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MINUTES OF M-~TING OF C0~A%TI SSION~RS OF HATTITUCE FIRM DISTRIaT July 27,1~45. Present Commissioners Anrig,Chas.Reeve and ~ Elwoo~ and Treas~(}il~rst~e~e, read and aporoved. lng bills be ~x~:B~dwins ~ioe 3ta $7.20; M.H~sen ~27.8 , Trave~a$0~ ~451 L,~,~Ightins Co. $2.25, 1.00 & 6.47; N.T.Teleph~ne CO. $1.50 M02i°n made,seoonde~ ~ e~ried t~at the '.:attituck Fi~ Co~ be reimburse~ $~7.80 for ex~nsem Th~ se~eta~ ~epor~ed tHa~ ~h~ PropositiOn t0 appropriate $7500 flor the 19~6 Budget,12 votes o~t,~l T~ meoret~ was instructed to t~e up wit~ tn~ L~rab~ ~otion m~e, seeonded ~d o~ried that meeting be