HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/26/1945MIleTUS OF MT~TING CO CO~MISSION~RS OF
0~T.~6~194§. Present Commissioners Anrig,Penny and Elwood "eeve and
Treas.Glldersl eeve. '
Meeting ealled to order'by chair~a~
~inutesof last ~etin~ Wer~ r~ad ~ approved~'
- The following bills were 9rdere~ p~id:
Baldwins 5erv.St. $12.67'~nd 14.18~ ~att.High 8ehool
' ~..~; ~.Hansen $~i~0; W.7.Du~yee~3.~4; I~Y~Tel.Mo.
· and 9.50~ L.I.L~ghting CO $11.89 and 2.~F.Speneer Butter-
'use with booster tanks b, purchased~ also 6 Waterproof Eleo-
· - - %ri~Hand Lan%er~.
~ ~ti~nmade.aeoonded amiee-V~led t~atlO00 bill ~eadabe
purchased to conform with law requiring verification of claims.
~otion made,seconded and carried th~ offioail notice of
L.I.Traveler Mattituok ~atohman.
- ~ ~o~ti°n mad;.seOonded anJ~arrie~ ~ appl[jat~0~-~f
~useell_Nine,$r. ~or membersh_!p in the ~attituck Fire
app~e~ when sueh application be submitted and approved by
~a$~.oom~'s meabership oo~ittee.
_ ~ot~o~ made,se~ond~ ~d o~ried t~t meeti~ be adjourned,