HomeMy WebLinkAbout1944STAT"E ' '' ' .... Oi~N~ YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE' 'I]ISTRII T TREASU,R,E:R IN THE ' S~FFOLE COUNTY OF ............. ., ..... FO~ THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING- .......... ~.~C...~ ,.1g_4.4. ............ ,- ............. This Report must be filed on or before Februar~ first. T~e F;$c~l Year ;s from January first to December TMrty-first. Town Law . Sect;on 18]. DIVISION OF MUNICIPAL AccouNts COMPTROLLER'~ O~FIcE 1944 P~O?E~TY TAXES ............ EARNINGS: Rentah ............................ .~ t: ,~. · ~..~ ..... : -..~..i~ ....... ~.~.i Other (Sp~i~} TOTAL E~INGS Tempora~ Loans ................................ Bonds ............................ :....~: ....... Certificate~ of Indebtedness ....................... Eq ip ~" Sales of Material and u ment ............ ... Contributions ........................... "' ....................... OIH~a RgC~TS (Give details)................... $ ........... ~attituok Fire Oomp~y TOTAL ........... Total Receip~ .................................. Balance at Beginning of Year (19~__) .......... . . Total Receipts and Balance ....................... ;.§o_00.50.___ '¸2 149.17 166.84 ; 35~3, ~9 9870.56 Salaries and Vv'agcs~ ....... APPARATUS: PurChase ....................... Rental ........................... Mai.nte. n.a~~ and Repairs:;:.. EQUIPMENT: Purchase .............. ..... Rental, ~., .,. .. ~.~ :,: :, Maintenance and RePairs·..:: BUILDINGS: Rental .............................. Maintenance and Repairs.. Hydrant Rental ............................ 1408.4 22.08 REDEMPTION OF DEBT: Temporary Loaa~:;: Bonds: Principal ....... Interest ................. Principal ............... Interest ................. 31~. 00 · Certs, oI.I, ndebtedness: Principal ............... , Interest. ....... ':i .... , Other Payments (Give details): Telephone (Fire Alarm 8tationa) 1.80~ Fire Tax !~atd to Mattituck Fire Company TOTAL Total' Payments .................................. Balance at Close of Year (..194i_) ........... ,~ ...... Total .PaYments and Balance $ 287.?1 ERA L i NF OR IvlAT I O N Is the District governed by the Town Board or a separate Board of Fire District Com- Comtes n®re'i~ ~' ' missioners?.. · , lizard. ~$ · Fil..~ · · .............................. OUTSTam)INO D~-BT: Bom)s: Original Issue .. - Date Aug · l ,lll .~X' ~ ' 'interest ~tc_ i ~/~ _g 14,000,00 Tot~ Pa~en~ Thereon .................................... ~--- Balance Ou~tanding at Close of Year ........ ..... ' ' ' CERTIFICAT~ O~ [~RBT~N~: Balan~;Ou~t~ding at Close of Year ......... . ~.,. T2MPO~Y ~ANS ...Balance Unpaid ............... Tot~ Ou~tanding at Close of Year. ............... . 36000.00 ASSESSED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Reporting Year) CERTIFI~TE OF'FIRE DISTRICT T~EAsuRER [, _ ........... ~_..~.~[~a~ ............................................ do hereb~ ce~ff7 ~at [ am ~e Treasurer of .......... ~~ .Fire District lo~t~ in the To~ or.Towns Couu~y ~i:-:;.~ ........... ~.~-~-~ ............... ahd that ~e foregoNg statement of ~e receipts ~d ~ents of such Eke District for the fiscal year ending ........................... a~..~e~~.~, 194_-~ is true t~~e best o[ my knowledge, iMormition and belie~.