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STATE OF NEW YORK ANNUAL REPORT OF THE FIRE DISTRICT TREASURER NAME OF DISTRICT_' .......... _'~___T_T_Z__T'~T_.C__K__F._I~.E.__D_I__S_T_R__Z_C.T_ ............ IN THE $OUTHOLD TOWN OR TOWNS OF ................................................... COUNTY OF ............... ~ ~--7 ©~ .................................... FOR THE The'FiScal Year is frc~ Januar~ first to Deoembe~ Thir~-first. C~ne~al ~m~oipal ~aw - Seotic~ ~0. ,To~n ~aw - Section 1~l. RECEIPTS ¥o~vn of ..... -_ _$~_U~kQ 1~. ....... Town of ......................... ['own of L ........................ ['own of .......................... Services Outside District ........................ Rentals .... , ........................... t ...... Interest ..... ' .................................. Other (Specify) ............................. TOTAL EARNINGS .................... Temporary Loans -. .............................. Bonds ....................... Sales of Material and Equipment .................. Contributions ................................... Refunds (Insurance, ~etc.) ......................... OTHER RECEIPTS (Give details) ................... 1.80~ Five tam Collected for ~iattituck Five Company TOTAL ........... Total Receipts .................................. Balance at Beginning of Year (194--5-) ............ Total Receipts and Balance ....................... *Wh~n ~fstriot is looated in.mor~ than town, the property taxes reoei~d frc~ each tom~ should be shown. 10.50 159.51 6017.79 94.43 10 .~0 $ lg9.31 6281. 83 4490.67 $10772.50 DISBURSEMENTS Salaries and Wages'....: ...... '. ........ ........... ,. APPAgA?US. Purchase ............................ I Rental ........ ~..' .................. I Maintenance and Repairs .............. EQUIPMENT: Purchase ............................ [ $-...£70.~Z5 .... Rentll .... , ........................ ! ........................... Maintenance and Repairs ..........[ lO. 80 BUILDINGS: Rental .............................. ~330.33 Maintenance and Repairs ......... Hydrant Rental ................................. Insurance '. .................................... REDEMPTION OF DEBT: Temporary.Loans: Principal ............................. ~ Interest ................. Bonds: , Principal ........... · .... Interest ................. OtherPayments(Givedetails): 1,.80% Pire Tax paid to Matt.~ire Telephone Ntscellaneous Firemen's Welfare (Parade Expense TOTAL .... ; ......................... Total Payments ~ ...... :.. '. .......: ......, ........ Balance at Close of Year (194.,,5_) ................. Total Payments and Balance ...................... 1330.33 ~70 _ nO ........ 7~: 1 _o_ 69.32 1270.00 354.69 ..... 10772.50 GENERAL INFORMATION Is the District governed bLthe T. own~B0gsd or.g.sepayate.Board of Fire District Com- ~ ooarc oi' rll~e UGn~nlsslonel"s missioners ? ................................................................... ffnair~an of the Board P.O. O~to L.A~rig Ma~guck, N.Y. Bo~qm: Original Issue .................... gate_!l-_u~a_l_~,l}_{$__ Interest Rat~__4_l/.~% Total Payments Thereon ......................... Balance Outl~tanding at Close- of Y~ar ............. TEMPOR.~¥ LOANS .Balance Unpaid ............... ............. $ ~o_ooo.oo 15000.00 $_5000.00 $ 5000.00 ASSF~ED VALUATION OF FIRE DISTRICT (Reporting Year ) Town of ........... -S-°-'g---t-h-9-1-c!'- .............. $..3_~.9.2_6,99_~..00 Town of .................................... Town of ................................... TOTAL ASSESSED VALUATIOI~ ........... 3,926,991.00 Treasurer of SOUT}IOLD CERTIFICATE C~ F'IRE DISTRICT TRIIiA~URER D. R. GILDERS~ v~ , ~ here~ ~fy ~t .I ~ ~e i mint ~T~? .Fire Distfi~ l~t~ ~ ~ ~ or To~ of Couniy of- SUFFOLK ., and that the foregoing statement of the' receipts and payments of sl~ch Fire District for the fiscal year ending DEC. 31~ 1945. ,194 is t~e to~h~ be_st of my knowledge, information ~.~ieL ., /ff , P.o. ~aa~~ T..I-.-~-'?-~'--N ' ¥.'- ...................................