HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/1944 MXNUTE8 OF ~fmmTING OF COMMISSIOHEl~ OF
March ~,1944. Held atvthe firehouse at 8ol§ P.Mo
Present Conmiesionere Anrig,Gildersleeve,Penny. E[vo0d Reeve and
Cboe.Reeve and Treas.Olldereleeve. Also Firemen Fred D.Olmoted.~r.,
Arthur Fanning and Irwin T~thlll.a eommittee representing the
~fattituek Fire ao.~pany. Chairman Anrig presiding.
Minuteoof the last meeting were read and apl~oved.
The fireman's eomnittee,named above.reeommended that the
commissioners pureh_s~te a reeustioator. The recommendation was
favorably resolved, and motion was made, eeeonded and carried.that
same be put. honed,the selection to be made by the oo.-witteo,and
Oonsniaalonex'o penny t~d ~WOOd ~oeve ~ere appointed to york with
them. Motion was made,oeoonde~ and oarried that a stretcher ami
four bla~ke~e be purohaae$"to add to emergenoy equipment.
The eowuwigelbaere-voto~ approval of the names of John ~.KalXe~,
~o8.Clohanow.ies,Fred Seimerling,Robert HeweX1,Auguotue C.GarelXe.
and Eugene "eeeard for membership in the ~attitu~ Fire CompaAy,
these haviug been raoommended by the oompan~es membership oomul~tee.
~otion was made, eeoonded and serried that an hono_r roll for
the names of t.h~ firemen in the armed foroee be purehaeed.
A detailed report of the audit of the N.Y.State Comptroller
of the Dlotriet'8 1942 aneounts was submitted by the treaeurer,
SmSa was duly eonaidered and plaeed in the Dletriot's aroh~veo.
?~otion wa~ ,made,eeoonded and serried Shat meet~ng .be -dJou~ned.
Om~oatonllfter mln~e: T,"O following bill8 were ordereA paid:
$§2.83, W.¥ .Duryeo, oup~iea