessarily,
inaudible, in some departments and some are going to go up and some are going to go down.
But that is, you have been on top of that.
COUNCILMAN ORLANDO: It is a fair budget considering last year that we didn't give Pete
Hanis any asphalt money, and this year we were able to give him some. So it is a give and take
every other year, we can't take it away every single year but sometimes you have to repair some
of the roads that are in dire need of repair.
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Honestly, I went over this very, very, every line with every
department and I wish I could say that there was money there that we could still evaluate further
but I just don't see it. and this is previous Boards, you know, the fiscal health is a result of
running it day to day with you guys and we certainly aren't out of the lists, so we can't anticipate
income that we are not going to get but we are stable, you know, we plugged the holes and we
have got to keep the head count down. Economies come and go but positions seem to last
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Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
COUNCILMAN ORLANDO: I think the Town Board as a whole is a well-oiled machine and I
think we will do fine this year again, managing the Town's finances. We all have the same goal.
II. Resolutions
Misc. Public Hearing
Town Clerk
Set PH for 2011 Budget
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold does hereby prepare and approve
the 2011 Preliminary Budget and 2011 Preliminary Capital Budget of the Town of Southold for
the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of January, 2011, the itemized statement of estimated
revenues and expenditures hereby attached and made a part of this resolution; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that this Town board shall meet at 4:00 PM~ Thursday~ on the 4th of
November~ 2010~ at the Southold Town Hall for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the
Preliminary Budget, and after all persons attending said hearing shall have had an opportunity to
be heard in favor or against the Preliminary Budget as compiled, or for or against any item and
items therein contained, that said heating be then recessed and thereafter convened at 7:00 PM
on said day for the same purpose; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Preliminary Budget will be available for viewing on the
Southold Town official website: southoldtown.northfork.net, and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall give notice of such heatings in the manner
provided for in Section 108 of the Town Law and that such notice be published in substantially
the following form:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Preliminary Budget and Preliminary Capital Budget of
the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York for the fiscal year beginning on January 1,
2011 has been prepared and approved by the Southold Town Board and filed in the Office of the
Town Clerk at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, where they are
available for inspection and where copies may be obtained by any interested person during
business hours.
FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold will
meet and review said Preliminary Budget and Preliminary Capital Budget and hold a public
hearing thereon at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York, in said
Town at 4:00 p.m. and at 7:00 p.m., on Thursday, November 4, 2010, and at such heating any
October 25, 2010 Page 5
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
persons may be heard in favor of or against the 2011 Preliminary Budget and 2011 Preliminary
Capital Budget as compiled, or for or against any item or items therein contained.
FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law, the
following are proposed yearly salaries of members of the Town Board, the Town Clerk and the
Superintendent of Highways:
(Article 8 of Town Law)
Members of the Town Board (4) ~
Town Justice and Member of the Town Board, Fishers Island
Town Justices (2) ~
Town Clerk
Superintendent of Highways
Tax Receiver
Assessors (3) @
Trustees (5) ~
$ 90,472
$ 31,270
$ 49,048
$ 66,682
$ 93,886
$ 99,691
$ 36,061
$ 68,862
$ 16,103
Appropriations Less: Less:
and Amount to
Provisions Estimated Unexpended be
for Other Raised by
Code Fund Uses Revenues Balance Tax
A General $ 27,230,116 $ 3,960,663 $1,535,000 $21,734,453
B General-Outside Village 2,119,124 1,094,760 241,000 783,364
DB Highway Fund 5,185,250 373,319 228,000 4,583,931
CD Community Development 130,000 130,000
CS Risk Retention Fund 506,000 506,000
H3 Community Preservation Fund 5,095,000 2,895,000 2,200,000
MS Employees Health Plan 4,066,632 3,687,632 379,000
Total-Town $ 44,332,122 $12,647,374 $ 4,583,000 $27,101,748
DB1 Orient Road Improvement Dist $ 3,815 $ $ 850 $ 2,965
SF East-West Fire Protection Dist 714,563 500 1,500 712,563
SM Fishers Island Ferry District 3,182,000 2,400,000 132,000 650,000
SR Solid Waste Management Dist 3,842,996 1,858,750 107,000 1,877,246
SS1 Southold Wastewater District 177,385 177,385
SS2 Fishers Island Sewer District 34,800 30,100 4,700
F.I. Waste Management Dist 607,660 51,000 40,000 516,660
Orient Mosquito District 80,000 80,000
Subtotal-Special Districts $ 8,643,219 $ 4,340,350 $ 463,435 $ 3,839,434
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Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Orient-East Marion Park
District $ 34,250 $ 34,250
Southold Park District 315,000 315,000
Cutch.-New Suffolk Pk Dist. 142,083 12,083 130,000
Mattituck Park District 566,860 28,500 106,000 432,360
Subtotal-Park Districts $ 1,058,193 $ 28,500 $ 118,083 $ 911,610
Fishers Island Fire District $ 359,700 $ 3,300 $ 356,400
Orient Fire District
East Marion Fire District 557,952 42,111 20,000 495,841
Southold Fire District 1,768,300 21,856 1,746,444
Cutchogue Fire District 1,205,540 2,000 125,000 1,078,540
Mattituck Fire District 1,784,503 1,784,503
Subtotal-Fire Districts $ 5,675,994 $69,267 $145,000 $ 5,461,727
I Total-Ail Districts I $ 15,377,406 I $4,438,117 I $ 726,518 I $10,212,771 I
I Grand Totals This Page I $ 59,709,528 I $17,085,491 t $ 5,309,518 [ $37,314,519 I
Vote Record - Re~olution RES-2010-856
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended
[] Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Tabled William Ruland Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Christopher Talbot Voter [] [] [] []
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Albert Kmpski Jr. Voter
[] Rescinded Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Town Clerk's Appt Scott Russell Voter [] [] [] []
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
Contracts, Lease & Agreements
Town Clerk
Accept Proposal of Bowne Management for GIS Needs Assesment
Fiscal Impact:
This GIS Needs Assessment is totally funded by the NYS Department of Education, IVYS Archives 2010-
2011 LRMIF Grant Award in the amoun tof $36,000. There will not be an impact on the Town Budget
RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the proposal of
Bowne Management Company~ Inc. to complete the "Needs Assessment for a
Geographical Information System (GIS) for the Town of Southold in the amount of $36,000.,
all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney, and it
October 25, 2010
Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
Page 7
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby authorizes and
directs Supervisor Scott A. Russell to execute and sign the agreement between the Town of
Southold and Bowne Management Company, Inc. for this Needs Assessment, all in accordance
with the approval of the Town Attorney.
Vote Record - Re~olution RES-2010-857
[] Adopted
[] Adopted as Amended
[] Defeated Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent
[] Tabled William Ruland Voter [] [] [] []
[] Withdrawn Vincent Orlando Seconder [] [] [] []
[] Supervisor's Appt Christ0pber Talbot Voter F1 [] [] ~1
[] Tax Receiver's Appt Albert Kmpski Jr. Initiator [] [] [] []
[] Rescinded Louisa P. Evans Voter [] [] [] []
[] Town Clerk's Appt Scott Russell Voter [] : [] [] []
[] Supt Hgwys Appt
[] No Action
Comments regarding resolution 857
SUPERVISOR RUSSELL: Can I just ask for this to be tabled to Tuesday? I need time to work
with you to finance this. The contingencies are ....
TOWN CLERK NEVILLE: Oh, it is financed with grant money. I am sorry, for some reason it
didn't print out the financial and it didn't print out the discussion. This is totally financed with a
New York State Archives local government records management improvement fund grant for
2010-2011. It will be paid fully from that source.
TOWN CLERK NEVILLE: Yes, I am sorry, I don't know why it didn't print out.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: Question? Before we convened you mentioned how the vendor
was selected. Was it off a state contract?
TOWN CLERK NEVILLE: Yes, it was. State contract.
COUNCILMAN RULAND: I just wanted that in the record. That that was how the vendor was
Motion To: Adjourn Town Board Meeting
RESOLVED that this meeting of the Southold Town Board be and hereby is declared adjourned at 11:20
Southold Town Clerk
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Southold Town Board Meeting Minutes
MOVER: William Ruland, Councilman
SECONDER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman
AYES: William Ruland, Vincent Orlando, Albert Krupski Jr., Scott Russell
ABSENT: Christopher Talbot, Louisa P. Evans