HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011~ sEAST MARION FIRE DISTRICT 2011 FINAL Budget ADOPTED OCT. 20, 2010 J 110 Salaries and Pension ~teCustodial Worker I enance Mechanic Ill 2009 2010 Budget 2010 to date 12011 adopted i5,500.00 I t,5951 --4,000.°0 ;5,058.77 1,500.00 ~ 1,500.00 12,675,00 3,000.00 24,555.96 | 17,056.00 18,898.22 17,738.24 Treasurer !incl. in above 1~,500.00 incl. above 7,800.00 210 Firematic E(3uiument Chief's Equipment 12,074.81 20,000.00 .36,134.06 28,000.00 Equipment, ALS Grant 95% reimbume 0.00 0.00 !39,686.21 0.00 Equipment, Cell tower, radio mom 52,148.55 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 Badges and Uniforms 613~37 1,500.00 ! !~290.23 1,500.00 Training 4,531.02 5,000.00 ! 2,135.05 5,000.00 !Fire Prevention 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 260 Administration. Contractual Office Supplies 1,571.25 ~00 ~ 2,500.00 Postage 400.98 1300.00 ~335.58 400.00 Legal Fees 18,504.12 ' 17,000.00 16,180.00 21,500.00 Association Dues 889.99 1,000.00 114.99 1,000.00 legal Notices, Advertising 339.67 i350.00 98.74 350.00 !70 Utilities ElectriC-LIPA 6,976,26 r i 01000.00 5,811.46 9,000.00 Fuel Oil 733.87 2,000.00 i434.15 1,500.00 Natural Gas-National Grid 2,180.01 _5,000.00 I ~ ,976.55 3,000.00 300.00 ~90.73 300.00 Water service~CWA 169.03 Utilities: Phones 720.35 2,200.00 Phone, Fax lines (2)-Vedzon 1,029.33 ~00,00 Phone, Wireless-Nextel 2,475.15 3,000.00 11,850.28 3,500.00 Phones, Cablevision 899.40 900.00 1629-14 1,000.00 Intemet Service-Cablevision (2) 838.80 1,000.00 !674.55 '1,000.00 80 Conventions 4,011.43 6,000.00 1,762.00 6,000.00 Inspection Dinner 7,477.73 8,000.00 8,365.37 8,g00.00 Physicals/Fit testing 9,531.60 9,000.00 685.00 10,000.00 Travel, Other(Mileage Reimburse, EZ-Pass, etc.) 2,346.51 1,000.00 i519.85 '1,000.00 290 Buildinqs and Grounds Repair 24,396.43 ;30 000,00 14,969.48 30,000.00 300 Fire Eouiument Repair 20,379.41 I~,000~00 t8,990.24 20,000.00 Fuel-Gas and diesel 5,179.74 ~6,000.00 !4,035.15 6,000.00 Well Maintenance 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 EAST MARION FIRE DISTRICT 2011 FINAL Budget ADOPTED OCT. 20, 2010 ITEM H 0 Insurance, Contractual General Auto/Liability/Umbrella/Treas. Bond/Officers 640 Insurance, Exempt Workers CompensationNFBL 2009 2010 Budget 2010 to date 35,774.83 31,100 O0 32,106.73 11,30325 17,000.00 12,687.13 , Unemployment Insurance 12.06 iAccident 500 NYS Retirement (Employer) 520 Service Award (LOSAP) Contribution Administration Fees Term Life Insurance 530 FICA and Medicare- Employer 601 Hydrant Rental 681 Redemption of Notes (Roof repayment) Interest Pr ncpal 390 Redemption of Bonds Interest Principal Transfer to Reserve Building and Grounds Equipment and Apparatus Contingency Fund (Planned Balance) 2011 adopted 36,000.00 16,000.00 250.00 126.71 250.00 3,300.00 i3,122.00 0.00 1,767.00 1,784.00 10.00 3,596.00 131,654.09 150,000.00 ! 103,008.37 149,000.00 3 81800 4,000.00 1,28700 4,000.00 3,051.00 4,000 00 0.00 4,000.00 2,380.27 2,500.00 1,557.57 2,500.00 5,12640 5,500.00 5,126.40 5,500.00 1,688.00 1,537.00 1,537.00 1,383.00 6,024 O0 6,175.00 6, t 75.00 6,329.00 4,950.00 3,300.00 3,813.69 1,650.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 33,000.00 30,000.00 30,000.00 0.00 35,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 0.00 60,000.00 15,000.00 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 r'OTAL EXPENDITURES $541,716.02 $557,952.00 /$377,0~.31 $579,496.24 Planned Balance (Contingency Fund) i lnterest i Building Use fees Misc. (FOIL payments, etc.) Cell Tower rental contracts Sale of surplus property Est. Carryover (Fund Balance) 15,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 2,456.39 1,500.00 512.59 1,500.00 775.00 500.00 500.00 750.00 0.00 0.00 2200 0.00 34,650.30 25,461.00 26.961 60 42,000.00 1,54400 000 000 0.00 18.75000 20,000.00 $20,000.00 20,000.00 TOTAL TAX LEVY (Estimated) $468,540.31 $485,841.00 $490,246.24 TAX RATE (Estimated) 70.423 73.060 74.290 ASSESSED VALUATION 6,653,207.00 6,649,787.00 6,598,994.00 · EAST MARION FIRE DISTRICT 2011 FINAL Budget ADOPTED OCT. 20, 2010 .2010 Fund Balance-Carryover to 2011 A) .Building and Grounds-5000 B) .Equipment Repair-9,000 C) _Conventions-2000 D) Elecric-LIPA-2000 i E) .Natural Gas-National Grid-1000 F) Personell (Custodial Worker)-1000 TOTAL-S20,000 NOTES: Unemployment Insurance-incl. NYS, and NYS MTA 2010 Assessed evaluation decrease of 50,793.00