HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/27/1946~Ilq~T~.S OF ~.~TING OF C0'.~ISSION~I~ OF ~TTITUC~ FIRE DISTRICT NOV · 27.1946 · Present Co~missioner s Ant ig, Gild ersleeve ,Penny, Ch~ · Reeve a~ ~ Reeve ~d Tre~.Gilderal~ve. leeti~ held at the fire~use,o~led to order ~ t~ o~l~ at 8.45 P.~. Mitres of the last meet ~ were re~ and approved. The followi~ hills were ordered paid: N.T.Tele~one 0o.~4.95 ~d 2..50; Louis 8~X 45.10~ ~witt Rub~r of B~f~e 12.11~ Assn.Fire Dists,State of N.Y. 10.00~ ~eo.F.o~rneAA A.VV. ~ohn Haas,Fred l~aa~,Paul Blttn~r,and ~ward Berkowski were approved for membership in the ~attibA~ Fire Company. ~otion made,seconded and carried thst metal runnin~ boards in~eadof rubber,he ordere~ for the new pumper. ~,~otion made,seconded and ~rried that two los nOsaleo for use with boosterhoSe be ordered. Motion made,seconded and carried that 500 feet of 2 X/2 inch fire hose be purchased,the same kind ef hose purehase~t in ~Une 1~46. Thei seeretary wa~ instructed to write to Louis 8israel in regard to th~ ~~ above mention runnin~ and hoee,~so to~ i~o~ ix~ that fire coats ordered by t~ aeoret~ ~ also ord~ed By C~ief Tyler constituted t~ e~e order ~d not to be dupLicated,the sizes ~ a~ed by Chief Tyler to be the sizes furni~d. The ohai~ a~ointed Clifford Polh~ue Leo ~.B~d~n ~d Geo,G.Tuthill to ~t as ins~etoro of on Dec.3. ?Mtion made,eeoond~ ~d ~ried that m~ting be adjoined.